has info on all upcoming meets, routes and videos.
Meet photos:
Vids from previous meets:
WAT Platinum:
Mosquito Ridge:
Fatman II:
Playlist with earlier videos:
N/o/rcal General - you thought we all drove off a cliff didn't you? edition
>backpage hookers on the mountain look better than in this city
too far
too far
fuck off you fucking rotary cuckold
im going to literally run your shit off the road next time i see you
RIP S2Kfag
why are meets/drives always early morning? that's when you get bicycles and general traffic, after 3pm backroads die off.
we normally stand around and eat for three hours as there is always late people
>tfw kind of scared to drive at meets anymore
I don't want to crush more
Altercation with CHP.
During the winter it's mostly daylight runs because of rocks on the road and other obstacles. Night runs were mostly Ramen meets and overnighters during the drier months.
Git gud or drive in the chill group
>mfw dumbshits on this board actually crash driving at meets
all of you are shit drivers anyway what are you trying to prove
how to chill group
When's the next one in east bay? I'd go to that and bring a few of my friends
both of the crush routes, spoopy as fuck.
but i'm gonna cum back and conquer dat mountain... in the chill group
pic taken where i totalled the gold lexus
Where's the faggot with the rx-7 I need to make fun of him.
Check op it's posted right there.
there's 3 of them believe it or not
they NEVER make it to meets
Yeah because they can never make it all the way without breaking down lmao
Or maybe they aren't faggots trying to get into your circlejerk.
there was an rx8 at one point too, which presumably broke down on the way home from the meet and was abandoned on the side of the road never to be seen again
So why are you posting at all?
Nothing to prove, they don't post about it, boast about it or anything, they just like driving. Remember it's me in the chill group that posts video/photos.
wat is happen
I kinda maybe want to go, but all I hear is you people doing drugs, or assaulting other motorists that get in your way and shit.
>xXx location tie-in
>doin it right
Dont forget getting impounded by the CHP. Still havent got my car back
One of our guys is in the Hospital after getting rekt by CHP...
I shouldn't need to worry about that, I won't be racing with my pickup truck.
They may get mad about a bit of drifting...
>not racing in your pickup
this is what n/o/rcal is all about son
Oddly enough I can't say I've ever encountered a cop while doing touge, or otherwise.
Plenty of them. Plus now that I live closer to SJ, we all have a place to crash, game, etc.
Breaking the Toyota/Lexus curse soon senpai.
Like brz said, it's both chill and hectic, whichever you prefer.
Only when I nig out.
>mosquito ridge road during the winter on summer tires
Yeah thats gonna be interesting. If the weather is clear I might go boarding on saturday and meet you guys on sunday
>not getting all seasons
is there anyone at these meets that isnt a weeb with assburgers?
there have been like 10 of these but i never go because i dont want some shitter in a miata to crash into me
>all seasons
lol. you know why they're called all seasons? because they suck in all seasons
i'm not a weeb
> tfw it's now illegal to drive MRR in a MR2
>on a weeb website
gb2 reddit newfag
>mfw ive been here longer than probably anyone posting on this board today
go to bed, Xenon
You can't explain this incident
>implying im not the one who originally posted pics of his sister 4 years ago
nice try newfriend
Give me pics, especially the one with the horse
lol i dont have any this is a new computer and that was 4 years ago like i said
you can find her on facebook if youre not a newfag though ;)
Too many weebs in here, not going to any of the meets anymore
>mongolian finger painting imageboard
>too many weebs
nothing of value was lost, get out
No one cares.
>not going to any of the meets anymore
To not go to meets anymore you have to actually be at one in the first place.
I miss n/o/rcal meets. Probably can't make it to any more meets. Waifu is mad about the crushing and hits and run.
frosty how you gunna go to da big meat when u behind da bars?
is the mr2 at the bottom of that somewhere?
If you look closer you can see the reflection of the sun.
People we have lost. F.
Red MR2
Turbo MR2
CV "shoot first dont ask questions" IP
Ma "jewish jokes" rauder
BMW from s/o/cal
That guy from Nevada
The forest
That other forest
That one tree
That squirrel
>here's a little lesson in crippling depression
>tfw implying that reddingfag can ever ded
Anyone else stuck on the 17 right now? Apparently there was a bank robbery in scotts valley that escalated into a shootout, so all lanes are closed. I've been stuck here for an hour and seen 20-30 cop cars and a chopper head in the direction of the robbery.
>mfw fucking left an hour early to avoid being late somewhere amd still got cucked by this stupid fucking road
missed a lot of people pham
>trying to commute in south bay
perp ran off into the woods, you're staying put
photo taken at mosquito ridge a few hours ago
Looks pretty comfy, lets do some igloo camping
Third floor. Party going solo.
they ended up letting people through. I'm commuting from south bay into santa cruz, not the other way around. Ended up having to drive back home through gilroy
I thought they took down backpage?
>tfw no car yet
>tfw car soon
you better still keep having meets. I got worried a while back hearing that maybe n/o/rcal was ded.
hopefully getting shitbox soon.
>he doesn't know
>weeb face on the miata
fucking embarrassing
>that one guy with the crown vic that everybody hates
lol he is still here? what used to be his trip again?
>weeb vinyl on s2k
wtf is that
>>weeb face on the miata
Mistaking miata for an mr2....get out of this board.
Like it makes a difference what 30 year old no-power 4 cylinder shitbox it is
>weebs on this website
Get the fuck out
Get ready for the old ass corolla
>weeb face
>doesn't know where he is
This one is for muh bro neonnig. We see you again.
you know thats a turbo 2L rally engine in that car right
>normies on this website