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>How to git gud at pazzlan

>JP Meta
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Endgame tier lists

1/9 - 1/15: Yamatsuni Tournament - All Att. Req.
1/9 - 1/15: One-Shot Challenge!
1/16 - 1/22: Challenge Dungeons!
1/16 - 1/22: Fist of the North Star Collab

>11 Million Downloads Celebration Event
[Duration]: 1/13 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 1/22 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PST)

1 free Magic Stone delivered daily (10 total)

Experience of a Lifetime

Ras Descended! (NEW!)

3x chance for Skill Ups and ‘GREAT!’ or ‘SUPER!!’ EXP Gain will be available during the event!

Latent TAMADRA (Skill Delay Resist.) invades in Special Descended Rush! Coin Dungeon

Select technical dungeons Latent TAMADRA invades 20x +egg rates!

All [5x4] Descended and Carnival Dungeons Available

3x EXP in Normal Dungeons at Various Timings

1.5x Pal Points from Technical Dungeons in Multiplayer Mode

1.5x Coin & Drop Rates for Select Limited Time Dungeons

10x +Eggs in Descended Dungeons

2x TAMADRA Invades in Castle of Satan

Angels of Fate Event in Descended Dungeons

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Everybody please say your goodbyes now. This will be the final /padg/ thread. We are not going to be making anymore from here on. I know it's sad, but that's just the way it is.

>tfw it's finally over

Don't worry I will be making the threads again.

Compared to Isis who has no killers?

Don't meme like God killer isn't good.

The only thing Isis has over balb is being an SI slut but Balboa just has a good active

Balboa's active is really nice for dealing with predras, but a 11 CD 1 turn 50% shield is pretty meh for the most part.

If you really want to wait for a Fujin active to be up so you can kill Sopdet, Vishnu and some of the radar dragons, that's up to you. Fujin herself isn't a good sub.

gremory buffs when?

Hopefully they buff her by making her farmable.

I don't see the part where he mentioned wanting to use Fujin anywhere in his post.

50% shield isn't enough for A3 and you don't need def break with a, say, lightning inherit

How else are you going to deal with damage absorb when his killers are most likely going to fuck you over?

Is the ranking dungeon just impossible to score high on if you dont the dios team? pic related only got 12%

The Dios cheese team is being used by almost everybody right now because (surprise surprise) everyone has a Dios now and the team isn't super hard to make. The scores around the boundary are saturated with Dios shitters but a safe crown score with him still takes a good amount of luck to pull off. Dios is definitely an easy 10% if that's all you need.

This is where I'm currently at with Aizen. My alt who luckily rolled Aizen with 5 stones is also sitting at ~18k. You just need to get good bicolor boards.

Whoops, forgot pic.

but what was the team?

I forgot.

Just stack bicolor board makers,


good afternoon fags

i just rolled satsuki. why does she not have ult yet?!

because she's a slut and nobody likes her.

did not know that

oh well, free 15k mp i guess

Hopefully they just remove her from the game and refund everyone their stones back.

>two rolls
>water swordsman

fuck this gf

yeah i thought she was good, but i want my stones back now

this was for i clicked the wrong thing

what's the buff for noir going to be like

are these finally on LINE or am I just shit at searching for them

It's been on LINE for a long time.

>Roll Wukong
Might as well just jump in the Miru ride for the easy mode like everyone else
How does Bridesuki/Wukong/Apoca/Venus sound for a team?
Not sure what assist skill for Venus yet, but maybe Saria or Vajra. No light Akechi though.
Or just use Kanna instead.

slutsuki is garbage, rest sounds solid.

I would inherit Saria onto Venus and replace Slutsuki with Kanna.

I really wanted to make this slut work. Hope she gets more awakenings next Bride REM.

Yeah that might be better. Maybe I can start clearing some harder stuff with that.
After wasting a fuckload of resources with Noctis just to realize it's really underwhelming, I hope this is good.

116.890 for 7.5% in the NA ranking dungeon.
What should be the final 10% cut off?
And what teams you guys used?

My first completed run got me 123,858 (2.4%) with Oku. That's good enough for me.

I'd rather farm red techs on JP for the 4x rank exp than waste more time resetting on that.

misery is very cute

I'm using a shitty busted Shivadra team so I don't want to reset either

I used the Shivadra team that everyone else used (Urd/Set/Ares/ROdin) back when it was on JP, but it isn't as good anymore. My old score certainly wouldn't be as safe, but you can still get 1% with it.

My problem is that I have Markab instead of Set and Tamazo instead of real Odin. So getting in the 10% is how far I will try to go


yomidra and dkanna both hypermaxed not shown, what should I do?
I only roll dark stuff, I'm non-iap, will the dark meta ever come back?

>will the dark meta ever come back?
Yes, but her chibi version will still be shit.





no u

Wait for Nepty 2.0

when's jp's next wave of new ults and revos

and who will get them

hopefully satsuki, revo chinese, and kali alternates

>kali alternates
Nobody wants this, and that's why you can be sure that we'll get it.

what's the best way to grind up at low/mid levels on JP?

>padclone guy still hasn't made a playable demo
it hurts to live

Meimei is very cute

I told you, I gave up.


i'm busy with classes, please don't expect anything until mid2017

wont be posting anything related to it until I have something playable for you guys

I'm having an existential crisis

Have all these fun leads and subs but no stamina to skill up/max level/evo everything

What should I focus on?

I want to make a DQXQ team, what subs should I use? And what ulti evo? I can't do the awoken one yet due to mats.




>notice my U&T and Recca can ultimate now
>still kinda shit
>Lum still fucking ignored

Lum and Yuria have to sit in the corner and collect cobwebs still. So bullshit.
Frankly surprised they gave Rukia an ultimate.

Post cute.



Don't bother with DQXQ, you have a better Sarasvati team and she's also easier to evolve.

Valkyrie rebirths when?


Thankfully never.

I know, but I also wanted a rainbow team, they're fun

Came back to the game recently. Skilling shit up is still annoying as fuck. King tans in NA when?

Are these sluts even useful anymore?

Not really but don't sell them, they might become useful in the future and they seem hard as fuck to roll nowadays.

no one?


Already beat normal dungeons, she has no place in descends user

Krishna, Aizen, Ronove and Myr are good places to start. Maybe you should spend some more stones on stamina refreshes instead of collab REMs next time.

Please don't reply to the Danbooru shitposter.

I only have 100 stamina cap that seems wasteful

Well, judging from all the collab garbage in your box, you've already spent a few packs rolling in the REM. I think spending like 30 stones to finishing a maxed out Krishna team isn't that big of an issue if you also take advantage of co-op.

You can also wait for tomorrow and farm Monday Dungeon to increase your max stamina.

Git gud she's fun


Additionally, you already have Liu Bei and several Dios, so I'm sure someone else already told you to make the ALB co-op team.

Bastet is a glass cannon and can still clear most descends without much issue, but she has no HP or RCV and will falter when dungeons start hitting too hard. You could make a Kisuke system or something retarded like that.

yeah slowly working on dios skillups in between SKC and descends I can clear without max skilling my team

Good enough. Ame won't always be needed.

Scarlet, Markab, double killer Tsubaki and Ares are decent subs too. RSonia can be used as a board change or an inherit, but Urd is much better for that role if you ever get her. Silk is also an amazing enhance for Krishna teams.

So I unlocked all the +99 dungeons in PADR but Noah and I still need 12 more blue medals to get it.

Why is blue so fucking shit?

>need to max skill my team before people are willing to run arena with me
>cant max skill my team without pys

Returning player here. Did they make it so you don't actually have to move around to get orbs on padr?

After enough time you will get enough pys from challenge dungeons.

Alt techs are also always an option.

>resolve bullshit
>do enough damage to drop them below threshold
>lol 15 combo skyfall now you're dead
nice fucking game

>Ignores enemy damage absorb effects for 1 turn ( does not include combo shield, attribute absorb, and damage void ). Reduces cooldown of other skills by 1 turn.

Why is this good again?

people are shitters and cant handle sopdet

>dupe Ronove

At least this fucking flame robot dragon looks awesome.

>2nd Balbao (probably going to sell this one)
>1st Urd
>shitty Alnair
>Maeda Keiji

I really wanted this one because I hate locked orbs. It is a good idea to give his skill to Kaede in a Ronove Team? (I don't have Ragnarok yet)

>>shitty Alnair
take that back
that card is great

>Several water row leads
>Several red row leads
>Several light row leads
>Several dark row leads
>no fucking green leads except for like, fucking a bleach collab card
explain this


Norns are a plague on my house

>dupe Australius
>dupe NepNep
>Phoenix Rider
>dupe Osiris
>Blue Knight
>Griffin Rider
>2x dupe Sets
>2x Grimrocks
>dupe Sitri
>Sleeping Beauty
>dupe Sanada
>2x dupe Gadius
>2x Dantalions
>Dark and Shining Dragon Swordsman
>2x Ivory Dragon
>Exa- Hydra
>Dragon Rider
>Sherias Root

not too bad. This was a decent Godfest for getting 6 star GFE's

Flush those tUrds my dude

I updated the guide for updating padherder automatically, tested on linux and windows, would it be useful to have it back in the OP?

>5 combo or you die!
>press laser
