League of Legends General - /lolg/

:33 edition!


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>no one from Veeky Forums on pbe so end up alone in club and chatroom

how would you make janna more mechanically demanding?

Oh neat new thread. Have a Zyra.

To the guy that requested Shyvana a few days ago I still want to do it but don't have any good ideas. Open to suggestions and other lewd requests.

When are you fucking nerds finally gonna get some pussy/boipussy?

u-unranked last season. gold 3 season before. i know it's trash, but i actually have pretty good gamesense. but i never played much ranked

First for Sivir


Win %?

How exactly DO people get scores like 0/14/2 and the like? I mean, after the first couple of deaths, wouldn't you instinctively start playing differently or defensively in order to try and recoup your losses? How do people just keep making the exact same mistakes over and over and over?

what if i don't want any pussy? what if i want to be the one with the boypussy?

Holy shit Karthus is fun

Do I just chill mid? His roams are ass and he's vulnerable to ganks
But he just shits damage for free later on in the game

Is he viable to take into ranked or will people just out roam and snowball

wtf i love tayliah now

upwards of 60% when i did play in ranked.
my normals w/l is somwhere around 605/576 or something. i just dont play often anymore.

learn to become bulimic, and start shopping for some cute pink clothes!!

>it's another full time splitpusher in a normal episode

i just want to have FUN and this fucker is just playing PvE in the top lane until we stop him

People ahead in gold and using a strong champ like Darius or jayce can dive easily.

Jayce for example has a large aoe shot that is not too easy to dodge for most champs that does 33% to 50% per hit and it doesn't cost much.

Now if you mean a jungle or maybe a tank champ, that's an issue.

Mid won't be able to cs, same for adc.
Support can stay back so they shouldn't feed.
Top is shit on if it snowballs.

So support and jungle have little to no excuse.

Do you have something where you collect these would be shame to miss one

Whenever someone picks Taliyah, I instantly get mad. Her voice and design both drive me up the fucking wall.


What a horrible cunt.

While it's a decent percent and I'd guess you would end as Plat 4 to 2, it's still like.. off putting that you as a 4 mobility move champ would be hard pressed to dodge skillshots.

This artist a cute

Svir best waifu

I wish I were Orianna's ball so I could be right beside her to protect her from any harm.

First for biggest butt in the league

>being this tilted over a champ's aesthetics

i came into league from cs:go during season 4. i was legendary eagle in cs. that was back before the hacker ban too, so eagle actually meant something. i dont need a rank to know that im a lot better than average at video games.

i dont really have trouble with him on ahri. but i also play a lot of eve, diana, shyvana (before she was cancer) too, and he's a pain in the ass there.

I wish i could blow orianna up, collect all of her parts and scrap metal and sell them.


Vlad best husbando

>tfw wrote to Riot about not being able to attend interview and they were very cute and said they'll send Vlad hugs from me

Because match-making is league results in some seriously one-sided games.

Then you have champions like Kha'zix who make it so you can't even be safe under turrets. Or worse, cheese-ass champions like Tryndamere who just don't die and can kill you even if you kill them and make all necessary precautions against the revive.

Literally as new as Camille, and it happens to me sometimes. I barely know what playing defensively is in some roles.

>NOT being this tilted over a champion's aesthetics


No not at the moment. I have them all still saved but nowhere online.

I allways liked her. She has allways been beautiful character in my eyes

In terms of midlane viability, he's not a strong poke mage and is very immobile compared to the meta picks Ryze/LB/Syndra. However he's good at fucking people at Baron and does shit damage later on in the game.

Shoud imgur them

Better have a HARD BF that a EZ one amiright? :^)

Does Garen like cute SHORTSTACKS?

Would he date someone like POPPY?

Bard > all

Now which one of you was the one that told me to argue because here's my answer

>tfw not hardcore enough to get tilted over a champ's aesthetics

i'll never get out of unranked

He likes petite blonds and readheads

Please, Poppy/Garen is my OTP. Also, does anyone have those Valentine cards Riot made last year for champions?

why is your font rendering so awful? literally no antialiasing of any sort, and it's not a high dpi screen either.

>petite blonds
Any in particular? :3

Why do much hate for riven? She is fun to play

Riven players are autistic assholes, like Yas and Lee mains.

I love Lissandra!

Literally every riven player spends 30 minutes edging to boxbox montages before they play.

Uh sure. Here. I'll add as I go.


Now give me lewd requests people.

Low cooldown AD scaling shield

Name something you can say to your Support but never your Mid Laner

"You sure are a friendly, helpful guy!"

Thing you should never say to the Jungler

bot no summs

First time [name of champ]?

Requesting the Elise suggestion that was eliminated eyosongive.us/12thsuggestions.php

>I know you like farming, but gank me.

>Stop watching Trick2g while afk farming and actually fucking do something you piece of shit

Shield and animation canceling bullshit.

>im getting camped wtf come top

Anyone who'd like to help some bronzie in this game, I'm pretty bad but I'm trying to improve
NA, IGN: Pipealex

I don't play csg. It's also a different genre.
Plat is average for anyone that plays often enough of post on lolg or reddit etc

Gold is casual.

Below is inters or bot game players.

All of your champs besides maybe eve are good against bard and can easily get away, kill him or naturally build some Mr and will ignore his dmg. Imo eve is fine too.

I can post responses to the first few later with examples. At work now so cant.

Chasing solo is what bard wants. It's like chasing singed.
Have the entire team go through unless the bard comp has shit like malp, ori, zig etc.
It's really an intelligence check, but if they aren't shit it usually helps the enemy.

When bard roams, I typically can zone or at least heavily damage the adc 1v2. I've done this many times. If you're mid it's sort of a shitpicker imo but I haven't seen anyone good try it yet so that's open to debate.

His cc is easy to dodge Imo. It's easy to see coming etc.

Why not pick someone with strong cc like ali, Leo, thresh?

Why not use strong dmg like Annie, zyra, brand?

Why not use someone with good healing?

Nami has all 3 on him.
Ali has all 3 on him.
Leona has two.
Annie has two.

Others as well.

His snow skin is dealable but his base skin is the character afterall. He looks ugly.


>The enemy yasuo is 1/3
>He just farm for PD and IE
>Becomes a splitpushing monster that can 1v1 everyone in our team

What's the point of doing a good laning phase if there are champs that just need 2 items to reach late game?

What is the point of playing champs without overloaded kits? You are always in a weak spot just because your champ doesn't have a double passive and infinite mobility.

Nice "nerfs" on yasuo btw, really nice.

Statistically speaking, about Silver II is average and everything gold and up is above average.

Golds are still shit, even plats I am one can confirm, but they're technically above average.

There's a lot of shit players in this game.

Is 80 cs at 10 minutes respectable? That's my maximum. Will my cs get better the more I play?

Thing a Support will never do

>You will never play League with Lana Rain while she furiously masturbates in her Annie outfit

Most people find 60-70 cs acceptable so yes 80 is also acceptable

Yes, sure

Anything better than your opponent is acceptable, most in the game is good

I said plats are where people put in some time and effort, but are average.

I didn't say the 5050 is Plat or whatever.

I'm phone posting while doing some other shit so I may have typed what I tried to say all fucked up. Sorry if I confused you.

>your team didn't pick a duelist to split vs yasuo or a hard engage fight team that can dive when he splits
your fault

Yasuo gets crushed in 1v1 by real duelists. If nobody could 1v1 him either your draft was bad or you are shit.

>have riven top in team
>obviously ignite instead of tp
>1/3 in 7 minutes
>flames your jungler while dead because he's not ganking her lane

happened way too many times

>play against riven top
>feels like her FREE abilities have no cooldowns while you have to watch your mana and cooldowns
>she keeps jumping around you like monkeys jump around something they want to steal
>snowballs way too easy

the easiest way to win against her is to avoid trading kills with her because she's absolutely useless when not fed. Who wants to play lanes where you're encouraged not to try to have fun?


yea, i know gold is trash, like i said. but i've literally played like a total of 40 ranked games. if i cared to play more, i feel like i'd be plat easily. legendary eagle in the old cs:go was basically like diamond 5

There might me more going in house Crownguard than meets the eye.

Do a Garen + Lux thing

>There are still people defending Yasuo

Why though?

roam efficently

>just seen a video with people dicking around with how far WW can jump
>They got him to jump from summoner pad all the way to someone at red buff.

something with elise please?

but that's with >5000 movespeed you moron

I'm not that guy I want to clarify for him.

high silver is average. This is objective. The system is literally set up to place the peak of the bell curve at 1200, which is mid to high silver.

Plays are technically top 10%. That's significantly above average.

That all said, anyone who actually understands how to improve themselves can get plat easily.

Really the average in this game is very low because of hordes of low silver and high bronze players who probably need to be reminded to breathe.


>that AP page

3 AP quints + 9 magic pen marks is mathmatically the best

although MS quints are also pretty good instead of 15 flat AP
lot's of flat AP is awful
also finish your AP rune page before going mid tier 2 runes are garbage

>200 games in bronze
wait how
i started playing ranked, placed bronze 3, and climbed out in something like 10-15 games

Renekton always has and always will smash yasuo at every point in the game

Just get good

Hey Vladfag haven't see you in a while, nowthat everyone is getting their lore changed, what do you like for Vladimir, ambiguous backstory that dosen't say if he evil or not, full villian or tragic backstory like most of the zaun champs?

the only conclusion i can really reach is that you're a terrible player if you play league of legends, no matter what.

it is literally a game of shitters.

Find a better Vladimir theme than this: youtube.com/watch?v=vIahpx6ohH8&t=819s

yeah that's vandiril man that's not just dicking around, that's carefully calculated maximum speed possible. he does all sorts of "crazy" videos that show the limits of what's possible, or to make those incredibly satisfying X champ wet dream videos

develop mechanics

Bait post?
Read what I said.

Reminder that you can be Plat 5 in ten games on a new account.

Then maybe it is that lack of playing that results in you thinking bard is good.

Just pick Jayce and enjoy your own 6 abilities and super overloaded kit with no real counterplay possibilities.

Ice waifu ( lissandra)femdom
In this pose pls

It's just a shitty AP page I made to play annie yesterday, I don't really play mages, mostly AD

And yeah, I'm losing more lp than what I win since I got placed in bronze, I'm too bad to actually get out

How busted is Malz support right now? I can't even blame my ADC, the voidlings just rip them apart.


He's Hotter than Vlad and you know it

probably. im basing all of that on experience months from ago.

Is Senator Armstrong ClimbMountTargon now?
Or are they different people?

I always liked this gameĀ“s soundtrack

He's a powerhungry yuppie climbing the power ladders of Noxus and learning to play all the backstabby games they play there. Also has major issues like just about everyone there. So villain compared to the average character but just about normal when it comes to his environment.

>high skillcap champ
>averages to 50.5% winrate
>46% winrate for new players, 54% winrate for experienced mains
>late game champ
>below 50% winrate for games under 30 minutes
>52% winrate for 40+ minute games
>5th most experienced playerbase
>second most death of all top laners
>lowest assists of all top laners

He's a squishy, selfish, high skillcap, lategame, item dependent champion, and his statistics reflect that perfectly.

The only reason he bothers you is because he's disproportionately popular for his performance, so you have to see him constantly.

And because you get buttrage when you can't automatically win lane as a ranged champ by right clicking him.

Not him but go on Korean builds and champion.gg

Compare and contrast then use primarily the Korean build one.

Why is YT full of clickbait videos??

Are people really watching this crap

so sad dyrus also began to do these kind of videos

i liked him

>And because you get buttrage when you can't automatically win lane as a ranged champ by right clicking him.
ADC player here, this is true of basically any champion I go up against. Early to mid games are hell for me :(