/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1214 >>165377416

Waifu Edition

Current Update (12/21):「幻創の母なる月光」 Part 3

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docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
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I hate all of you.
I hope you die terrible deaths.

who u?

Your worst nightmare.


nice thread oh

What is the difference between "increases power" and "boosts damage" such as on the fornis ogend and astra hate respectively?


Amateur translation work

so Fornis gets a 14% damage increase just for matching elements which is not even a real limitation?

It's a bit of a limitation even if it's not a big one, you can't use one element for everything

>you can't use one element for everything
Fucking tryhards get out.

lots of rappies

Good night.

>in a party for pd
>pd ends, others start chatting as if I'm not there
>they talk about what to run next as if I'm not there
>they refresh team boost and start playing without inviting me back
I-i didn't want to play with you anyway (´;Д;`)


>still being in OH

>friend who never talk to you unless you start first
>friend who never invite you to his sekrit parties unless you end standing right in front of him
>friend who never invite you to party for EQ we both waiting in same block and dancing together
>friend who randomly try to erp with you even when you told him many times that you don't do those things.
>a bunch of "friends" who added you and never talked to you
>that dude who friend you just to get memed in those threads

I wish I had normal friends, who would want to play and talk with me but no, I always end with shit like this.

Honestly, I invited all my friends to play at least a few times. If they didn't join in like 3-4 invites in a row I just stop bothering with that person.
I used to delete them but I'm not as radical anymore so they just become one of the people you described.

I was deleting people like that too
Then I got memed for deleting "friends" just because.

Which ship are you on?
Are you a two faced shit talker?
What are your talking topics?
Have you invited them to party before?

>Too many friends on at once
>Want to play with everyone but can't
>Have to try to split up teams and choose who to play with
Larger parties when?

Oh, and clearly the most important:
How good is your gear, and how well is your gear affixed, if at all?

Nobody likes partying with blatant shitters, afterall.

I don't know what is wrong with the people that play this game.

>Which ship are you on?
>Are you a two faced shit talker?
>What are your talking topics?
Video games and anime
>Have you invited them to party before?

5slot all grinded and properly affixed

Lots of people who play this game are fine. It's the people from here who are messed up

Your mistake is still playing pso2. Anyone who still plays does it for dress up, waifu shit and erp. Nobody will talk to you or attempt to ask you to play with them because they already have someone else to play with. You should really move on to a better game, but if you don't just keep in mind nothing is going to change. I've been in OH for two years, ask frequently in team chat if anyone wants to party up for EQs and never get a reply, only to see people partying up with the cliques and waifus on the same block. This is the kind of community pso2 has.

lmao dead game


yeah nah, you sound like a faggot just like the rest of idiots still playing this game 2bh

lmao reading general of a game you don't even play anymore

>he needs to read threads to shitpost in them
lmao amateur

Making a force, anyway have a good build I should go with?

>a bunch of "friends" who added you and never talked to you
Fuck these people so much.

>Anyone who still plays does it for dress up, waifu shit and erp

wait just a minute

not me

>TFW you've been in all the cesspool teams with 50+ players and they're all shit

What do?

The english community has has gone to shit, I see

Pso2 is all about playing alone

>not leaving shit 4 and joining a circlejerk team on great 2

Fuck off Metty. You aren't welcome here.

>go to ship2
>End playing alone anyway because circlejerk doesn't want you.
Could just spend my 7euros on 7 cupnoodles

>tfw my friends initiate conversation first and other times i initiate conversattions with them
>tfw they invite me to eqs if im not running it with my team
>the friends who added me still talk talk to me when they get the chance
>friend who understands that you dont ERP and respects your boundaries
>that dude who friends you to just get memed on in threads that both of you do because fun and you and that person dont really give a fuck about it and has fun with it

Seems like you're shit at establishing conversations and taking charge

Seems like you was dreaming.

You need to stop boogeymanning people who don't play just because you're a petty little shit who can't move on.

Not for matching element, no. You get the damage boost for attacking an enemy that is with to light, lightning, or whatever your talis element is, regardless of what the element of the actual tech you use is.

>be a confirmed autist
>guy sends you friend request knowing this
>accept thinking they will be the initiator of conversations
>never once talks or invites you to party
>doesn't even use friend partner
why did you do this?

to trigger a reaction, maybe?

>great 2

Different ship, same shit

Why don't you people just start a new team?


Why bother? we are like 4~5 persons.

Well that's still 3-4 more than none no?

>someone added me as a friend and doesn't talk to me :( :(
lmao you are such fags

>too shy to friend people unless they friend me first
>too shy to talk to them one on one and only feel comfortable talking in team chat

How annoying.

>friend see me shitposting about my shitty friends
>panic and start talking to me to show that he isn't that bad
>suddenly stop talking, leaving me to guess that he went to sleep without saying it.

who are you quoting?

Fuck shy people.


my life

>people rather be quiet than talk to erp spergos
>"y-you guise are shy!!"
nah, there's usually a more obvious reason nobody whispers you, but you fags seem to be oblivious to it

Everybody wants to leech an existing tree, rather than grow a new one. There are other problems associated with it (such as "I don't like this person, I will not play with them") that lead to drama and the reason people don't do team shit in the first place.

>be in oh for a year
>no one does EQ's together even in same block

are ship 2 teams any better?

Shy people are the best fucks

t. enju, lilith, kayleth, socks, etc.

>"I don't like this person, I will not play with them"

I don't understand this mentality, as long as they're fighting the same thing as you. Does it really matter if you don't like them?

it matters enough for them to do that. i tried to invite a friend to an MPA and the people got so mad saying that if i invited them they will drop out. Apparently the friend pissed off some of them but when i asked them they had no clue what they even did to do that


Socks is not shy nor fucks anyone.

After i asked my friend if they did anything he told me that they dont remember doing anything to the guys in the MPA. My friend had just told me they were gonna join their teams MPA since they thought this whole issue was dumb

>mfw /pso2g/ is getting overrun by filthy space birds and nobody is doing anything against it


Now we know who has been posting this whole thread, thanks dude

kys socks

That's a very rude thing to say.

>Why a consolefag is acting like a consolefag?

most Console fags aren't mute though

I mean, if people aren't actively sabotaging runs then I really see no reason not to run stuff with them even if I don't care for them.

Thing is said fiend doesn't do that and he contributes to the runs going well. Just he people that were threatening to drop out of the MPA just didn't want him in all despite it all. It just reeks of high school clique BS

>playing with fiends
No wonder they didn't want it in their party.



everyone here is shallow and petty, even if they wont admit it.

Where's your 14*, pso2g? Even literal monkeys already have them.

I'm glad I'm a Redditor then.


hahah deceased electronic-toy

Friends are awesome
After reading this thread I'm paranoid that I'm a bad one though

why the fuck is a qubeley with you

lmao what a fucking fag

>not liking best mag

FOR /pol/

i want to be a rappy.

Who doesn't.

I also want to launch feces at my enemies either via projectile or self destructing.

fast board today, wonder whats going on.

>fast board
lol game dead af m8

dead game

I feel like that first one is 90% of the people I've met here and is why I stopped caring about a lot of them

>Need only 2.5% to get my collection sheet to 100% for a weapon to drop
>"I'll use ES!"
>Get 2%
Guess I'm not playing today.