I cant get enough of winning,
but Veeky Forums
Do you think V8s will come back now ?
Obonzo hated V8s like he hated America and Freedom, but its a new day.
I cant get enough of winning,
but Veeky Forums
Do you think V8s will come back now ?
Obonzo hated V8s like he hated America and Freedom, but its a new day.
Look, I have nothing against Trump but can we keep him contained in /pol/. Getting sick about reading about Trump being the savior of the nation or being the bane of our existence.
I hope he does like the automotive industry, sticking to Ford, GM and that other one. But jeez, it's being boring now.
You probably get tired of hearing about Anime too, right?
The gas crisis of the 70s is what turned people off of V8s, not Obama.
Triggered trumplet
/r/ cars is leaking.
Obama created the dodge hellcat and saw the viper reach its greatest point
What will trump do? Force manufacturers to make even more shitty cheap cars because lol import tarrif on your Canadian made camaro :^)
>The gas crisis of the 70s is what turned people off of V8s, not Obama.
Completely wrong. Major companies like BMW, Porsche, Audi and the like, have been forced into turbo charged V6s over emissions pressures.
Nice try Barry, are you still in Palm Springs "golfing"?
Whiny Prius driver can't find refuge. many such cases. Sad!
Trump will be shit for cars like he will be shit for the whole country
Holy fuck lmao, and QUADS!
Fucking legend
>pic related - triggered redditors
Even though foreign V6 engines produce more power than fat American V8s
but it's the shitposting king not a redditor
>Gm and ford
>"sorry guys but because we are now being forced to build in America we must downsize everything to 4 cylinder diesels to stay profitable"
All of the brands you mentioned still manufacture (turbo-charged) V8s
Neither Ford or GMs flagship sedans are available with a V8, Fords is FWD (disgusting)
Kys weeb
>Repeal CAFE
>Put resurrected Windsors and SBCs in everything for literally pennies
>Thousands saved, horsepower made.
Everybody wins
> resurrected Windsors and SBCs
>shit engines that make shit power and shit efficiency and weigh a shit ton
why do you want to drown in shit
t. Prius driver who hates freedom
>die of exhaust fumes
No thanks. Modern emissions requirements are what's pushing the HP wars. That's why we have 1000hp street cars that can drive across country getting 25+mpg.
Old vehicles are shit in comparison in every measureable way and are generally unpleasant/unhealthy to be around.
>American smallblock V8s
>not the literal greatest engines ever conceived by man
I'm sick of reading polshit in /a/ and /v/ as well. Why does /pol/ have to throatfuck every other board with political shit I don't go to those boards to read?
Once something goes wrong with them you're fucked though. Also they don't produce as much torque.
Lmao no they don't dumb ass
Poor fag found
>comparing American 4door econoboxes to cars made by the sports divisions of their respective conglomorates
Idiots are easier to spot than Waldo.
The mustang is still coveted with the V8. Same with Camero, corvette, lots of trucks/SUV's, large sedans, the fucking helcats, etc etc. Your cherry picking is annoying.
Know what we don't make? 3 cylinder diesel hate machines.
you have the freedom to do 10/10 levels of retarded engine swaps but companies shouldnt make anything with those old boat anchors
shit at everything except being cheap
doesnt make them good
>Repeal CAFE
Please God, can we also cause the tectonic activity required to seperate that godawful state from the rest of the continent
Camaros are built in Lansing mongo
7-Series - 4.4L V8
A8 - 4.0L (gas) or 4.2L (diesel) V8
Panamera - 4.0L or 4.8L V8
CT6 - 3.0L (((V6)))
Continental - 3.0L (((V6)))
>I4 = 120-200hp NA
>V6 = 200-300hp NA
>V8 = 300-500hp NA
While you can make components lighter so they move faster, displacement physically limits how much horsepower an engine can make under natural aspiration. You also can't compare new engines with fuel injection to old carbureted ones.
300 - 5.7 v8
Challenger - supercharged 5.7 v8
Cts-v - supercharged 5.3 or whatever
of course not they're made in mexico
5.7 and 6.1 V8.
5.7, 6.1, 6.4 naturally aspirated V8, 6.2L supercharged V8.
6.2 supercharged V8, or 5.7 or 6.0 n/a V8 for the first gen.
>Saltillo Engine is a Chrysler engine plant in Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, Mexico.
>Current Products - 5.7 L Hemi V8 - 6.2 L Hemi Hellcat V8 - 6.4 L / 392 CID Hemi V8
back to redd.it
/pol/ has more redditors than anyone
Fuck off
/pol/shitters out
He just said that he is going to ignore the climate change scam and we are going to have good cars again without paying a shiton of taxes for them because muh C02 Emissions!
High levels of C02 in the Atmosphere only makes plants get bigger and therefore animals in the long term (the Jurassic age had VERY high levels of C02)
Fuck off, as far as I'm concerned they bring up valid points on what legislation might pass then all the whiney leftist faggots have to jump in and shit up the discussion
If you don't like the discussion, ignore the thread
In America v8 still reigns supreme. I'm not sure how trump will help yuropors get more v8s
>I'm not sure how trump will help yuropors get more v8s
>even considering yurocucks
The hell they're currently in is their own fault and they deserve absolutely zero pity.
Some of them have legitimate concerns, user. We can't keep writing each other off and expecting the neverending Trump argument to cease. However if Trump and his oil slave Republicans can make it easier for us to get modern, high performance NA motors without shtting on the environment and shitting on our bank accounts, I can't be mad at him.
I understand what you're saying, but if they did a little research on whatever you he's trying to do, not some clickbait headline presumption, and actually having a discussion without some idiot posting fuck drumpf and fuck white people or some other nonsense, that would be great but the little leftist shitters just come in to voice their shit ad hominems
Yeah, that was it. I didn't just buy a V8 that is lucky to get 12mpg.
Yes, I understand. As a guy who doesn't like Trump, I'm willing to support him until he does something stupid. You have to remember, conservatives in the past did a lot of fucked up things to the left, and lefty culture is built on the assumption that modern conservatives will oppose them even in good endeavors.
I personally don't think protectionist policies will work well for us in the long term. A lot of what the lefty anons were saying is true considering how we're a developed country and stand to lose even more than developing ones from a trade war. I'm aware of our reputation for poor [auto] manufacturing quality combined with uncompetitive pricing. Our tech, entertainment and service industries are increasing in quality and value, but our auto manufacturing since the 70s has been quite mediocre overall. I'm not just speaking of the memes, but part of the problem is our refusal to address this. We don't really have anything that special other than great trucks and cheap V8s. We're only starting to get unique and valuable cars back. I think the bailout was a good step and now that the big 3 are picking up sales, things are getting better, but their value in comparison to lightly used, or even new imports isn't there for a lot of people. If Trump can revive the auto industry even more, more power to him. Remember though user, we don't have to argue like kids, even in the presence of them.
Legislation, and therefore the President, has a huge impact on cars you stupid fuck
go back to your containment board on /r/cars
Citizens have zero say over what those in power do
Dont act like you are part of government and your feelings influence decisions, why do all Americans think this...
Uneducated Marxist view. Probably own a car worth less than 5k too.
Trump will relax environmental and safety regulations which yes will lead to more American cars coming with V8s and those V8s will have more power
Trump will also tighten import regulations which will lead to more American econoboxes being produced as well.
Trump is pro-American business. Believe that.
Also, prepare your anuses for silky smooth interstate highways to open these monsters up on.
Good times to come.
Fuck off Lahey
Fuck the rest I just want 0 emission laws so I can go catless without consequence yeehaw
>Silky smooth roads
Let's tell Trump to raise the speed limit to Autobahn-tier and educate drivers accordingly