K bullets make me not feel useless when I run into vehicles
Zachary Collins
What's the best magnification
Samuel Cook
For bolt action rifles unscoped
Julian Johnson
I always go full
Blake Moore
>3 damage It's a placebo. You're still useless.
Dominic Wright
6th for x
Jordan Gomez
What sensitivity do you all play on?
Kayden Hall
For the next OP, can we add this:
PS4 Community:
Search "Battlefield General", it's the first result with the windmill and the blue sky.
Mason Hernandez
Post link or no.
Colton Wood
I can't link to it, the pages aren't on the web. There is no link. They're in the PS4.
Noah Johnson
Is there anything more r*ddit than using the field gun?
It's literally the fucking reddit cannon for fucking redditors to post their 'xd epic' frags on reddit
holy shit i hate the field gun so much
Adam Allen
I think most people expect nobody to use the field gun, so when you actually use it they are caught off guard
It can be pretty effective
Christian Martin
I fucking love making suicide runs to stationary guns to try and get a shot off at vehicles, I do hate how it can just be used as an explosive sniper rifle though
Hudson Stewart
found the redditor
Robert Howard
Especially if you're behind enemy lines and there's a tank rumbling around. Pop some shots off with the field gun and then scramble away.
Bamboozling tanks is my favourite.
Sebastian Rivera
Get link on ps4 then.
Jonathan Watson
K Bullets highlight how fucking worthless and dumb Scouts really are when it comes to fighting vehicles, scatching a tank for 14 damage doesn't mean anything
Nathan Mitchell
It's weird that when I played COD1, COD2 multiplayer I was on fucking point (this is a couple of years ago) with my aim. Twitch aiming for headshots with bolt action rifle became second nature for me. In BF1 I can't hit SHIT. Why.
Blake Walker
They changed everything.
Asher Collins
You can't link to a community page.
Wyatt Long
Isaiah Thomas
no link, the pages are on the console
Anthony Price
Get fucked tank baby/hill shiggy, Field Guns are the best for removing people like you
Josiah Jackson
Jace Peterson
different mechanics
COD2 was a hitscan game and BF1 actually uses bullet physics
Connor Bennett
field guns on fao's fortress are deadly and can be extremely effective.
Love assaulting the fortress as the enemy mans the cannons, fire raining down on us as we try to move in is always so scenic
Hunter Sanchez
See? You literally proved my point. I said that field guns are used by redditors who like to post 'le epic' gifs of them using the reddit cannon, and then you posted a gif of you using the reddit cannon to prove me wrong.
How does that work?
Cameron Adams
No it's more like the actual aiming is weird. I can't get my iron sights on target as quick as I was able to in COD2.
Austin Lee
fucking hell how do you calculate drop so easily, is there a trick to it?
Isaac Morales
they're meant to stop them from healing, they don't do much but they help.
Ian Butler
no it's more like call of duty is a shitty game with hitscans and this game uses actual bullet physics.
Please kill yourself.
Michael Wood
Wish you could disable frags/gadgets and just play as a soldier with a bolt action rifle
Christopher Edwards
Probably wasn't his first shot. It just takes a bit of guess work.
Zachary Johnson
>no feature to throw grenades back at enemy
Dylan Davis
Fucking this. >the heavy breathing when there's a grenade right beside you
John Diaz
No the aiming is different learn to read.
>he never played the only good COD
apply yourself kiddo
Joshua Flores
[muffled *play verdun* noises in the distance]
Caleb Carter
no one films how many potshots it took to get to the killshot
Evan Cooper
the aiming is different because bullets and guns work differently you fucking retard. In call of duty you don't have to account for bullet drop aka bullet physics
please kill yourself and go back to r e d d i t
Gavin Thompson
Do you have reading problems?
I'm talking about the AIMING. Maybe something to do with the sensitivity or something. Getting your SIGHTS on the TARGET. I'm not talking about PHYSICS. you fucking retard
Ethan Taylor
is there a point taking shots at planes when I can or should I just ignore them completely?
Aiden Adams
if you're a support, sure
Dominic Ross
Supports can maul a plane.
Also if you're a tank there's nothing more satisfying than winging a hail mary shell at a bomber and getting a triple kill.
Logan Myers
Fuck man I actually thought I could use k bullets to shoot through the iron doors
Caleb Morales
How do you get those doors open anyways
Isaiah Gomez
I would love Oil of Empires if the third map wasn't complete garbage
Samuel Hall
you can get lucky. and honestly, shooting at every plane I see, I've destroyed quite a few of them
Liam Parker
Asher Walker
Anything bigger than a grenade.
I usually use Dynamite or a Limpet Charge, depending on my class, but I think AT Grenades and maybe the AT rocket gun would work too.
Anthony Anderson
spawn fix when?
Eli Jenkins
This game is not bad, but it gets boring so quickly. I wish I could have my money back.
Gavin Phillips
play with friends
Brandon Ward
They play on PS4, I play on PC
Xavier Baker
make friends on here
Brayden Anderson
Dylan Hall
>Muh physics >Muh realism LMAO if you want realism shoot IRL you stupid fuck
Evan Walker
heh, good advice i guess
Jackson Collins
>it's fun with friends
EVERYTHING is fun with friends you RETARD
Josiah James
it's fun either way, but the true battlefield experience is with a squad of buddies.
Joshua Thomas
I'm actually using the optical selbstlader and getting easy 3.0k/d
Gavin Rivera
why is operations so unbalanced
Camden White
git gud
Dylan Lee
>tfw you sabatoge the operation because you can't get on the team you want to play
Juan Rogers
You only get hit by le ebin reddit cannon with le epic shots if you're le epic sitting on a fucking hill and refuse to budge, like a retarded tank baby/hill shiggy
So like I said, get fucked tank baby/hill shiggy
Chase White
>tfw the /bfg/ xbox squad will never happen
Luis Bailey
fuck off normie
Hudson Roberts
Jack Russell
>still playing this shit
Parker Long
Shooting at aircraft is literally fucking pointless it's the same shit as bf4 where they just hide untill they get flares back they fuck off out the map and auto repair fuck this bullshit
Anybody else seeing a rise in hackers? I am seeing flying, invisible soldiers that are slaughtering entire teams, racking up 300+ kills before the end of the match. Saw something like that twice today and once the day before.
Josiah Turner
>tfw too gud to git gud
Luis Murphy
Someone good on it can kill a fag sniper and tank in one life.
Jayden Parker
Not today shitty squad spawn mechanic, you won't get me this time
Landon Phillips
Whenever they nerf the Model 10 Properly. AKA A BF3 Famas Tier Nerf.
>Killed by a spawn in Model 10.
This webm is just perfect.
Christian Hughes
>hillniggering >see enemy hillnigger >easykill.jpg >hit for 80 or some bullshit, oh well >zoom back in he only moves SLIGHTY to the left or SLIGHTY to the right
i just don't understand these people
Blake Russell
wow lol ur so pro pls teach me how to get gud like u, u shuld post this on reddit u get lot of upvote i bet
Aaron Kelly
alright bro drop your tag and I'll help you out
Brayden Gray
Brandon Flores
You're supposed to forget that they're there
Jaxson Richardson
Put it wherever it's comfortable.
Cooper Russell
thats what she said
William Bennett
not saying I want it in game you fucking retard but it is in fact already in the game.
Jose Cox
>anything I don't like is reddit nice way of thinking there
Julian Anderson
Upboat my friend :^)
Alexander James
We could also add that we're looking for people to create an xbone squad
Jordan Richardson
Ah yes, plinking at hillniggers while being a hillnigger is such an impressive display of FIZZICKS, very pro-milg
You first ;)
Charles Butler
thanks, now fuck off to reddit where you came from
Austin Thompson
Juan Adams
Parker Jackson
*Upvotes your upvote* :3 Who's the cutest class in BF1? Do you think they'd like cuddling?
Brayden Baker
Veeky Forums has officially been ruined by reddit and normies.