League of Legends General - /lolg/

another perfection edition :3!


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xth for breast metal waifu

Pentakill II when?
Morde VGU when?
Pentakill Sona visual and audio update when?
Pentakill ward skin when?
More Pentakill merch than just one t-shirt when?

is akali riots most hated champion?

>mfw they give an ancient, unpopular champion an interaction at the beginning of the year


>walk into your jungle
>see this

what do you do?

xth for kill all Luluposters

Soraka is the cutest support!


Yordles! Yordles! Yordles! Yordles are the sexiest!

urgot is a reddit meme champion he got references in the star guardian skins as well

but metal sucks.

Lamb butt.

Warwick is older than Urgot.

It's only fun if they run

Depends on what level(s) we are and how fed he is

But if it sucks then why is it so great?

Reminder that it's okay to be gay!


that's her mask!

The thing that really fucked up League balance was the introduction of season 6 masteries. They are complete garbage balance wise. There was no need for ''keystones''. All keystones did was add to powercreep instead of actual balance. It added a whole new layer of difficulty for balance just for the sake of ''diversity''. I don't really think this game needs that kind of diversity because almost every champion has one optimal keystone anyway. So it doesn't really add diversity just extra balancing issues.

I would really like to see Riot go back to masteries from before season 6 so that it might be a bit more balanced. Maybe go back to season 5 entirely, it was one of the best balanced seasons. Season 6 was a complete shitfest.


no bully

what champion would make the absolute worst "support"?

Can anyone think of a worse champion to pick for support than master yi

even with you?

because riot actually pays attention to reddit since it isn't a russian honeypot experiment that attempts create mass shooters.

>urgot is a reddit meme

No, Star Guardian Urgot is a reddit meme. This is just a lore interaction like the rest of them, im assuming

>going on 7 years since Urgot was released

The champ is old, user.

Remember to always give your Jg a special reward for carrying you!

Can't stick around,
have to keep movin' on
Guess what lies ahead,
only one way to find out

What does her butt smell and taste like?

Keystones were introduced to create role diversity not diversity inside a role, the point was that each champion type would be different from the others with their keystones instead of everyone going the same 21/9



why do some champions cost more than others? it's incredibly frustrating having to grind.

I want to convince irelia to settle down and start a family!

then proceed to MATE PRESS her with OVERWHELMING FORCE

their price is based on their release date. the earlier, the cheaper.


>that guys face on the ahri pic

more like the less relevant the cheaper.

Me and Janna might visit Ionia some time.
Could our kids play with your kids? :3

Holy shit those eyes are terrible. Did her pimp beat her for fucking guys for free again?

>a futa cock
>not going full gay and sucking a man cock

He lolgen, how do I get a wooden splinter out of my finger that's a little bent under the skin, and won't slide out when I tug it with tweezers?

ok i know i should have ganked but no chances to

i know. sometimes i forget which ones are bad from the thumbnail when im picking.


35 minutes and participated in one kill

>walking through the woods
>suddenly hear a branch break
>you see this when you turn around

what do you do?

At least I wouldn't die a virgin

must keep on movin ahead
no time for guessin follow my plan instead
trustin in what you cant see
take my lead Ill set you free

>tfw know the lyrics to most sonic butt rock

that music is so comfy even if sanic is cringey as shit

also xth for cutest boy


what if my kids outnumber your kids? i would be happy with a single one anyways

save this image i somehow don't have yet. then engage in friendly discussion.


cut yourself open. if that's too drastic, sometimes i use sewing needles to dig slivers out. the trick is that your skin, depending on the area, has a relatively thick layer of dead skin.

>35 minutes game
>1 kill participation
>bronze 5
you better do that on purpose
also that heimer build is making me kek

Ask her to use my mouth as her personal toilet

huh aside from the heimer support and no sightstone on etiher team that game almost makes sense

i was lead to believe bronze V was all AP garen

>beat the enemy team before the 20 minute mark even though every other lane was even or behind

What the actual fuck is new Yorick? I just built TF into Zz'Rot and they couldn't fuck peel me off of towers without losing 2 or 3 in the process. Won the game so fast I couldn't even finish my boots. My mid and bot were still laning while I was pounding 3 of their team and the nexus. This champ is fucking busted.

This song is much, much better.


Does anyone else like to just play league, try to win (but if you can't oh well), only play normals, and try to shitpost on the enemy team? I've been wanting to play with people like that. Recently I met some people after being a good Ori support for them but Jesus they play with these two people that fucking hulk out during matches if they're losing and that shit is lame.

Someone plz, is there a club anyone has with people like this?

how the hell does a yi lose to lee in bronze
noone in fucking bronze can play lee

so should i have gotten sightstone?
not purpose i want to climb

applaud her for being able to hide the scent of all the semen she's carrying inside her
>soak hand till wrinkly
>cut a small x
>pull it out
if you don't like cutting yourself you could always make a baking soda paste, it will draw it out. Takes some time though.

Ask her if I could touch her ears/tails

yeah its actually worse because its full of gold players thinking their opinions are valid.
Reddit is just like communism, they think whats sounds good on paper would actually work in game too.

ask her if would she sign my papers that if she tries to steal my liver she'll face my lawyer.

i do

tell your team that you were farming for your 20k gold power spike

yi is a farming jungler, you didn't do anything wrong

>team doesnt ban lee
>first pick doesnt pick lee

congrats! you are now playing against lee!!!!!


Somebody fucking answer me this shit.

I really want to learn top lane. Where do I start? I'm sick of adc. Obviously the biggest hurdle will be becoming the front line.Not really sure what my role is. Do I go in first? I'm used to hanging back the whole fight.

i would gladly play vs lee every game

the average lee is a fucking bonobo who falls off hard after achieveing nothing really of value

maybe she bought it at a fucking store? what kind of failed discussion starter was this?

cause ahri gots style and knows shes sexay in one exdee

>baking soda paste

Slept with some on my finger under a bandage last night and haven't noticed a change. Might need to re-do it every day for a few days. I just wish there was a skin-safe chemical that erodes wood.

But how do her tails fit

hey does anyone know if welding is gonna dodge me for the third week in a row haha?

did he finally run away after seeing im already higher then where he ended last season xD

>literally bronze 5 are better at farming than me
maybe i should kms

300 cs with 1 kill participation is not good farming

>morgana's build
I'm crying

I wouldn't say shes Riots most hated champion, but shes definitely treated like the unloved redheaded stepchild.

who ?

>climb to high diamond as jungle/ad in s6
>take a break after hitting a wall because I'm not good enough nor dedicated enough for masters only playing to prevent decay
>come back season 7 after missing preseason
>jungle is fucked

Plants, xp nerfs, camp changes and buff changes have me flipped turned upside down. How can I optimize this shit? I've heard that they tried to make the jungle "dynamic" so that there's not one way to play it, but it seems like I'm always so far behind, and nearly half of my favorite junglers feel like garbage to play.
tl;dr need help understanding the new jungle. How to clear efficiently without losing xp, pathing with plants, and the current state of the meta.

>take an unconventional support (malz)
>your adc thinks this is one of those troll games and takes an unconventional adc (kennen)
>yfw its pretty fucking clear he has no idea what he's doing

>we're pushing bot
>enemy poppy wraps around their blue to flank us
>I have the place warded because I'm not a shitter support
>unload all my shit on her
>5 man gangbang on this blue shorty
>then the most retarded thing happened
>kennen used his ult
>kennen used his 0 damage ult
>kennen used his 0 damage ult on a single target
>kennen used his 0 damage ult on a single target that I was already suppressing
>kennen used his 0 damage ult on a single target that I was already suppressing and the entire team was beating up on
Needless to say, we failed to push bot that time

We still won but damn that triggers me so hard

don't bother learning, jungle xp is gonna get nerfed this coming patch

gonna be a gankers paradise

Oi whats wrong with redheads?

if you were high diamond why cant you figure it out? Its simple just play junglers who can level 3 gank. Never full clear

>file name related
try climbing without japancakez and sin and maybe you'll be able to hold a candle to welding lol

btw try getting at least a 60% win rate before you talk trash and swedish gets his internet fixed

some passive aggressive manlet

>malz support
it's so good though, adc babies need to stop telling supports what to play.

Hey guys! Just a girl gamer passing though! Anybody wanna duo with me, and be my guyfriend? xD

Theyre more often than not, blatant dick sucking sluts.

Just fuck already

Is there anything worse than having Bronze on your profile? I'm pretty sure people that are unranked look better than people with bronze on their shit. Having bronze on your profile is like having someone smear shit all over your house.

Not even close. Compared to the likes of Aatrox, Evelynn, Fiddle, and Karthus she might as well be the poster girl of League.


* :3c

An autistic Fiddle main found out that the exp changes are undone by a single exp rune. Which I can personally confirm.
Plants are pretty good.

Depends on how cute your dick is

I know its good. Thats why I was spamming him

But I play on a different server and stuff like bot lane ziggs(over an ADC) is still looked down here

NB3 fan detected, you have crap taste

dunno, she does look nice in it tho

guess thats why people call bronzeies shitters.

hey i had a 39% win rate yesterday you missed out on real memes haha rough placements

? im building team synergy are you stupid lol