Perfectly phonetic. Genders done right, plurals done right, conjugations done right, word order done right, alphabet done right.
Perfectly phonetic. Genders done right, plurals done right, conjugations done right, word order done right...
languages are /int/
Egregiamente argomentato, mio buon amico.
>can be done right
>la mano
>le mani
Still love Italian though
Languages are /int/.
Veeky Forums is not /b/ for pretentious faggots despite what you believe.
>il braccio
>le braccia
>il dito
>le dita
Those are even worse
Gendered words are an unnecessary complication.
It creates redundant words and applies genders to objects that have no gender.
t. retard that knows nothing about language
Why don't you explain to the ignorant masses instead of stroking your dick to your intellectual superiority?
> Italian
> lazy and bastardised Latin
Yeah, no.
>t.anglo scum
Gendered nouns are garbage tier.
>barbars will never know doors and chairs are female
well at least plurals are not as fucked up as in Arabic
Swede here, there is literally no point in gendered objects. What, you want to fuck a chair, lfmao
Sorry, thats just you.
Yeah, I would. So what?
Save yourself the trouble and learn Latin. Then you can easily learn any romance language.
>perfectly phonetic
Aside from the two qualities of e and o, and not marking stress, and the variation between voiced and unvoiced s and z...
>genders done right
How can genders be done right or wrong? They're just a complicating element, adding to variety and beauty but detracting from learnability.
Moreover Italian's gender system is hardly transparent or regular, if that's what you mean.
>plurals done right
Two different suffices (plus the invariables), and first declension feminine plurals are identical to third declension singulars.
>conjugations done right
There are several repeated forms, and lots of compositions.
>word order done right
>needing word order
But I'll concede this.
>alphabet done right
You're bringing this up now? What did you mean by "phonetic" earlier then? Anyway I hardly consider the way you use h reasonable.
But above all Italian has no distinctive flavor or identity identity, it's just simplified, vulgar Latin.
Doors, yes/maybe. Chairs, no.
>Perfectly phonetic
lazyness is why ALL languages change
all languages have unnecessary features
Don't forget the adorable suffixes!
>you will never tease your little cousin Francescaluccia for not finishing her pasta
No need to figure out a weird accent either. Just talk somewhere between a New Yorker and Super Mario
>>you will never tease your little cousin Francescaluccia for not finishing her pasta
I'm unfamiliar with this fetish.
Genders can be useful. Offer some uses not in other languages.
Maskuline/feminine is not the ideal gender system, though. Common/neuter is better, or some of the other systems that have nothing to do with gender at all.
Linguistics is humanities.
Shallow shitposting arguments like this is not very sciency, got to admit, but neither is theology, and that's still allowed.
Gender specific pronouns are stupid enough, grammatical gender for all nouns is even more inane.
classical latin was better
nice meme terminology you got there.
but italian is simple and primitive as fuck
you are basically glorifying a subhuman muslim nigger culture which has been westernized
wow big fucking deal
italians are fucking rats, and the culture and language are shit
you should hear me impersonate a sleezy fucking whop. its hilarious.
stop promoting scum
>genders are pointless.
So are conjugations. And plurals. And all types of inflections and declensions. Or morphology in general, really. Let's all just speak analytic ooga booga languages.
>And plurals.
You can do without plurals, sure, but don't they make language more clear?
lel do you really think african languages are "simpler"
>Genders can be useful
>So are conjugations. And plurals. And all types of inflections and declensions. Or morphology in general, really.
But that's all wrong, you idiot.
ITT: butthurt anglos who are uncapable of accepting that another language is better than theirs
>muh most spoken language
>muh haha xd what language are you using to communicate right now?
I'm forced to do it because you lazy asses dont feel the need to learn languages other that english.
Stay salty my bongs.
>salty meme
you are literally human fucking trash
t. Alberto Barbossa
try harder
People have always had to learn the dominant language of the time. In the past you would have needed to learn French, in the future you will need to learn Mandarin.
>But above all Italian has no distinctive flavor or identity identity, it's just simplified, vulgar Latin.
This is ludicrous: Italian has one of the oldest and richest literature in the whole world, especially considering that Italian is only spoken in Italy while English or French are spoken on a global level.
As for genders: to all you retards, it's not like gendered languages consider a chair a "female", it's just a classification system.
The character of the poems of some frivolous heterodox papists or whatever (i.e. what is written in the language) isn't relevant to the character of the language itself.
I am curious to hear what is relevant to the "character of the language" (which obviously doesn't mean shit linguistically but this is /his after all, home of the retards)?
The æsthetic and structural elements of course.
For instance, the sound of the language, the appearance and structure of the writing, the structure of the grammar, the variety of the morphology and syntax, the vocabulary...
Make language more clear. If you mishear something, the gender marking later in the sentence corrects it. Theoretically also allows for more short words without overlapping stuff. For example, if gender is marked on articles (if that even counts? Not sure), you can have two identical words and keep them separate by giving them different genders. Imagine:
>two different words, look identical:
la (meaning 1)
la (meaning 2)
In English, you'd have these alternatives:
a la (meaning 1)
a la (meaning 2)
They are identical, it's impossible to see how they are different.
Imagine if they had two different genders, and the article changed according to gender, let's say the articles are e and a. Now you get:
a la (meaning 1)
e la (meaning 2)
Now it's much clearer. And you save space, because you put the sound differences into the articles, where you only need a few combinations so you have many to spare, to use for additional articles for different genders. You can do this, instead of adding more letters to the regular word.
> æ
> unironically
Any fellow English speakers try to learn Russian? Everyone always tells me English is the worst when it comes to learning the grammar, but I'm pretty sure these people have never tried to learn Russian.
No one has ever said English is perfect. But it is certainly better than Italian, on every level.
> lazyness is why ALL languages change
Partly. If laziness is the main factor, Italian words would be shorter than Latin ones; they aren't.
Yeah, me.
It's about average. Not as difficult as Greek or Sanskrit, but more difficult than, say, French or Esperanto.
>loss of case not from laziness
He's an anglo tipper, dont mind him.
>I've only ever kmown english my entire life, so it's safe to assume it's the best language.
It's not a strawman, it's the only reasoning I'm willing to admit could be behind your sentence. How can you determine a language to be better than another?
>It's about average
Seriously? It's probably the most difficult language I've tried to learn in terms of grammar (out of Spanish and German, so really not saying much, but still).
>conjugate based on the gender of who is acting, what is being acted upon, and the ownership of what is being acted upon
>sentences simultaneously have a rigid sentence structure and no sentence structure at all
Like, speaking Russian correctly seems like the most retarded thing to learn. It just seems to me that most Russians speak vulgar Russian because actual Russian is fucking stupid.
In my opinion, there are two main forces behind language change: laziness and stupidity. We also have a third one, forced language change, but that can be ignored for now.
A lot of language change is laziness, but when you for example lose irregular verbs, that can't be laziness, because the vowel changes take less effort than adding an ending to the verb. These are examples of stupidity. There are many others too, for example when people misunderstand phrases and think they are words or grammatical constructions.
For cases, loss is often caused by stupidity, but there can also be elements of laziness. For example, if people become too lazy to pronounce certain sounds, which happen to be case markings, that can cause the case to disappear, or at least become much rarer. And something that's rare is an easier victim of stupidity. It requires more intelligence to remember things that you are only reminded of in some cases than all the time.
Garbage is any language that changes the way articles and adjectives are said/written just because of some stupid fucking "gender" rule.
If anything that proves english is a lazy language for lazy fucks like you who dont bother to learn any other languages other than your own; instead you come here and trash them with your made up arguments.
How pathetic the anglo life.
You seem upset, sunshine.
Try arguing with me in my mother tongue, see in how many ways I can slander you.
Talk about a garbage tier language when we have the widest array of insults, plus blasphemies.
> a language to be better than another?
Flexibility, vocabulary, willingness to absorb, not-being-dead.
Russian is nothing special when it comes to languages, I'm afraid. It is no more complex, or simple, than any other.
It has, what, six cases? Sanskrit has eight, Finnish has like 15 or something. (English has two; two denoted ones at least.)
Russian has three genders: so do most IE languages.
Two conjugations? Albeit with exceptions? Sanskrit has ten, never minding the dual number.
Then you're kindly asked to prove how, according to those parameters (which, even though were hand-picked by you, we'll assume true), english is "objectively" better than italian. Because I know both languages and I fail to see it.
Old English used to have genders and cases and a lot of other stuff but because anglo-saxons were so cucked by the vikings and the normans their language changed completely.
Also wtf is this "some languages are better than others" bullshit? All languages have unnecessary bullshit that doesn't make sense.
Italian is a dead language. Only handful of wogs in an irrelevant country still speak it.
1/10 you tried.
Flexibility: this board/site is proof of the flexibility of English
Vocabulary: related to flexibility really, if it does not/cannot exist in English, it is absorbed
Not-being-dead: Italian is spoken in Italy, English is spoken... everywhere?
Sweet cheeks, words have no power to insult, unless you respect the person insulting you and choose to give them power.
Neither applies to you, pumpkin.
PS. There are certain countries, France and Spain spring to mind (I don't know about Italy), where foreign loans are actually repressed and not welcomed.
This kills the language.
But it's true, though. Why would anyone outside of Italy learn Italian? It's useless. May as well learn some random African language if you want to learn a useless language. At least that would be interesting.
Flexibility and vocabulary: you have not compared them to italian, which prompts me to believe you're just going on a pseudointellectual parade about english without knowing the other side of the question
Not-being-dead: do you even know what the term means? Should i explain it to you, a mother tongue? Also you're forgetting about 1/3 of argentina and i'd wager 1/50 of america, which is still a lot.
Keep arguing with yourself then i guess; another internet argument won for you.
0/10 you're not even trying right now
Weak tbqh.
Because some people go to Italy? Because they find it interesting?
He may find the prospect difficult to believe, seeing as he hasn't stept out of his mom's basement in a few years
>Why would anyone outside of Italy learn Italian
Because you're a historian who wants to learn about Italian history and read Italian primary sources?
The fact that Italian is *just* a mother tongue, and *not* a language which most people actively seek to learn, is the problem.
If Italian were so expressive, why do you Mediterraneans always gesticulate so much? Language not good enough for you?
Italian is a two-fingers-held-up-in-a-horizontal-swirling-motion language.
Gender is just a way to show how a word behaves and what morphological changes are needed to words surrounding it. Nothing to do with bicycles being for boys or other silly associations your intro to spanish class taught you.
Haven't you thought that maybe, just maybe, Italians are just different?
Oh ok, so going by your definition 99% of world's languages are dead. Well nice to know. I know you're baiting, but I seriously urge you to read up the definition of dead language.
Also, regarding gestures, it's quite the opposite. We mediterranean people, and italians in particular, are so heated, so passional, so caught up in things, that words alone dont do us justice. Not because of the spoken language, mind you, but because italian language itself is equal parts verbal and gestural.
You anglos wouldnt understand, with your frigid and mechanical german languages.
Half of those gestures are not even real, and the other half is common outside of Italy too.
Oh no say what you want but I can confirm all of them are real, save for the "funny (ironic)" one, never seen it. But of course there are hundreds more, those are babby's first gestures.
Different and thus worse.
> we're too passionate
> you're frigid
We have the best of Romance/French vagueness and Germanic mechanical robustness.
>different and thus worse
>we have muh X and muh Y
(No argument save for an unrelated chart)
Ah ok so you're baiting. Well damn you could have told me in advance, save me the bother to answer you and make some efforts to have an actual discussion.
> unrelated chart
It's show that England, even with its 'frigidity' and Protestantism has a greater birth rate than Italy with its 'passion' and Catholicism.
Who ever talked about birth rates? I said your LANGUAGE is frigid, of course you fuck like any other country on god's green earth, I mean girl from pic related is from the uk and god knows I would inflate that chart of yours single-handedly if I could.
English is anything but frigid.