how do they teach america to you in history class in high school? we are obviously taught that we are number one in the world in which we are.... please let me know
America #1
In Mexico you're pretty much blamed for everything and any good you did for us is down played.
Mexico here btw
excuse you but america was founded by f*cking white males who enslaved and oppressed african americans. not to mention the fact that native americans were genocided and women and LGBT americans were subjected to cis-white heteronormative patriarchy
They taught us your """"""""""revolution""""""""""" as the American war of independence
They taught us you're loser and capitalist pig.
t. commie land
To be fair, the US was shit since its inception. The only difference is now the left is actually taking 'muh Liberty and Justice 4 all' to task instead of feigning that the country was founded on Christian values
It's cringey but completely justifiable as per classical liberalist ideals, which serve as the foundation for this meme nation state
the federal govt has been shit thats for sure
*takes federal money shamelessly*
money fo dem programs an shiet
It's been more than 200 years, let it go.
But Im a sudaca not a brit
Americunt here. Actually, presumably-intentional hyperbole aside, this () is pretty much how I remember it, minus some of the more recent buzzwords and SJW fanaticist streaks, since I graduated in 2005. It probably varies state by state, but I definitely remember an overwhelming focus on domestic struggles for social and economic equality mixed in with some half-assed overtures to leisure/entertainment culture at different periods (rise of jazz clubs, etc.) presented in a "this is what cool kids did in THOSE days" cringey sort of way — to the point where most kids probably could have told you a lot about all of that at a fairly superficial level, but did not have any real sense of an event-based narrative in any field.
The focus on domestic strife and injustice also seemed to give kids enough to think about and feel like they had their eyes opened to where the more egregious shit committed abroad could be safely oversimplified and glossed over. America's foreign policy-history figured not at all in the education, save that we were informed that the ongoing currents of our domestic affairs were occasionally interrupted with little explanation by some of the better-known wars, in which suffice to say that we always summarily kicked ass and got back to business as usual. The American Civil War was probably the one conflict that received slightly more in-depth treatment.
But I also went to high school in the time spanning from 9/11 to Bush's re-election, so shit-talking foreign policy was hyper-verboten back then. It may be different now, but I seriously doubt it.
This is actually right, though. A "revolution" proper would have involved sailing across the Atlantic to dethrone the king and install a presidential republic on English soil once they'd finished things up in the colonies. Well, the term "revolution" can still be used, I guess, but I really think it's been the source a lot of confusion for Americans. Specifically, the fact that our "revolution" went pretty well leads us to suppose that "revolution" is kind of an awesome thing that other people should try when they don't have democracy and shit, even "revolution" in most countries does not mean slicing off a geographically-isolated chunk of the territory, but toppling the government and plunging everything into chaos and anarchy which usually just leads to mass demand for a return to initial conditions anyway.
What ever fag. Everything you own and your freedom to have the "education" of a privately funded with government given student loans college where you developed these insane emotional ideas were bestowed upon you by white men. You fucking retard. Niggers are still to this day buying and selling each other in Africa. The Spanish (which are of moorish decent) decimated the indigenous population of south and central Americas and the floridas.
The negroid slave trade was. A result of white Europeans purchasing niggers from other niggers in the northern Horn of Africa. Again, the moors.
Whites have actually collectively been attempting to give you niggers an even footing. But you have now been educated by some tenured professors who feed you hyper emotional diatribe. Have you ever had a job?
America is the greatest country on earth. We control as huge amount of litteral earth landmass with diverse geography and natural resources. Our navel prescence and military presence is unlike anything else on earth. Right now, we have over 300,000 armed service men is Germany. We have nuclear warheads scattering the globe. We are the masters of passive colonialism. "Globalism" is just a word to make the Europoors comfortable with what really is Americanism. We have the highest quality of life with the cheapest cost of goods on earth in America for the aggregate population. In America, we have a poverty line where people still have running water and shelter. We have so much food that we are litterally facing an epidemic of complacency. You are a product of American superiority. You are so "educated" and safe and comfertable and well fed that you start to think these made up bullshit things like "heteronormative" is even a real thing.
Wew lad>
From India here, only four things:
>Flipped tea crates into sea for freedumz
>Lincoln said - Government of the people, by people, for the people
>Sold weapons in World War 2
>Nukes Japan twice.
Potatofriend here, initially in mandatory history they taught the history of the revolution without delving into any of the later ugliness. It dealt pretty heavily in the idealism of the time, not many details etc. Later if you choose to do history for the senior cycle you do a lot on the 50s and 60s, with much focus being placed on McCarthyism, Cuba and Vietnam, as well as a little bit on LBJ and general culture. There's also a lengthy module on the civil rights movement. It was mostly taught as a broad narrative without much room for analysis or any great detail. Vietnam was fair game for good old America bashing though.
>any good you did
Our education is much more rational. Our kids know that Russia BTFO'd the nazi's. We do hide our colonial past quite a bit, though.
t. Dutchfag
>in the northern Horn of Africa
I'll give that a wew lad.
Not him, but we were (and still are) Mexico's largest trading partner. We are directly responsible for Mexico become a Republic (Twice). We helped a lot with Mexican industrialization, both in the late 19th century and the mid 20th century. Iirc, Mexico is the only country that was compensated for their role in WWII under the Good Neighbor Policy before the Alliance for Progress. We may like to talk a lot of shit about Mexico, but in terms of foreign policy Mexico has been like a little brother to us.
Basically America enslvaed black people. Jim Crow, and denied Jewish refugees during the holocaust. We win WW2 though that's the only positive thing taught to American kids
>America had a war of independance
>America has contributed as much as the Soviet Union to defeat nazi Germany
>Our country was rebuilt with American money
>America used us as their bitch during cold war
>America is our friend
t. German
I wouldn't really call you our bitch. We built you up and made you into a man so you could stand sort of on your own against the Communist hordes. Once you reunified though, THEN you became our bitch.
>Setting up military bases and storing your nukes in Germany so we would be the European primary goal if cold war broke out.
Well thanks for that.
Not that user, but West Germany was at bottom regarded by the Americans as a repository of space, defensive bulwarks, and meat shields against the Soviets in the event of a European land war that could hopefully soak up most of the damage before they were stopped and keep them from reaching the important West European places. In the midst of all the discussion these days about acts of escalation and conciliation by the superpowers during the Cold War, it's all too often forgotten that every American and Russian act of brinkmanship put first and foremost German lives at stake, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Every German alive in those days lived with that reality, and while they certainly had some ability to influence the outcome of diplomatic maneuverings and military power plays, they still had far too little control over their own fates for comfort, and knew it.
>Americans actually believe this
That's is the saddest thing about your post, desu.
Go back
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is pretty much the only reason that Mexico survived more than two decades without Spain. It not only obliged the US to take care of the injuns that were buttraping Mexico day and night, but the US also forked over a ton of cash (and more in damages when the Indians kept on attacking) and all corners of Mexico were united in butthurt against the US.