*melts your heart*
OT: eyosongive.us
and those other shenanigans
*melts your heart*
OT: eyosongive.us
and those other shenanigans
Other urls found in this thread:
youre shit/10
I wanna have tea with Lulu!
>teammate has 35% yasuo winrate
So when are those buffs gonna launch anyway?
>Nocturne's Q now lets him follow enemies hit through impassable terrain
is he good yet?
>nocturne needs more gapclosers, his ult and speedbuff aren't enough
what does your ranked history look like?
I want a brain dead champion that can one shot people.
What do you guys suggest?
don't bully lulufag
Rengar is literally made for coma patients to get kills
literally diana
New Leblanc actually requires skill...
jhin but this implies you have a brain
velkoz can combo a tank to delete them
any tank
I want to get into Morde, please tell me how I don´t suck with him(Runes, Build, Skill Order). Thanks in advance.
can I one trick a champ that can top jg and/or mid
Akali is worse. Diana has a nasty cd on her ult if you don't combo with lunar strike
Lulu is my STAR!
Bee Sin
What are the current optimal jungle path to take? How do I get into jungling?
this actually seems like a good idea why haven't i seen much pantheon. he has good burst and decent tank stats why aint he meta?
there is no single optimal path, depends on the jungler and the situation
He doesn't have tanks stats and he's effectively melee
So why do so many player, and even some of you guys want to get better at this game? What keeps you pushing?
There is no reward at all and even EUW and NA bests are always stomped by asians.
There are a lot of better champs and a lot of matchups are just "build armor tank panth forever" memes, but overall he still is a pretty good champ.
i usually jg sion or reksai or rengar. my path is red> krugs> scuttle(you can maybe fit a gank in here if bot is overextended) > raptors> wolves> blue> gromp
if you're playing assassin junglers raptors will fuck you up if you aren't playing somone with aoe clear or sustain.
I have played 87 matches and i dont think ive had a single one without someone feeding
I want to MATE PRESS shyvana until shes pregnant with quads
There is no reward in anything people do but part of the human condition is to strive to be better
I bought Warwick because of his rework and because he's known for being friendly to new junglers.
I guess I will go blue path.
>she uses zhonya at the moment of impact
Crit damage reds and quints = +33% crit dmg
Level 1 W's 3rd strike being 125, now its 158
Max W its 208%dmg
Always get fervor as mastery
Rageblade > Bortk > IE > Frozen Mallet > rest is up to you
With IE, you can deal 258% every 3rd hit and 20% chance to 288% with other normal attacks.
You blow motherfuckers up, and you heal like a mother fucker. I just recently 1v2 full build Mundo and Leona and won with above build.
thats not jinx
I quit for quite a while, what happened to our boy Vardags?
>shyvana with zhonya
based darien used to build it all the time
>enemy has been turtling
>enemy has a kat and strong frontline
>open nexus tho
>i say push in the waves and baron
>team says just group mid we can win
>malphite ult into katarina ult
>pls report jhin
what is low gold anyway?
Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!
thats not candy king ivern
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
Literally WHO?
>TFW no Ezreal BF
lulu is cute but i think draven stronger)
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>didn't watch LCS back when it was good
Do you think shyvana baby maker AKA:womb is tanky like leona?
>it's a "you're the only person with a mastery rating above 5 on your entire team" episode
>then for afternoon special of feeding the enemy pantheon and tf to 10 kills a piece before 15 minutes
I wanna go swimming with Lulu.
why do epoplöe like lulu she dont have the big titties or anyting
>didn't watch pre LCS back when LoL was good
You mean moscow 5?
Because darien was a part of that.
because they are pedophiles user
I know who darien is silly, im not the game guy
who else /tries to tilt their team mates/ here?
winning or losing matters little to me as long as SOMEONE gets mad as fuck
>im not the game guy
what did he mean by this
>tfw want to change name
>tfw current one is kinda okay pun though
cant decide.
fewer people compete for low hanging fruit
Hey there guys. I have an internet connection now but not much room to use my tablet. I have a sketchbook though and if you'd like to make simple requests I could try and do those while I'm unable to draw digitally.
If you could keep those requests sfw I'd greatly appreciate it!
Anyone watching EU CS qualifier?
What a shitfest lmao
EU League LUL
FACT: Lulu is the cutest!
>not watching dom
he just outplayed himself desu
Evil mastermind Lulu revealing her cunning plan for world domination.
The Champ in the angler skin? Dont see much fanart of him, so I'll take what I can get.
Udyr crying in a clothing store's fur section
>aunt agatha no.... she taught me how to hibernate
I want to breed shyvana until she's pumping out quarter-dragon babies.
Damn I love Lulu, but I gotta say the Luluposting atm is off da heezy.
You Lulads need to cool it because she's mine.
if the pun isn't outrageous I don't think you should keep it user
as an example: my name incorporates fellatio, potassium, and a never quit attitude!
shyvana secretly viewing a J4 magazine
This but Shyvana
Imagine if I had a REEL weapon.
How much pumping does a half breed needs to start popping kids anyways?
1 liter per day?
Is there a better feeling than being accused of scripting?
I have a birthday party to attend to in 5 hours but i want to keep climbing
Should I stop and just get ready or should i keep climbing and be fashionably late
i dont get pussy either way unless some magic happens so i lose on both options
kled playing chess with skaarl
Getting a hug from Lulu
delete this
>know of a tool to mess with the game and see how badly programmed the game is
>its actively used for scripting
>faggots still dont know scripting vs being good and how to spot which is which
>they assume scripting just because theyre retarded and mad so you MUST be cheating
i know this feel
i report everyone that spam pings or uses chatbox macros because theyre faggots
Orianna is fun
being accused of hacking
Thanks for such great requests! I'll start them tonight.
>play dark souls 1 for the first time
>manage to kill gargoyles after like 4 hours
>"that's enough of that"
>play league
>get tilted
user i need a tumblr to make my request
i have a list of shit i want to throw at you thats bound to have at least 1 draw-worthy request
i paid for pic related
>Katarina gets one kill
>Katarina gets Gunblade
Both equal
>Katarina can 1v1 anyone in the game, practically 1v5 if she knows what shes doing
Why does riot allow things like this to go through, but constantly nerfs people who are already having trouble in the meta?
Who do you guys think is stronger right now?
Khazix or Rengar?
>she gets dunblade
>im already rocking veil
what now faggot