Why did they have to delay the fucking patch to next week
Jordan Cooper
6th for fuck matchmaking
Dylan Cooper
Ohhh that felt really good.
Dylan Peterson
>tfw your mmr is so high that if you try playing any champions apart from your mains you get shat on
Liam Garcia
It sucks. I actually enjoy minespam Kinessa, but I can only ever play her against bots.
Austin Hughes
Who is best boy and why is it Drogoz?
Elijah Diaz
Good as gold.
Grayson Brown
>wake up >still no loli champion
Luis Hernandez
because rockets and flying is fun
Ethan Wood
But Drogoz sucks now after they "fixed" him.
Gavin Watson
Who's that Paladin?!?!
Jaxon Nguyen
Dying graphics card?
Carter Brooks
I want Evie to peg me with her ice block so hard it comes out of my mouth as an icy dildo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Evans
Furry fapbait.
William Lopez
look at all that shit not worth the crystals.
Carson Wood
No, it's a stupid looking thing the chest screen does. I guess it's to show just the items, but it just looks weird because of things like eyes being part of head skins, so body skins have holes in their faces.
Dylan Ward
Play Customs. Better than bots, shittier than casualfags.
Christian Morris
I didn't know there were people who actually play those. I always assumed it was for people setting up premade matches.
Aiden Moore
Jason Wilson
>tfw want ying skins but don't get to play her much
Gavin Morales
What are you supposed to do when you're playing Fernando but your team are never on the point yet are whining constantly that you need to shield them because they are too stupid to watch for Androxus flanks and can't kill him on their own and get decimated by a Cassie who rolls into 4 of them and no one wants to deal with the enemy Kinessa
Landon Johnson
tell them to eat shit. Happens all the fucking time with Droggo on my team. "Kill Kinessa" "Pls?" Nigga, you kill her in like 1 shot. You go get her. "i don't see her"
Jackson Butler
it's frustrating because I'm just trying to get him to rank 4 but every time I try to play him, I end up with people like this, and to me it feels like it's impossible to do shit on your own as Fernando compared to the other front liners
Jayden Roberts
I know your pain, it's always a coinflip if you get instapick damage tards, or at least one healer who can accompany you on cap and watch your six.
Charles Mitchell
Easy. You lose.
Anthony Myers
If your damage/flankers aren't doing their job then you'll have to do it for them. Make a loadout for full mobility and go fuck up the enemy's back line.
Robert Murphy
>decide to try Kinessa >enemy team with Skye, Androxus and Buck
Luke Bennett
>, it's always a coinflip if you get instapick damage tards Yep. Sometimes it goes way too well.
Robert Diaz
Still a lose/lose because now you have no one on point. If she's trying to level up a character then winning can't matter because you're always going to be in a donkey show.
Christian Diaz
>Enemy team kinessa always gets play of the game >No one ever goes to kill her but complain that no one is killing her
>Kinessa on my team is full retard >Can't shoot for shit >Complaining because she's getting flanked
William Rogers
Kinessa players deserve to get utterly shit on at every opportunity. I only ever play Buck/Evie on lumbermills just to make Kinessa faggots hate life.
Charles Sanders
>that one enemy Kinessa who ends with 53 kills
Ethan Walker
>the kinessa on your team ends with 7k damage done
Cooper Sanchez
This is never wrong.
Austin Jones
>that one kinessa who stays on point but still isn't much help
Nathaniel Thompson
>playing kinessa till level 4 >l am the only person on my team with more than 20 seconds of capture time
Xavier Martin
Jacob Fisher
>team has all best in classes >didn't win
Xavier Davis
>want to be a collector and have every item >don't have the HRX skins >it's fucking 15 bucks
Chase Hernandez
>Team is well rounded >Go to play support >Tank switches to damage at the last second
Jackson Taylor
>teammate is the first to pick and goes Makoa >last teammate picks Barik and Makoa switches to damage
Brayden Campbell
Play Flank-nando and chase down the Androxus and Kinessa on your own.
Samuel Lopez
Fernando should get more damage to compensate his short range.
Evan Wright
>go to cockblock kinessa >switch tabs >forget to switch to what the team needed >I have become what I complain about
Robert Jackson
When was the next update supposed to come out?
Isaiah Jones
next week
Joshua Jones
I can't be the only one who never encountered a hacker, and i play with the worst people in the world. youtube.com/watch?v=qml_1pVzQU0
Hunter Howard
I encountered a jittery kinessa that would snap to targets a couple days ago, shit sucked
Luis Richardson
pay up guy
Connor Fisher
Josiah Campbell
Luis Robinson
I think they should just increase his range to about the range of Zarya's
Levi Hughes
Luis Campbell
I play a hacker about twice a week.
Bentley Adams
James Turner
Nolan Reyes
is it possible to rank up characters outside of casual play? like in bot games or something?
Aaron Anderson
Yes you also gain xp by playing against bots
Christopher Green
No. I didn't get any experience playing my 0 exp heroes with bots.
Mason King
You only get XP if you're below level 15
Eli Reed
Why is Fernando's "HELP!" voice line so funny
Dominic Bell
Because Fernando is perfect.
Jayden Anderson
guys there is a better game called overwatch.
Bentley Cox
You mentioned the existence of a better game, but named a worse game. I am confused.
Charles Evans
What did he mean by this?
Jaxon Edwards
What skill do you focus the most when playing Fernando? I'm thinking about building Charge.
Brody Fisher
>when you use reversal at just the right moment
Kevin Morgan
Don't focus on charge. Increasing the distance isn't that great. Much better to have a stronger shield and lower cooldown Q
Sebastian Anderson
I build up speed when I played him
Jonathan Harris
>Get 12 champions to rank 4 to start playing ranked Yeah this is bullshit, everyone can handle the game after few hours of playing. I was just to spam buck already for easy elo
Gabriel Mitchell
Fire Balls really seems to be his best skill, guess i'll focus on it.
Austin Scott
Benjamin Jenkins
Don't bother playing Fernando unless you're queueing with people you communicate with
Camden Morales
What's the point in living life if your waifu will never be real
Wyatt Martin
>Holy fuck I hate ruckus so much >You know what, I'm going to become the cancer >I'm a literal bullet magnet and I've never felt so oppressed in my life Is this what it means to be hated?
Tyler Johnson
Some of them are going to require ps4 and xbone.
Kevin Kelly
wait, wasn't ruckus the worst character in the game like a week ago?
i can't keep up with these meta shifts
Andrew Allen
She wouldn't like you in real life anyway
Jacob Fisher
Ruckus is great if you have another tank to help keep him alive
Jace Allen
Why did you hate him? Did you hate having him on your team, or was he killing you a lot?
Brody Foster
>mastery 18 Bomb King who still buys Aggression and Life Rip What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Isaac Reed
Is life rip bad?
Wyatt Lee
>BK announcing everyone he dies Perfect Also approved cards for him? I think I still have the default set
Nathaniel Nguyen
Last time I checked Life Rip didn't work as Bomb King.
Ryan Miller
What else green card am I supposed to get on damage dealers? If we have a healer I get the healer card. Is heal on kill better than life rip?
Jonathan Martinez
The problem isn't Life Rip itself, the problem is that it was on Bomb King.
Camden Brooks
The heck? That seems like a bug. Can't blame the player for that one.
Ryder Phillips
You know what, I just checked and they both actually work. The +45/90/135 damage doesn't make the Aggression any less retarded though.
Nathaniel Scott
I can get Life Rip if the dude also has the sticky heal for 60/pop because then it's like... what, 30% of 900 + 60 each pop?
But yeah, Deft Hands would probably be my go-to choice since he has a poppy cooldown skill available through that, and Chronos.
I'd honestly go Deft Hands, Kill To Heal, Chronos and Haven.
Justin Perez
Jonathan Powell
Nothing more satisfying than popping it on 99% final round with no one around to contest it.
Ian Harris
I think Fernando has my favourite ultimate in the game. It's such a well designed ultimate and feels so good when you counter stuff with it.
Cooper Stewart
I hope they keep working on Barik he was fun to play a few months ago.
Andrew Cruz
Especially when the enemy has a Drogoz or similar and you're cockblocking them with a shield. "Oh what up you have a dragon's fury you say? Tough shit, son."