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>Dreadnova Gangplank



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>Normals MMR matches me against diamond/plats
>Tilting to outer space if i try silver V ranked

I....i dont know what to do

Who's the cutest?
Rethorical question, it's looloo of course

Why is Ezreal so cute, bros?

Hold up, so I have a pbe account, but I don't have sandbox mode, what the fuck

I'll go ahead and repost since thread was almost dead:

I haven't actively player league in the last 2 and a half years though i've been playing other mobas. how's the game right now? are the jungle changes good or bad? did the meta change at all?

How are tanks strong? Is it because they can eat whole kits and stroll away? Or is it because they do too much damage for how much damage they can soak?

And do you mean adcs are weak now? How are non tank supports (are tank supports strong too?)?

Best fox

Anyone wanna talk about gay shit and play league?

>low-mid gold
>get to play against platinum and diamond players
>often get dumpstered

this is a pretty good feel desu I'm learning so much more in these games

Lulu is my STAR!


What did she meant by this?

>Those Mister Yen changes


best ship~

that's her telling the doctor to check out her hemmorhoids and the fungal infection

try renekton

anyone in Veeky Forums room in euw up for a game?

tanks are strong are strongish because arpen sucks, and a few tanks in particular do a lot more damage than they should (maybe).

adc "sucks" because they literally die in 2 hits against anything, while needing many hits to kill anything, so they can't do anything unless they can free fire somehow. they aren't actually horrible, just very team dependent and needy.

you learn nothing from a stomp


I don't want to fall asleep without tails to cuddle anymore.


Yes you do

Stomp on my balls please

He really needs a visual update before he can be called cute.

actually soul crushing

Playing against actual skilled players is infinitely more of a learning experience than the usual bronze shitfest.

Unless I'm blind he was only juggling three axes maximum there, which was pretty normal for high-level Draven players until item changes screwed him over.

>you don't learn anything by getting shit on in lane

Eh, I don't know about that.

Can someone explain why LITERALLY EVERY Nasus builds Triforce over IBG? Am I missing something? The price tag just doesn't seem worth it, not to mention the build path is utter shit.

Tank itemization is just stupid busted. The stats per gold they provide allow them to easily outscale damage threats in the game. If you are tied with a tank in gold by 15 minutes you're effectively behind because their purchasing power is far greater than yours. Tank items were actually so busted at one point that assassins like Akali and Ekko were building half or even full tank. Kog'maw was even building tanky for a while, just getting a couple attack speed items then into tank. Riot for the first time ever though reverted a champion rework when it came to Kog'maw, and they also nerfed Akali and Ekko pretty hard to make them less viable as tanks. They only gave tank items a slap on the wrist though, they remain busted to this day. Literally any champ can build these items and become an unkillable stat ball.

That sounds a lot like the end of the season 2 of Smite, though it was more on the "tanks can eat 5 kits and live" more than them doing too much damage. Did the new season already start or is league still in preseason? hopefuly they address those problems BEFORE.

Would you change anything about his design or just update his textures? Maybe give him a thigh gap.

>New Deadnova Gangplank skin comes out
>Everyone starts playing him again in normals and ranked
>Everyone notices that shitty champion doesnt become better with a new skin
>Theyre literally 400gp for the enemy toplaner

People using this shit champ and ruining my games really ticks me off

>I have a 5 seconds slow but I'll build an item that slows even though slows haven't stacked for months now

this was in practice mode with extremely reduced cooldown so i could spam Q quite a lot
though the ping prevented from going over 3 axes unfortunately

You don't need a melee range slow or the armor or the mana really. Trinity helps you to get in range in the first place

You can bring back one of these items: which do you pick, /lolg/?

MS and a better sheen proc to help trigger storm raiders and some health n AS those are nice too

>Tank items are too strong!

Which is why building tank items on a mage/marksman is absolutely shit?

Thats fucking terrible. do they not play their own game?

[eurobeat intensifies]

If I sell my soul can I get all 3 back?

I want to massage Janna's ears!

and be her Zaun superhero sidekick!

If marksmen had more CC then going tanky would probably be the latest fad for them, since they're currently hurting in their traditional role.

Janna isn't a super hero anymore though, she's now a goddess.

xth for Camille

nice op

I do it when I play quasus, it gives you the attack speed to take down towers quicker, sheen proc, movement speed to keep the pressure spread across the map, cdr, and health
IBG is much better for building traditional q stack nasus, but quasus is the hip thing to do right now

>play bot lane cuz tired of having feeding bot lanes on my teams
>now solo lanes feed

why can't I play all lanes at once

Then I'll be her biggest devotee!

and travel around doing good deeds in her name!

you clicked on Veeky Forums by mistake

Spirit, no question

not as cute as Lulu!

Would irelia ass crush your pelvis if she sits on your lap?

>Sheen damage on every Q
>Attack speed for lane clearing and proper in-between last hitting
>Little bit of beef in the form of Phage, plus fury is a crazy good passive

It's mostly for fury and the ruby crystal. IBG is nice, but only provides mana and armour. IBG's passive is cool when you get a chance to apply it to a target multiple times. It works for champions like Ezreal because he can easily apply the passive to a target safely. Nasus needs to go full dog to make use of it, and it leaves him open to harassment. Hitting someone with a Fury proc increases your own movement speed which helps with both chasing and positioning.

I'm trying to draw somthing for an user, how bad does it look

IDK man they seem obsessed with issues of "clarity" and "visible power" lately. Their assassin rework was more about making assassins have counterplay than anything else. They haven't really addressed the issue of tank itemization beyond killing the meta golem that ruled top lane for several patch cycles. Even then it didn't seem like they understood why it was busted, they just wanted to stop people from using it so they nerfed a lot of its components.

I think this is the first time I've ever run across a coward Sion in this game.

Fucker would run from a half health Lux when he was at 75% health.

Also, tfw you complete your second item on Irelia and can get a triple kill by diving the enemy team with only 20% health.

would janna make squeaky sounds if you rubbed and nibbled her ears?

it could be worst/10

A new model that actually looks like his default artwork. Maybe some extra details and cleanups. His model is just way too dated. The only change he has gone through is just a desaturation of his textures for the new map and that just made him look worse.

I wanna cuddle Jinx

What's the item on the right? I don't remember it

what is with these korean players who can't stop talking about korea and being korean every 5 seconds? actually it's not even that, it's like they literally can't think of anything else to say

makes me feer dishonar being one myself

Okay next question: Why does nobody build Death's Dance on Nasus?


I don't think you understand what rhetorical means.

League of Legends

midget ass face pic
post something better at least you dumb nigger

here's the (you)

lol you obviously never played against a juggernaut Cait with CotC. Happened to me twice. Would not call it a very successful meme, but maybe situationally.

Riot gave me an S- for this game.

>can't even write it correctly

Oh right, I'm more used it looking like this

hello lolg! i hope you're all having a great friday!

>still no buffs

That's because GP isn't meant to be played top, he's a midlaner who splits after laning is over

You queue any non support as support its going to judge it off of other games on that champ in that role, which there are none so gratz

I appreciate (you) too

>tfw make a mistake and die
>jungle elise flames me
>yasuo defends me and tells her to be nicer
felt pretty weird

I'm ready for when the Azir skin comes out.
>proceeds to dash into the enemy team and die

No, I haven't, because people don't do garbage builds in high elo.


Elise players are garbage

GP is good. Most people just aren't skilled enough to utilize his kit properly.


He already crushes anyone with his damage if he can get in range, extra damage or lifesteal from DD doesn't help at that.

worlds dumbest champion

Oh fuck me, youre right. Well at least Vi and Garen are piss easy to play so people cant fuck up with those right?

>People still actually build chilly smite over challenging when the meta is purely Lee, Rangar and Kha

What the actual fuck, are people stupid, or do they not realize it has the mini-exhaust on it?

Can anyone think of a legendary/ultimate skin they'd like for champs who don't have one?

Saint Seiya skin for Vi or Lee. Lee has been relevant for so many seasons that not having a legendary it's almost insulting.


Haven't seen one of these in a while.

>Post the skin that makes you terrified when you see it on the enemy team




i sure do hate playing support

why cant i just play top every game riot

Lulu is best girl!

Any boring skin for some one-trickable champions, like Hextech Galio or Butcher Urgot

TF gives Mana, CDR, Health, AS, MS, MS on autos, Sheen proc, and AD.

IBG gives Mana, Armor, CDR and a sheen proc that's half as strong but slows. Which you don't need because Wither is on a pathetically low CD late game.

Not to mention your Glacial Shroud should be going towards FH so you can dick ADCs even harder.

TF just does everything better for Nasus.

Signs that you're fucked at champ select.

>they lock in Yasuo
>they have a skin for him
>it's a ranked game