/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

A handful of souls scatter as you pass through the burnt out houses. edition



Gamescom Siege video:

Interviews with Armagan at Gamescom '16:

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/WaB1BTBJ

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


>user's mods and upstab guide:
>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New user created stuff:
>Undead Calradia
>(Fixed) Dickplomacy
mega.nz/#!EgI1UCAT!WjL7bVtJPoNcaNJ7kuUEUGFWoBqM2Aq6K-VN51Swmck (options)

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:


I want a Bannerlord waifu.

crossbows are useful

long may he reign :DDDDDD


3rd for ginge

das right swadian boi, only the biggest man endures


>Troop categories overwritten during sieges
whomever keeps contributing these maps needs to end themselves rightly

Three kingdoms mod never.

Not cool man, not cool..

that looks like an edited native map

I want to kill whitey!
M&feast when

maybe you can make one user

>bannerlord never

Imagine being a peasant in M&B. On one end of your village is a line of immortal lords grabbing your sons to go off to war and then the other line is the enemy immortal lords who are waiting to crack open your village like a piggy bank and take all your valuables so they can buy dye factories.

you're supposed to imagine it to be a realistic situation, not as presented mechanically in-game user...

>user playing dickplomacy as female.

generic female MC is pretty cute, would raid

>2.37 MB

>join lord as a shit eating peasant
>kill a looter in a battle
>suddenly feel power surge through your body, clothes are switched out for a gambeson, you have a sword instead of a knife now, and 80 denars appear in your pocket

Not so fast, user!
>guys i got the raid caravan quest but whenever I approach an enemy caravan, it just says "leave" and no "attack caravan" option


I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

Your IRL self has just been recruited into your character's party.

How likely are you to die in your first battle?

i don't remember there being so many faggots in this thread a few years back reposting their shitty waifus and memes

how do i win this

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door

You don't. You remove your garrison, let the enemy take the castle, then wait for them to leave a laughably small garrison and then retake the castle when they piss off.

While they're raiding that castle, go take another one.

Cuz you ain't keeping THAT castle.

This thread belongs to us /v/ newfags now.
Deal with it boi :^)

Probably fine.


>but muh culture

The vanguard of my forces are always my elite. Namely Senior Knights, Companions, and the MC. So a new recruit would be fine.

With 10+(4) surgery even if an accident did occur probability favors me.

so it is true that if you get -30 faction relation your factions automatically go into war?

You get the fuck out of there with your men and go attack somewhere else before they stick their circumcised jewish cocks down your throat.

>reformatted my SSD
>only character I have is a level 1 I made just to check on some things
My skinny faggot ass is going to fucking die

Where do i begin?
I've never created a mod.

I'm so dead it's not even funny.

I would piss and shit myself out of fear and try to run away and the get killed.

cowards deserve what they get desu

Here's all the assets and bare bones shit I was working on. Anyone is free to take it up and continue working if they feel like it. They'll need OpenBRF and TweakMB.

Here's a link to the actual mod, or as far as I had actually gotten with it.

I'm going to die before the first battle.

every single game of gekokujo I play is like this

What about that dynasty warriors one?


You dun fucked up

I'd be fine. Have a party of 350 in Pendor. within five days I'd be an empire armoured crossbow me. With 14 surgery only 5-10 of my guys die in battle. My forces consist of noble cav and normal armoured crossbow men. Most of my dead guys are cav men as they fight in melee


How did filthy dumb vaegir scum get the whole Nord army on their side.

Pretty sure that one was incomplete.
Played a bit of it, can't find it anymore though.
Really cool castle siege. Got one shot by sun jian. Was pretty fun.

did you try to start a kingdom without rtr?

I see nipples
Her tits are really shapely

How about I desert

thanks for the analysis, hoss

Napoleonic multiplayer objectivly better than Native.

I thought party skills were stacked so all companions with some points in a certain skill all add together? Does this mean if you have a guy with 9 surgery and a guy with 8, the guy with 8 won't do anything at all?

Imagine if you could build your own settlement in Bannerlord, similar to how you could build your refuge in VC, but with all of the new integrated editor tools in-game.

I can't wait for NEVER EVER to come.

last digit of this post is how many months until bannerlord release

screencap this

Party skills do not stack. The only skill that stacks in Trainer.

Nigga I'm fine with that

>Twilight of the Sun King
>Swords of Damocles for WB
>Blood and Steel

What else, guys?

Pendor if you don't mind the occasional awful texture on armor

Docm is working on L'Aigle again

and he's just making models and nothing else

>make the prettiest mod
>but everything else is garbage

why are the french such fags

What are those, ded mods?

aye, and I loved those with all my heart

Alright lads, quick question and don't meme on me please. I've been playing Native Mount and Blade Warband for a while now, and I want to try the best mod. I've heard good things about Floris, 1257 AD, and Brytenwalda. Are these actually good, or are there better ones? I'll try 1257 AD anyway because it's historical, but is there a better historical one?

high school of the dead

I've checked the pastebin btw.

there is no "best mod", but there are bad mods
>but is there a better historical one?
there's basically a number of good historical mods but none of them are better than each other because they're different time periods, though i guess you could say they do certain aspects better than others
there's 1257 for 13th century europe, brytenwalda for 7th century britannia, VC for 9th century britannia and scandinavia

Prophecy of pendor

I didn't get this feeling, but I've only played it a little, so do you care to elaborate?

You can add both Chronicles of Might and Magic, Phantasy Calradia and Persistent Troop Identities to that list.


get Viking Conquest when it's on sale, otherwise 1257 seems fotm now, Brytenwalda is also nice.

there's no "best" mod, period

every mod has it's good and bad. Just do your homework and experiment



Tiger Knight: Empire Warâ„¢


objectively wrong desu

>pick up Floris
>Use the gameplay version
>Use native troops
>It's now just native with quality of life mods, proper formations, and freelancing
Of course, if you are board of native it's not good, but if you want to play native it's a good option imo.

but dickplomacy

are floris trees actually that bad? ive never really bothered to try them. surely they cant be as bad as the autismgrindhueg armies in poop

>autismgrindhueg armies in poop
What does that even have to do with troop trees

native troops were still changed from native iirc
gameplay version still has a bunch of items too

>I asked him that

You made me a Jew you cunt

M&B female character is really cute

I always liked the drawing in which she gets knocked unconscious during battle and some random knight carries her out by carrying her in his arms

very heartwarming


Is shield guy covering them from arrows?

>floris without expanded troops

Oh, guess I never noticed, they didn't seem that different.

>are floris trees actually that bad
I played withing the expanded tree a bit and don't like it. Where before the factions had their own real strengths and weaknesses, everything just kind of becomes samey.

Rhodoks have cavalry now, Khergits have heavily armored horseman and infantry, Nords even get horses as well. It also takes forever to train troops to the top tier which I did not enjoy.

Yes, that one.

I bet he's like
>she's so light even with armor on
>her sweat smells so nice
>she's so small
>thankfully they didn't hit her in the head
>i better take care and not accidentally touch her bosom

so cute

its probably more like
>dumb fucking bitch thinks she can lead a mercenary company what the fuck
>we'll leave her on the road and I'll take over

I don't think they're samey at all, it's just less piped into *only* one direction and allows more diversity. Each faction still has definite strengths and weaknesses.

well, depends on whether the player is gud or is a shitter


>tfw hanging out with the boys

Holla, wasn't CoMM 0.6 released in what, June 2016?

user notice how you are the only one that's not next to another lord

you're awkwardly in the middle surrounded by everyone else but not next to anyone else

What's the difference between the two Dickplomacy links in the OP?

bottom one is hotfix iirc

one presents the cheap option of skipping the early game