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>"Hey guys what's the price on this piece of shit item"
/poeg/ - Path of Exile general
Other urls found in this thread:
im the guy with the fucked up skills
i finished the normal game, when i restart in cruel can i switch back to normal for some stuff, like this labirinth thing?
>when i restart in cruel can i switch back to normal for some stuff
Yes, you can freely move between difficulties once completed. From the waypoint map screen (default key 'u') the difficulties are separated by tabs at the top.
Also don't stress about fucking up a characters skills so early into your level. After a few play-throughs you'll be able to complete normal in 1.5-2 hours. It takes about 10 hours to get to Act 4 Merci. Far less if you dont bother with side quests or trading.
what are some actual fun builds in this game, have been trying to get into the game every build is not fun
also, should i spent my points in some other stats than intelligence?
depends on what you consider fun, obviously
Does the map being like this make it worth any more? None on poe.trade
Builds don't generally come into their own until you're around lvl 70 and have the right gear. Builds that I found fun but my not be top tier viable (fast red map clears, ubers etc) are
-Cyclone builds with Vaal Cyclone
-CoC builds
-Mjolner builds
-Combination of the above
Basically anything that spews colour and shakes the screen constantly.
are summoning builds viable in this game? something like the d2 necro
You don't "spend" points on main stats (str/dex/int), they're just bridging stats been main keystones you need.
srs support
how does this CI thing even work?
i dont have it yet, but i just died without my shield going away
Reminder that if you made a BF build this league you are literally worthless and your opinion means nothing
>died without shield going away
welcome to chaos damage, nigga
aw its so cute
the lil kid is jealous
whats bf?
can anyone link a good srs build?
when is the new league
Unique items being corrupted and un ID dont matter
reminder if you are playing
>an es build
>a vp build
>a summoner
>anything using poison or other dd mechanics
>anything using damage conversion
you are LITERALLY playing a reddit build and your opinion means nothing
that is 95% of the builds in PoE right now you fucking idiot
and you'r point?
my point is you sound like a butthurt hipster that doesnt like meta builds because they are "cheesy" or some shit
When will Path of ES nodes end?
3.0 when?
Defenses not being worthless when?
Vaal pact gone when?
Lifeleech being harder to get when?
New skills when?
Melee not being shit when?
Can someone tell me, how do you go about completing the atlas? I have plenty of keys from 2 guardians now but I can't get enough t13-14 maps to progress through the lower half. Am I supposed to just trade for them? Is it better to run t14/15 maps for those keys or is it better with t12 etc?
Also I'm burning through my chaos by running the bloodline mod, is that retarded?
>remind if you are playing anything useful you are reddit
>you should be playing something crippled with fucked up defenses and not taking advantage of double dipping damage like me to be considered good
>clearing t16 is bad
>struggling on t10 is good
>u dumb me smart
You nerds always find something to cry about
Just play the fucking game
Or don't
I dont think ggg even see how bad those things are right now
a fix for that will not come anytime soon
at least not a good fix
>bloodline mod
Yeah you're dumb
Those come free on maps
Look up a map guide YT video or something
Generaltsochicken has a good one and he has a nice soothing voice for the 20 minutes you'll be listening to it
Guys, I'm pretty sure he's joking.
any chance someone wants to sell me 13 or so viridian grand spectrums on standard for 8ex?
>tfw playing LL toxic spirits with double aggressive stone golems
must suck being poor
dumb anime poster
dumb cat poster
What is a build I can play with one hand?
Flicker strike
and I thought me fapping on one monitor and afking/trading players on the other was my ideal playstyle
picked up
>picked up
What did he mean by this?
No really, what did he mean when he said this?
any build if your mouse have enough buttons
my next build
disgusting image delete this immediately or else
So I've been playing crit fb totem inquisitor
2x 5linked a Cloak of Flame, but as I'm going into higher maps I need some more mitigation and a better chest.
A Lightning Coil seems really good for phys mitigation except I cant rol 5b1r on a armour/evasion chestpiece.
What do /poeg/ ?
im lvl 80, life based, busy crafting a 5l vaal regalia, dunno when I'll switch to CI, poor atm
>life based
>level 80
Dunno what to tell you
ok I see why people buy act 4 carries now
this shit is cancer 3 levels below trying to rush
early july
I usually overlevel Dried Lake by 2 levels then not hit anything on my way until a2 of next difficulty.
I hate this stupid discord meme
you can get a 500 ES 5L for 15c. idk wtf youre trying to do
Euthanasia pills should be included in the supporter packs tbqh
I have cut ties with my own family so I can focus on playing PoE 365 days a year
did I make the right decision?
I was level 62 when i hit merci lakes and was about 4-5 levels behind all of merci. Maybe I'm missing something but you pretty much just kill stuff before it can hurt you and go fast.
Based freetard
>tfw you're a talentless retard and this guy comes along
"talent" is the biggest meme ever, just pick something up and practice long enough and you'll become good at it
>playing poe with sound
I don't even know if he's playing the game soundtrack or not.
>if you play a good build you're reddit
what did he mean by this
fuck no
most of the soundtrack is extremely generic fantasy mmo with almost nothing memorable on it
that medley is a lot more interesting to listen to
Official /poeg/ OST thread lads. I'll kick it off in no particular order:
- Bastion
- Hotline Miami
- Hotline Miami: Wrong Number (a fav)
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Red Dead Redemption
- Dark Souls I, 2, 3
- The Last of Us
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
- Final Fantasy VII
What am I missing.
I'll give you 1 million dollars if you can be the next Hendrix with 10k hours of practice
First time playing and doing t11s, done one t12 last night. However, I cannot seem to finish the Hall of Grandmasters? map. The enemy characters seem retardedly strong after several "gates". Any tips?
git gud
block chance reduction gem
>plebbit has a thread about favorite unique flavor text
>2 people post bino's
really made me think
Chrono Trigger
New York Sity?
I think I've looked for a Chrono Trigger torrent before with little luck. Can't stream it on youtube because of potato internet.
You need a specialized build for HoGM.
I use WI, with CWC-Scorching ray-fire pen-ele focus-reduced block chance-aoe (switch to conc for dyness).
The nasty fuckers are:
>level 100 LA guy: offscreen, he will oneshot you
>Dyness: spam WI on the destination of his lightning warp, save a vaal disc to help tank him
>Kriath: Offscreen him, very tanky but has the DPS to murder you
>mull_gubben: All his damage abilities are CWDT so just take out your CwC and hit him with the plain scorching ray
Also worth noting that Pyre makes a better low-budget build while AoF+Emberwake+Taming is a better high-budget build.
Lufia 2
Chrono Trigger
Unreal Tournament
Baldur's Gate 2
Diablo 2
Shadow of the Colossus
The Witcher series
Is FREE poster one person? Are they anyone who wishes to fulfill the duty of posting in every thread? What build are they using?
it's a resident discordtard
don't think anyone gives enough shit to impersonate him because no one is on that level of autism
xhe is a discordfag
go ask there
Is discord full of birds? I've never been in there.
>he didn't unlock the best armor set in the game
its a bird nest
>Initial D Stage 1 and 5 OST
my nigga
>when you put in a shaped Racecourse
I just completed the labrynth for the first time and didn't even know this was here. What's good for a cyclone build?
And do I need to use the enchant station now or should I save it for better gear?
raider for frenzy charges.
Use the enchant or lose it.
Pick up way of the pocher
Nature's Adrenaline
don't be a slowfag.
Crypt of the necrodancer, undertale.
Anyone want to run some maps together?
Level 84
(cast on damage taken build)
Washington D.C. gateway
Is Izaro/general lab difficulty increased with more people?
you reek of reddit, so no
Forgot to mention, (softcore) breach.
he/they doesnt do more damage, only has more life
but i did twice
It was not worth it.
Are there bigger cucks than those who refuse to play popular builds just because they are meta?
sh*tbirds get out