Educate me about the Yugoslav Wars Veeky Forums.
Yugoslav Wars
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The Serbs were trying to control everyone's lives and ultimately got their comeuppance.
guy called tito unified a bunch of balkan slavs and kept them in check while he was alive and when he died all those slavs started killing each other because slav is not a race but a language group and having muslims, catholic christians and orthodox christians all together in a single state is a really bad idea
How the fuck did Tito do it?
Serbs did literally nothing wrong.
by being an ebil dictator who was preventing these noble freedom loving peoples from killing each other
Read the sticky. The Yugoslav Wars aren't old enough for this board.
And everyone else dindu nuffin
they lost
Serbs biting off more than they could chew, then ending up with less.
>The Yugoslav Wars aren't old enough for this board.
The beginning of the war is, since it was in 91.
Also, this documentary will tell you anything you need to know
>The Yugoslav Wars aren't old enough for this board.
>The beginning of the war is, since it was in 91.
Oh yeah, we can totally let this one slide.
With all the crap and utter shit posted on here?
A few years gladly traded for a decent history discussion.
All moral aspects aside, the Serbs handled the whole thing like complete fucking morons.
>always being aggressive, never compromising, jumpimg head first, not trying to get at least some support from the other ethnicities
>creating those serbs "autonomous" regions instead of just invading the whole republics
>committing war crimes that could easily be exploited by the Western propaganda
>having most of the Yugoslav arsenal and still being defeated
>their propaganda in the West was complete shit, the Croat diaspora handled everything perfectly
>their nationalist "leaders" were useless retarded rednecks
About the second point, the idea was that even if things got violent, they should have kept the republics intact and occupied them whole, keeping the semblance of multi-ethnicity instead of creating the separate regions.
Ustaša detected
It's pretty decent as chronology goes, but it's very biased in favor of Serbia in most of the earlier events.
However, the US and Paneuropean and other foreign interests aren't really explained that well, they go back to before WW1 but they're mentioned only in passing, even though they were practically the motivation behind every single line of the post, especially the stuff they did *against* Serbia.
Kosovo and the natural resources/army bases thing is absolutely true, but there's a shitload more to say about the planned Muslim immigration and integration etc. and the post doesn't even mention how they got rid of Milosevic in one of the first if not the first tests for CIA-organized "colored revolutions" that they later copypasted into pretty much every country that had still an independent leader.
>very biased in favor of Serbia
Every account of the Yugo Wars is biased to someone else.
Not really, I'm talking about most of the pre-90s stuff, I think it might be mostly due to the guy writing it being a Serbian expat and oversimplifying things from what his parents told him or something.
For example, the Chetniks in WW2 - he writes it as if they were a single unit, and doesn't mention Ljotic, Nedic, and Mihajlovic who were all doing completely different things and fighting against each other.
Nedic, for example, despite being a Chetnik, was a Nazi collaborator on the level of Pavelic, see
What the 90s stuff mostly forgets to mention, or at least I'm not seeing it, is the criminal privatization that happened in all countries (hardly just the bombed Serbian factories), and the proliferation of Soros-funded NGOs that also happened in all countries. Both of these things fucked up the entire ex-Yu irrecoverably and we're all still pretty much colonies now.
or if you want it archived
As a Serb I must agree with you, but keep in mind that the Washington and Berlin wanted to destroy Yugoslavia because USA needed to destroy communist regime in YU and to weaken Europe as a whole, and Germany hates Serbia because we kicked their fuckin Nazi ass two times. Croats commited most horrfying war crimes in WW2 , they organised concentration camps even for Serbain children. Serbs are brave and fight for the right cause, but we are very bad at politics.
Yugoslavia was one of the richest counties in Europe at its peak time, now 15y after the war none of exYU republics can say that they live better then in YU, except Slovenia, but they were in their own world since ever . Again, Serbs Cros an muslims (mostly Serbs of muslim religion) we fought for nothing.. we destroyed a beautifull rich country, because USA and Germany pushed us into war.
dictatorships always end in a failure, but dictators are good at keeping a degenarate country together. gaddafi is also a good example
Imagine this, Slovenia is in EU, Croatia too, in the next 5 years Serbia , MOntenegro BOsnia and Macedonia enter the EU too..
Before the war we had free borders and Yugoslavian standards for everything ( education, pharmaceuticals, ecology, literaly everything) and now we endorse European free borders and standards . Basically if all the countries of exYU enter the EU, war was fucking pointless
gaddafis libya had super strong economy, also free education, free health services, bonuses of 50.000$ when u get married, less then 1% unemplyed and so on... what did you say about gadaffi again ?
Isn't hatred between Croats and Serbs mostly due to how Serbs bullied everyone during the interwar period?
>entering EU ever
You are too optimistic. Croatia and Slovenia are the only countries capable of functioning after Yugoslavia fell apart.
Serbs didnt buly anyone
Cros wanted their free country, but they wanted to kill Serbs ,because half of Croatia was filled with Serbs, so they started Operaton OLUJA (STORM) in wich they killed about 200 people and forced 200.000 in exile, now Albanians occupied Kosovo, and wanted Kosovo republiq , but Serbs on Kosovo wont allow that, whole Serbian history happend on Kosovo (Tito let Albs on ksovo to fuck up Serbia and he made it)
Ww had problems with muslims because serbia doesnt recognise Muslim Serbs, but only orthodox, and they consider them Bosniaks and mutual hate is simply religion based .
It wasn't pointless, it ruined one of the rare independent countries in Europe, and integrated it into the Paneuropean vision of the world.
If Turkey gets accepted for Kalergi-follower purposes, then Bosnia will follow suit shortly.
As a Serb i must agree with that it is true
*rolls eyes*
I agree friend... Ygoslavia was standing on two plilars, on east and west one... when eastern block was out, Yugoslavia lost balance, and was pushed into war by the West
i roll every time i think about that bullshited war...
Yeah, can't argue with that. I'd just rather not have this to go too much into Youtube comment territory if you know what I mean.
Kek... Serbian education, since you are probably not old enough to remember anything. t.Croat
Muh ebil nazi germans and imperialist muricans forced us to wage genocidal war. Seriously this is utter bullshit. It was simply nationalism and the peripherie demanding autonomy while the centre wanted more controll. Stop trying to feed a narrative of foreign machinations that destroyed glorious yugoslavia.
>Stop trying to feed a narrative of foreign machinations that destroyed glorious yugoslavia.
Are you simply uninformed or? This is very well documented.
What do you think of, for example, removal of Nasser from his position in Egypt? Are you aware of who did it and who supported it and why? Or do you think that Egyptians themselves wanted their country to turn from a modern Europeanized country that literally looked like Italy or Greece or Yugoslavia in his day, into a medieval hellhole?
I deliberately picked someone from Tito's days, but we can talk about Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, etc. too.
>a wild serb appears
>uses dindunuffin attack with special "serbs are eternal victims" upgrade
>its super schizophrenic
>It wasn't foreign influence that destroyed yugoslavia
>Muuhh are you retarded lets talk about nasser and other countries not yugoslavia
Slav detected.
But very well lets play the game.
1. From which position was Nasser removed? He died as president from a heart attack.
2.Egypt under (and before) Nasser was never on par with Italy etc.
Picking a fight with Israel was just retarded and entirely Nassers on fault. The USA btw saved his and egypts ass in the suez crisis.
3. Yeah we can talk about a shitton of other countries not yugoslavia too. You are going to spew the same uninformed bullshit there.
>Or do you think that Egyptians themselves wanted their country to turn from a modern Europeanized country that literally looked like Italy or Greece or Yugoslavia in his day, into a medieval hellhole?
Have you watched the news these past 2 years? Conservativism is running pretty high amongst Egyptians lately.
Anyway, big world events are a tug of war of countless different influences, it wasn't just CIA or just USA or just Germany or just Croats or just Serbs,it was a confluence of various different machinations, political, national, personal, profit motivated, and so on and so on with everyone trying to bite off as much as he could.
I'm referring to his position in the Arab League, after a bunch of bullshit that Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US cooked up to replace him with the Saudi king. This clearly marked the loss of independence of Egypt and started the process of selling the country to foreign actors. It is the exact same thing that happens to pretty much everyone who tries to make their country at least somewhat independent.
I'm trying to draw parallels here, we can talk about Ceausescu and how he was murdered immediately after Romania paid off the entirety of its foreign debt too.
Do you really think all those things are mere coincidences?
>Anyway, big world events are a tug of war of countless different influences, it wasn't just CIA or just USA or just Germany or just Croats or just Serbs,it was a confluence of various different machinations, political, national, personal, profit motivated, and so on and so on with everyone trying to bite off as much as he could.
But of course, I'm not claiming anything else.
Please elaborate.
>Please elaborate.
What is there to elaborate?
It's a highly complex situation that has been going on for 3 years now, that manifests itself with higher support for the muslim brotherhood, increase in conservative, islamic influences and an increase in fundamentalist violence.
Like, even Khalijis are not going to Egypt for vacations anymore and are, amongst other places, visiting Bosnia now.
Here's me knowledge
Serbs, Croatia and Bosnia make a country to P R O S P E R
Serbs immediately crown a young king and assume complete control and add laws preventing free speech because muh serbian country fuck friendship we the biggest
Croatia complains 24/7 about everything ("w-why's it called Serbo-croatian and not Croatia-serbian language h-huh?) and want autonomy
Bosnia is just kinda there
Croatian minister gets gunned down for trying to make croatialand free by some random serbian, TENSIONS RISE
Croatia gets good with Hitler and Ustaše are formed who fight against evul serbs
They also commit mass atrocities to appease Hitler-senpai and also dirtyyy serbs ew ew ew. Nietzche would be proud
Serbs in turn make Četniks who all dress as mountain folk and wear long beards, so think dwarfs. They get into a competition with Ustaše over who can commit most atrocities in the name of their country.
Bosnia and Kosovo are just kinda hanging around, Kosovo bothering to protest every now and then
Ragtag Partisans party led by Tito enters alla A NEW CHALLENGER APPEARS and beats both up
Tito becomes Stalin lite, imprisons and shoots anyone who disagrees with him, or just to flex mauscles, especially on croatia which is why you'll find no statues or anything of him in cro. Economically, Tito does it good tho.
He dies soon enough, things escalate, croatia still wants independence and helds elections, Ustaše imagery appears and serbs start to sweat and the whole thing descends into chaos again. First the serbs start with ethnic cleansing and then tries to take over parts of croatia. Then Croatia takes back their land from Serb invaders and bombs the shit out of serbian places in operations Lightning and Oluja outta revange.
Innocent Bosnia chan gets abused by both Serbs and Croats and gets really fucked over for doing mostly nothing wrong.
Ultimately the conflict resolves by everyone getting their freedom, yay!
So by conservative you mean radical muslim? That's what I didn't get.
I mean, I'm no expert on the matter, but I think there are traditionalist elements at play there that are different than just pure radical islamism ISIS style.
>Backtrace, line 2, error in post
>History error: unsupported country types: (Bosnia) in "make country" operand
Certainly the funnest part about the yugoslav wars are the ineffectual EU support. their protection force, "smurfs", could only feed civilians and were not allowed to engage in battle in any way, even self defense was prohibited. Their feeding was basically ineffectual and retarded because civilians had to live like soldiers anyway or suffer death and the fact they couldn't defend themselves meant most were shot or worse
>ineffectual EU support
Well, they did turn a blind eye to the weapons smuggling that enabled the incredible 10 day Slovene war and the initial Croatian gains.
>Economically, Tito does it good tho.
>Most of Croatia or Bosnia was supporting separatism
>Serbs won WW1
>Serbian King
This is such a blatant Serb propaganda and it was two Serbian trashes that murdered Franz Ferdinand and later a Croatian minister. Serbs are also the reason why Yugoslavia broke up and it was never meant to happen anyway except Serb must unite under one flag fantasies.