best waifu editon
Orianna and nidfags need not apply
League of legends general /lolg/
Rene best waifu
xth for breast metal waifu
Is there ever a reason to build Build Ohmwrecker on anyone?
Shit thread.
is renekton fun?
i just rerolled a perma rune wars skin
If you want to make your team get tilted.
Renekton is a no good, slimey, back turn'n scoundrel! he got no respect for boarder lines and ought to be taught a intimate lesson on em'.
I'm so fucking tilted it's unbelievable
I can't fathom the circumstances occurring in each of my games, every single one I give up first kill to my opponent, no matter the matchup, sometimes it's because my jungler lvl 2 ganks without pinging while I'm recalling, sometimes I just get shit on.
In every single game there is at least one dead-weight player on my team, and 0 on the enemy team, sometimes that player is me, most of the time it's supp or jung or both. I haven't had a single jungler put pressure on the map, while it seems like every jungler is focusing me down.
I've gotten two successful reports through in the last 3 games, and fuck this is so infuriating.
How do I get out of this rutt?
I think I've won 4 out of the last 20 games
and I won't stop until I win
I wanna pump Shyvana full of my cum until she's pregnant with three-quarters dragon babies
Between Fervor, Warlord's, and Undying, which keystone is best on Olaf?
How do I improve my decision making in this game? I have started watching my past games and from what I have seen my decision making is all over the place. Sometimes i choose to take objectives and can take them easily and sometimes I die since I made the wrong decision.
Sometimes I choose to chase someone since they are almost dead only to die myself with the enemy team waiting for me in the jungle. Anyways how do you make your decisions in this game?
you're gay
I agree
Cute monster hugs!
Jungle dragon get off the internet
Keep practicing. Happens to a lot of people, myself included. Just power through it or take a break and come back later.
When you make a decision, ask yourself what went wrong/how you could have improved it whether or not the decision you made was wrong or not. Eventually you'll get it right.
So like
What makes people think
Can someone answer me plz?
Best corki skin? Arcade is the newest and shiniest but
I want to watch as you fill up the wife that would never be mine!
He's a big angry beast of a man. He excudes manliness without being too "BARA" ish and is a literaly savage in and out of bed
boys in skirts are cute!
red baron my man
I've noticed that when I play top lane, I always get camped. But when I play top lane, the enemy never gets camped. Also, the enemy can go ahead and stay pushed up to my turret and never get ganked. If I try to push up to their turret I get ganked constantly.
Dragonwing and Arcade
ty user
Biggest thing to do is watch the mini map more.
Like, it's very unsafe to go chasing an enemy into their jungle if people on the enemy team is mia.
Or to try and push for a tower.
Just watch your map more, and remember that the closer to your opponents base you are the more likely they can be near by.
He stronk
His voice is nice
He is a kinky slut and wears no underwear
If he doesn't tread lightly he'll find himself waking up somewhere bound and vulnerable!
Who is your favorite and least favorite Veeky Forums player? Mine is sid and style :---)
Sorry, Shyvana is taken by me friends.
>Play Ascension
>ALWAYS get focused
This is why I play Ahri in Ascension now so I can just ult away from this bullshit.
my fav is gumi, I want to cosplay draven while he cosplays evelynn for me~
No that's perfect. I just want to watch as you make love to my fantasy waifu! Impregnate her with your seed as much as you want!
No friend of mine would ever hog a dragon girl all to himself.
The least he would do is breed her and let me have a child of hers
>People think J4 + Shyv will be a thing
J4 needs a full human wife to carry on the Kings legacy. Do you think he'll really throw away his duty to his country?
MOST FAVORITE none of them
LEAST FAVOTE all of them
it's a circlejerk of antisocial and narcissistic personalities playing a shitty moba.
oh and those who want in, which makes them somehow worse.
Dude Gumi has a pucci
I want to be violently dominated by him because of his voice.
He's gonna stick your dick in his butt and give you the ol CROCODILE DEATH ROLL
That totally sounds like something Renekton would do
My plan to turn all of /lolg/ into Karthus mains is going smoothly.
i want this guy to demolish my bp so hard i won't be able to walk for a week or more
How do we fix this mess?
Make her huge!
Or just revert the latest buffs.
whenever i think about dicks my heart skips a beat and i feel really docile
bring the artists of rightgames into a "drawing female anatomy" class.
Give her skills mana costs
but no mana. She has to build mana items to have any.
Or more realistically butcher her shield's strength and scaling.
revert ult speed nerf, increase movespeed.
holy shit my dick
noxian whore
Why is sona so superior?
He's pretty boring famicon I don't see the appeal.
You should consult a professional about these feelings like Kled, Ziggs, Zac, Alistar, or Twitch as it sounds like you have a strong case of the gay.
Im losing faith in myself.
I don't know if Im playing bad or what but it seems like people in plat do not like to win.
How can their adc always be better and mine can't win the game even with a 850 hp shield, a taunt and overall godlike peel.
Why do I have to suffer in lane because Shen can't win most meta matchups alone, survive without dying once for my jungler to never come or my bot lane to always lose 2v2, 3v2 even when I ult them.
Am I missing something here? I went from a 61% wr to a 54% in soloq since I came back to plat and from a 65% wr with shen to a pale 60% since I play flex with 2 friends.
I'm in love
Name an adc with a bigger dick
Why is Ezreal so cute, bros?
Leave my waifu alone :(
Honestly, she's not that OP so idk what you're complaining about. She's only good if you put in a lot of time learning the nuances of her kit. Inb4 4chingchong bronzies think skilled play isn't skilled and should be downplayed for their autistic asses.
What's /lolg/'s opinion on Tahm Kench?
I personally fucking love the champion even though his W and E can be bullshit at some times.
He's fun and can carry but he loses really hard to disengage.
Remove her completely. The game would be better off honestly.
I love Lissandra!
Also please help me with this:
I want Lucian to get MATING PRESSED by Caitlyn!
Sadly there is barely any content of female champions working out without going into hulking musclebeast mode like the Syndra one.
>Lucian cheating on his wife
Fun to have on your team, terrible to fight.
His shield makes him basically unable to be killed, especially late game unless he's the last one standing and everyone can focus him (he's always the last one standing), luckily he doesn't do too much damage. It's still pretty cheesy though.
Tahm Kench is a tank that is good at what a tank does but not much else. His ult is pretty great, really neat utility there.
what is the best ult in the game
now i want more art of Kled molesting tops
What wife
Karthus again
"This is MY territory now!"
thank you based art user. Do you post anywhere else?
I want to massage Janna's ears!
your ult
Translation when?
>he mains jungle and doesn't use f2-f5 keys
>/all "outplayed" as I charge up ult
>They survive with a sliver of HP
>As they're typing in "outplayed" my DFT finishes them off
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
Oh and another one,
"Lemmie get a hold of your private property, city slicker."
Ben Billamy! I never lose when I have him on my team.
>Least favorite
I don't have a least favorite but you'll have the worst time in any match with Merc Treads or Sid on your team.
have you played that Janna h-game
You have the right idea
You need yordles to summon her.
He's busy transitioning while reviving the loving support of his husband through the trials of hormone therapy.
Memes aside, she stopped posting here because she kept getting harassed by annons and she didn't enjoy it.
Thanks famicon.
Oh man
Haha thanks but that's just finished stuff I only post sketches on my full blog at
update, I played my main and went well in mid against a fizz, winning 3/1/2 to 1/2/1
I roam bot, fizz follows, out bot runs straight into him, blitz, shaco w/ boxes, and fizz gets out with a quadra
we lost, bot didn't get a single kill, a total of 1 assist, blamed it on me for not shutting fizz down afterwards
soooo 3/20 won, and I got demoted
aaaaaaaand had to dodge a lobby because another bot premade on a huge loosing streak with matching names and clantags reading "supadank" and "SupaD", respectively, playing vayne, I've had a lee jung for the past several games, never done well, fuck
why does this happen to me? The enemy never fucks up, they play like fucking diamonds, rotating and clearing vision like pros, while my team consistently can't do shit, I feel like I'm in vegas throwing my fucking money away at a slot machine that has never won for me
How do you know that about the harrass?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I need to BREED Poppy!
She was here this morning what are you talking about
Screw Jessy she still hasn't drawn Renekton