What if the Rotary Engine was in 3D?


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That is some hakuna miata level thinking

I scrolled past this like 8 times thinking it was some weird ass airbox on a VW beetle engine

You'd need vertex seals instead of apex seals.

Get off of the dick


prepare to get your mind fucked

You know a weird engine technology is legit when they speak German.


Same thing

the guy is German though

austrians are to germans what germans are to regular people

Austrians speak German as their native language.

Are you kidding me, they're talking about Lörrach, which is a town in south germany near the Swiss border. The video's from Swiss national television.

we jetsons now



google must be really hard to use. He's German.


>Implying Austria wasn't a part of the German empire

So it's a shittier rotary that vibrates a lot and makes a shit sound. Yay.

>not a wave disk engine

What is this Bionicle shit

God damnit, why do the germans have to complicate everything?

>build entire engine as turbosnail


so, Nazis?

if a rotary braps, how do you write this noise?

>weird engines
>noone posted the original Wankel engine

Fuck, wrong .gif



This is perfect.

>Sir, your balls need replacing every 15k

There's more of us than you think. /v/ has threads and movie nights occasionally.

It's in a german city, the guy is swiss and the channel is swiss as well
>source: Im austrian and we hate being called german.

We don´t call you Deutsche, we call you Schluchtenscheißer...

shut up, Piefke.

Austrians=Germans in denial
They either get insanely mad or accept it.

Austrians are basically German. You're just swarthier.

We literally have nothing in common with you humorless disgusting cunts. Everytime I'm in germany I literally want to kill myself.

Also to make this vaguely Veeky Forums related again:
The Autobahn was built by Hitler, an Austrian

i assume its like how Canadians respond to being called Snow-Americans.

Actualy Hitler didn´t build the first Autobahn, the first one was build by Konrad Adenauer.
It was planned in 1926, before Hitler was in charge.

that may be true, but he was the one that made the autobahn what it is today. It's like how Apple didn't invent touchscreen phones but touchscreen phones sure as shit wouldn't be where they are today without them so they are now regarded as the "inventors" of smart phones.

>design rotary engine
>put reciprocating pistons in it anyway because fuck having advantages and sheeit

this is why the germans lost the war.