What do people mean when most of the problems we face today are rooted in the French Revolution? I fail to see how it could affect us.
French Revolution
Use of political violence by the populace became more legitimized.
>What do people mean when
>people mean
that's not how you spell 'retarded monarchists'
>I fail to see how it could affect us.
All mainstream ideologies, minus socialism and its derivatives, are either directly or indirectly from the French Revolution.
Then why Zizek praises Robespierre
He can praise whatever he wants.
>All mainstream ideologies
>implying there are mainstream ideologies in 2016 other than various forms of capitalism
Especially in the West specifically where democracy is the universally accepted norm.
Only reactionaries seriously believe this
Capitalism is an economical system, not a political ideology.
>SJW identity politics
>50 IQ dumbasses having the right to vote
All that can be traced to that French garbage.
And republicucks better not give me the "monarchs are tyrants" reply if they fail to account for WW2, Holocaust, Holodomor, Great Leap Forward, Cambodian genocide and other glorious deeds of republicanism.
*tips fedora*
You say that, but the forces specifically opposed to capitalism spent the better part of the 20th century attempting to eradicate the scourge.
Monarchism, communism, and anarchism have failed.
It's still an economical system.
Whatever your opinion on capitalism is it won't change anything.
*tips phrygian cap*
Don't you have some people to genocide?
You're right. I have the genocide monarchists.
t. Robespierre
>forgets WW1
epic meme
WW1 was under several monarchies. There's no reason to think that WW2 wouldn't have happened under monarchies as well if they were in power. The material conditions that drive history don't vanish just because someone was put into office via sperm.
In fact, on the note of genocide, wasn't the Armenian Genocide under the Ottoman monarchy?
There main driving force behind the horrors of the 21st century was recent industrialization giving more effective means to pursue the same pattern of conquest and exploitation that was present through all of human history previously. Reactionaries are idiots.
The Young Turks usurped the Sultan, so not really
It is estimated that Europe was Christianised at a cost of about 8 to 10 million lives.
t. Widukind
t. Kristian Vikernes
It's just a neo-reactionary talking point.
Didn't know Leddihn was a neo reactionary.
No, he's just a reactionary. But that's because he's a religious conservative. They basically hate anything that can be construed as a loss of Church power.
Don't forget total war doctrine.
You're not disagreeing with anything he said.