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>In-game chat channel: NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully_ranger EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel", password is "vidya" SEA Channel: Veeky Forums
>Clans [BOTES] on NA Contact Precisionista FULL [BOTES] on SEA Contact Benlisquare FUYeah right [HOTEL] on EU Contact Rex1121 FULL
Fuck off DJ_TOMATO and Addy. Your pathetic "shadow council" holds zero real-world influence over vitagen. You're nothing more than a paper tiger; I wipe my ass with your kind of "council".
Robert Carter
REMOVEMOSH remove mosh you are worst boatfag. you are the boatfag idiot you are the boatfag smell. return to vitagen. to our vitagen cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,boatfag we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole mosh stink moshmellow sqhipere shqipare..mosh genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead mosh..ahahahahahMOSHMELLOW WEWILLGETYOU!! do not forget ww2 .kancolle fuckers we kill the yamato , kancolle fuckers return to your precious kusoge….hahahahaha idiot mosh and kancolle smell so bad..wow i can smell it.REMOVEMOSH FROMTHEPREMISES. you will get caught. WOWG+VITAGEN+WARSHIPS+KANCOLLE=kill MOSH…you will ww2/ tupac alive in wowg, tupac making album of wowg. fast rap tupac wowg. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink mosh… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in wowg….fuck the boatfag,..FUCKk ashol mosh no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur ship and account. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the mosh farm aminal with rap magic now we the wowg rule .ape of the zoo presidant wargaming.net fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and moshmellow wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our genral we will crush u lik a skull of pig. wowg greattst gebral
Justin Morales
I thought mako just shitposted like he was an abo ghetto wannabe with nelson images, and it was lunatic that actually shitposted about other anons here
Eli Cook
I love you mosh
Brayden Richardson
>kancolle fuckers we kill the yamato Rude, you don't need to bring the QTest bote into this.
Jeremiah Wright
we luv u
Asher Wilson
foxboys for nelson
Adam Perez
mosh needs to be killed
Kevin Jenkins
Henry Roberts
what a fucking disaster of a start to the thread
Hudson Perez
Fuck off Mosh Stop orchestrating these to draw attention
Jaxson Wood
What are the chances of getting a voice mod where nothing changes except the crew addresses me as ma'am?
Isaiah Sullivan
t. mako
Nathan Gomez
What the FUCK did I do, you little cunt?
What's your fucking problem, can't a man enjoy his guilty pleasures in a bit of peace?
Oliver Powell
Nelson and Rodnee G A R B A G E
Ethan Foster
newbie here, any1 got a code for NA?
Christopher Morgan
Dominic Butler
I blame HP_Lovesauce for this wave of shitposting.
Who tf is mako? I'm just a poor girl that wants to enjoy ramming ships in peace
Hunter White
>tfw no QTHICC Hotel gf
Nicholas Mitchell
many thanks
Henry Scott
she needs to be a bimbo tbqh
Luke Bennett
Good morning Hotelposter.
Jaxson Hall
Don't forget to teamkill mosh when you play with him.
Jackson Morales
>Australians on other boards do bantz >"Australians" on /wowsg/ autistically sperg and whine about others
Xavier Allen
Detroit class cruiser when?
Aiden Sanders
US CL/CA tree split when?
Joseph Brown
>Wake up >New hotel doujin on sadpanda
What a great way to start the day.
Aiden White
>Its another "user" shitposts because hes begging for attention episode.
Jordan Johnson
you should go to a dairy farm instead you wanker
Adam Brown
Can confirm, Mosh told me on discord that he is actually just doing all of this himself.
Matthew Anderson
>Detroit class cruiser when? Wut. There is no "Detroit class". Unless Detroit would be a name of one of the paper ships used to fill out a USN line split.
Landon Taylor
C'mon guys, don't be a gay
Evan Bell
But the only two of them that do that are chinks anyway
Sebastian Thomas
Sry I just looked it up There's only USS Detroit (LCS-7)
Luke Bell
Isn't that wave or Lunatic?
Aiden Diaz
Jacob Wright
But Mosh, you are the gay.
Ryan Brooks
>wave who?
>Lunatic yes
Ryan Cox
>wave >who
Jack Lewis
>French BB line still not announced
Adrian Evans
Thanks Lovesauce.
William Rodriguez
>when you finally master a ship
The best.
Carter Hughes
Des Moines; Literally, the QTest
Brayden Sanders
>showboat >american ninja warrior
>Des Moines
user, I...
Brody Brooks
Evan Walker
>French BB >Can drop speed and go backward quickly
Aiden Lopez
Ryan Jackson
>getting gang raped at the start of the round
David Parker
The NC is a pretty good ship. If she stays at 11 - 15km away from a Bisko, it's a pretty 1-sided beating. High arching 16/45 Super Heavy shells do wonders to Bisko's upper armor belt.
Isaac Rogers
What's the point being attention whores?
Ian Garcia
Mosh belongs to the ERP server!
Aaron Torres
you mean the discord?
Samuel Powell
Yeah, there's nothing like watching them drunkenly sail through the air to slam into Bismarck's and Tirpitzes like a traincar.
Evan Morales
Leo Wilson
Arlios' discord, yes.
Nicholas Nelson
>It's a trap!
Jacob Martinez
I tried
Caleb Carter
>tfw I bully ducks in my Hakuryu
Justin Gray
>deploys smoke below you >clicks on your squad with MAA skill
pshhh... nothing personel CVck
Jaxson Sanchez
What really happens >Duck deploys smoke, sits still like an idiot and cant see planes due to being alone >Torp wall either kills you or takes half your HP >3 DB squadrons bomb you for your remaining HP once you've been flushed out of your smoke. >DDs will always rush caps when a CV is in game
Gavin Phillips
sounds like raptor once he reaches Akizuki lmao
Josiah Cruz
I finally got all the boats from the convoy ,didn't think it would be this easy without t8 premiums , so I'd like to go up the russian cruiser line and I want to ask how can I be more than an HE spamming damage whore and how can I use my radar effectively?
Aaron Diaz
Jacob Carter
Ayy lmao
Lucas Richardson
What's the first thing I should try to go for in a CV? The first anything I find, the first BB I find, or gun straight for the enemy CV?
Joseph Sullivan
whatever you can kill that looks important just don't spend the entire match sending your planes around the edge of the map trying to snipe their CV
Carter Miller
What modules for Graf Spee? I'm not very good at cruising.
Jaxon Morgan
To add more to what he said; go for the easy targets with little AA, sniping CV is a waste of time