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Previous thread MAGIC IS REAL edition
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)
>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 01/11/2017*
>New to DR
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:
>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:
>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:
>New Dangan Ronpa V3 is scheduled to be released in 2017 on PSVita and PS4.
>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4
> DR3 Anime episodes and more
>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more
>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
/drg/ Danganronpa General
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Why is Kiibo that low?
I want to care for the robot!
What was his name again?
Reminder that even the hack can't escape:
>#1 selling game on Vita
>#8 selling game on PS4
Pre-release ranking of who would survive according to the fans.
I want to lovingly bully the robot!
Kaede's romantic love hotel scenario!
well technically it was developer over 2 years instead of a half year, that's a lot of money gone
so what the fuck was up with the demo? I didn't play it but didn't it end abruptly? I finished the game and I don't think I saw anything that explains it
though I haven't played school mode
>reference to MGSV when monofunny said MGS5 to mean 5 seconds before throwing up
>the V did stand for 5
This is the best attempt at a creator trying to murder his franchise since Metal Gear Solid 4.
Imagine when Kaito turned on that press. Imagine the sound of every bone in Ouma's body breaking and crumbling, imagine the blood splattering from bursting internal organs.
Do you think Kaito got a boner?
And it didn't work.
>Saihara gets to teach the robot about love and ultimately get a confession.
It's just not fair, bros.....
>crying when people are choking him
He would probably be laughing
also no
I think I got a boner.
you could always project
He deserved a lewder corpse.
Rate lewdest corpse
>Implying he wouldn't cry his eyes out to get you to stop only to call you a pussy when you actually do.
DRV3 is not number one on ps4. That's literally impossible with Kingdom Hearts out. It's lower than even Automata, which is bound to flop because Taro. And Vita sales are abysmal in japan.
Komaeda, no doubt about it.
Where does this Kodaka guy live?
I want to pay him a visit.
Amazon reviews are pretty much on point
I want to hold Kiibo's hand! I want to pet Kiibo's hair! I want to get closer and spend more and more time with Kiibo until he starts feeling emotions he's never felt before... I want to tell him that it's love!
I want Kiibo to confess to me!
I want to kiss Kiibo! I love Kiibo!
I want it all to be broadcast live, so everyone can know about our love!
It's not fair, anons. He almost survived. Why did Kohacka have to kill him off?
Can he be brought back to life?
Are 11s just being courteous with spoilers or are they actually too pissed off to draw art?
Oh I forgot she existed after I decided to wipe DR3 from my mind
Hopeman wins again.
pretty sure he lives in japan somewhere little girl
hey havent i seen you on TV or something?
With tits this big I'm going to forgive her.
What? Vita is strong in japan. Most danganronpa fans are going to buy it on vita since thats what their used to
If we hope enough, anything can happen.
Alright, that's fair enough.
>Can he be brought back to life?
Even if he came back, it wouldn't be the exactly same Kiibo.
How do I fuck Ouma's corpse /drg/?
You can always write wish-fulfillment fanfiction, I guess.
Bit of both. Mostly the latter I think
Where's the guy who posted the previous schools of the V3 cast?
I'm not sure what they expected
probably both, Atlus didn't want P5 spoilers so people actually went around reporting gameplay videos on youtube
lies can change the world blah blah blah
Didn't the Monokuma kids come back? How did that work?
What happens in Kaede's scene?
he made new ones, but they don't have the previous ones' memories
>Not the same Kiibo
>They can't just get his memory back from the cloud he send literally everything he saw to or maybe there is a chip that survived with everything.
Don't lose hope user
Have you ever looked at sales charts? It is clogged with 3ds games, the only vita game is fucking minecraft. How can someone think vita is huge when sony have abandoned it so hard?
Monodam is fucking awesome best bear
1. Monodam
2. Kurokuma
3. The rest
Anybody got the Monodam nickname pasta?
I want to get locked in an airtight school and fix her with hope. She would try anything and everything to make me feel despair, but I would just laugh it off, because as long as I'm helping her, no despair is strong enough to enter my heart. I'd show her that no matter what she has done, I'd always forgive her. I'd make her food and clean her secret lair, and drag her out to bed if she stays up late. When the nights get so cold that we have no choice but to cuddle together at night for warmth, I'd feel her breath going from shallow to deep as her form relaxes and she falls asleep in my arms. I'd feel her cling to me in the night when she wakes up from a despair nightmare and feel her sob into my chest, first seeds of hope sprouting in her traumatized mind. I'd softly kiss her hair and tell her everything will be okay. I'd take care of her when she gets sick, read all the books from the library and hold her hand so that she can fall asleep. I'd make shitty homemade pizza for her and stay up late with her watching dumb movies, and feel her cuddle up to me when she can't stay awake anymore. I'd teach her retarded drinking games and show her how to play pool in the rec room.
One night, she silently sneaks over to the kitchen. A shining sliver of a blade extends from her clenched fist when she walks into my room. But her hand stops, centimeters away from my chest, and begins to shake violently. Something is wrong. One by one, her trembling fingers let go of the hilt, and with a soft thud, the knife falls onto the carpet. She throws herself on me and buries her face right where the knife should have gone, Clutching at the fabric of my clothes. Her whole body shakes feverishly and I scoop her body into my arms and tell her that everything will be okay, just like usual. Her silent sobbing turns to wailing that echoes out into the dimly lit corridors beyond the door.
She would finally be cured of despair. Because the only thing she can't analyze is love
Almost like they haven't released a vita game in a while. It was a flop everywhere but japan thats why its being abandoned.
It's not fair.
Everyone thought Kiibo would die from the beginning, but I believed in him. When the first spoilers came out showing he was a survivor to the final trial and wasn't the mastermind, I was ecstatic he had made it.
Then chapter 6 happened.
Why did you do this to him, Kodaka?
At least we got this beautiful smile... ;_;
Translate please?
Believe in them rebuilding him in danganronpa UDG2 user
You know, everyone thought the Monokids would all be shit.
Then Monodam proved us wrong massively when he took out 2 of them over the course of two chapters and stole the show in chapter 3.
He even sacrificed himself to boil sisterfucker to death, ensuring that even his death would be great.
Monodam is the best Monokid.
She and Shuichi roleplay that they are a couple who are celebrating their anniversary.
Just like Monokuma, they are robots. There is an endless store of spares.
I still dont believe the MC with no real harem gets to smash fucking everyone.
Mono "Be Monokid, Face the Piano Lid" Dam
Mono "Bully Me Into Silence? I'll Silence You Forever" Dam
Mono 'Insult my fair heart and I'll tear you apart' Dam
Mono "Monosuke Ends Today" Dam
Mono "Boohoo, There Goes The Jew" Dam
Mono "Cooking and Cucking Korekiyo" Dam
3DS IPs are that popular though
the fact that PSV sales for a title that's also on the PS4 can be very close means it's still very popular looking at other weeks
I'll keep hope for that happening. Thanks, user.
Best Girl Edition. Waifu for Laifu Edition.
>Maki and Himiko in UDG2
>Fighting off Danganronpa but begans to get overwhelmed
>They both get corned and have no way of getting out
>Kiibo lands and saves the day
I would fund this so much, Kodaka please.
Reminder that Kiibo wouldn't have been able to save the fucking day if not for the upgrades based Miu did to him.
She is truly the Seiko of V3.
Any word on the sprite rips from the main game yet?
I know BDH got them already, there's apparently ~280 new sprites ignoring the already 1400 sprites from bonus mode.
That's my fav Tsumugi pic.
Amazon rankings mean jackshit. And I'm not saying that in defense or as an attack on DRV3, it's just that some games do worse on Amazon than retail and some do better. That's why we have Amazon outright saying FFXV was a huge success for them while it looks to have been otherwise disappointing in sales.
Right now, the first day sell-through was apparently 70% of its shipment. Which is pretty good and expected and would mean it should open around the same as SDR2 unless it was understocked for some reason. The big problem is that afterwards, the two biggest indicators that the game was poorly recieved would be a huge drop in sales second week and a surge of trade-ins that greatly depreciate the game's value. But both are normal and expected for VNs and Danganronpa in particular, so it's possible sales won't be able to clearly paint a picture of the game's reception until we get to DRV4.
I, for one, am glad they left this to bonus mode and didn't clog the story part with even more cringe.
Kiibo is still the canon love interest though.
I know how you feel, Kiibro. ;_;
83cms just 3cm's bigger then mukuro
That's cute. Do they fuck?
So, you're saying that Kiibo is coming back.
I wonder if he's the standard model camerabot for all the previous seasons, or if they switched it up every once in awhile.
How self-aware is Kiibo? Is he fully functional AI who is pretty much an actual person with hopes/thoughts/wants, or does he know he's a camerabot ultimately fated to kill everybody in case of a failed trial? Does he know what he is?
I'm happy they restricted harem shit to people who want it in bonus mode, I hate that sort of stuff in the main story
>canon love interest
Did I miss something?
What do couples do on their anniversary, user?
I want to hold hands with normie!Junko
Kiibo is a new addition for this season as the audience surrogate, they probably just used monokuma nanomachines for the previous ones
anyone have the fanservice CG? The one where most of the female cast is topless?
What bothers me is that it further shits on any possible yuri. I never should have placed any trust in that damn hack in the first place.
normie!Junko never existed.
First of all, it's non-canon, and second, it's just a fun little extra for people who want to get closer to the characters.
We don't know. It hasn't been translated.
>Shuichi is the informant who gives assignments and helps out here and there
>Alternate between yumeno and maki in the midst of battle. Maki specializing in close combat and yumeno in traps similar to komarus style
>Easy mode is playing as kiibo who fires lazers
Please kodaka
It's complex pottery, user.
Not really, but Kiibo and Shuuichi allude to Makoto and Kirigiri.
>finally like a popular character in DR fandom
> can't wait to read his stuff since it'll be translated fasted and look at art
> no one doing anything bc apparently they ragequit the end of the game
> okay.jpg
>One of the gook artists I follow is really into Korekiyo and has been drawing/rt'ing a lot of art about him
>Scared they might commit honorable suzuki when they play the game and learn the truth
what do I do?
Saihara x Kiibo!
tfw there will NEVER be doujins or art
Even when they rank they fall off fast and they do have recent titles. People should not be expecting big sales from vita, especially for a niche game. Ranking 1st isn't impressive when it's such a niche game console. It has been barely surviving in japan for ages. PS4 is way more popular.
the closest you get is Himiko and Tenko in the main game
So.... Hope x Detective again?
What if it just makes them like him better, user? Look forward to the sisterfucking art.
>Both get fucked by Saihara regardless
Be it non-canon, I still feel like a cuck.
enjoy it while you can, user