League of legends general /lolg/

Blow you away edition


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>Trying to play vayne
>"omg is that gosu?"
>"guys its gosu!!!"
>"this guy is insane, i think hes gosu"

Do people think they're funny or something???

Biggest and bestest bustiest!

i want jayce to demolish my bp

xth for finding a qt to wear girl clothes for you~

Join my in this dead thread as we stare at the abyss. And play league in a dead world. Forever waiting, but no games.

How do you know that?


Cute boy champion soon™.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

I'm so fucking done with these right click monkeys constantly complaining about their role. Delete every Marksman from the game and give every ADC main Ebola aids. Non-stop complaining no matter what the situation is. Meanwhile top laners are basically farming NPCs for seven seasons and they never complain. I hope every single ADC gets deleted from this game with Janna and Yasuo.

>Scruffy confirmed Shotacon
I bet he has a husbando body pillow of Ezreal

Personally I'd like it if every person with rank 7 on Bard would be put to death.

Who here has paid for a boosting service and what was your experience?

I'm a bronze shitter and want to troll diamond games then upload results to youtube.

it all starts in the lane
when mages are top picks for """"supports"""" and bard does ridiculous damage for a support, it's easy to see why adc is shit
because in a 2v2 lane where one role is dedicated to helping the other, a 2v1, where the other role is instead dedicated to killing to snowball, is preferred

>wanting to spend hundreds of dollars just to troll

>spend several hundred $ to "troll"

Neck yourself, honestly.

you pay someone and then a player much better than you (such as myself) takes ur shit ass account to diamond

expect to pay like 500-800 probably if ur going from bronze to diamond

>hundreds of dollars

You're kidding me it really cost that much? Who pays for that?

I used 808boosting 3 times my first season

they do a division a day

also bought a smurf from them

thousands of retards
why dont you git gud instead and make it your job

Honestly I don't enjoy the game that much. One or two matches a day is more than enough.

I'm doing duo queue win boosting right now, I recommend


It's great because if you're doing the duo queue win boosting you don't have to wait for a booster to be assigned to you, you just search for one under your dashboard and wait until you find one. Prob one of the best sites I've used so far.

Are we a dead thread?
Since we're dead, and i'm bored, let's do some trivia. No google-fu allowed.
Name all the blonde champions in League.

>the only way you can learn how to improve is by playing against players that kill you without even so much as think about it
yeah dude totally

Skins included?

>Evelynn's Destroyers

do you realise how much game it is to get your shitty ass from bronze to diamond ?
do you think people are willing to waste around 10h doing ranked for 10 dollar ?

No skins. Only base look.

Ez, Lux, Heim, Olaf, Teemo, Kennen, Oriana

>Blow you away
Fuck no, not for $2.95 a minute.

>Soraka's Artillery

>tfw i'll never do to ezreal what sangwoo is doing to yoonbum
How do I make my 2D husbando into 3D? Also, you should read Killing Stalking -- it's really good.

you missed one, or two, maybe even three

I'm debating about reporting the fag posters.


I can live with making mistakes on trivia.
Are we considering white to be blond sense platinum blond is a thing?

Orianna, Janna, Sejuani, Lux, Poppy + Ezreal if we're including men

Plenty of people, often who are under the impression they're lower than they should be.

You'll play against better players from time to time. Can't be avoided. Might as well take what you can from the experience.

>how was he able to do that
>what could I have done differently

Alright, not bad.
How many skins are there in the PROJECT skin line?

Okay so the listed Karthus vs Ahri matchup has been, for awhile, consistently saying that Karthus has the higher winrate.

This is just coincidence + low data right? I don't really play the Ahr vs Karthus matchup as Ahri because of how few Karthus' there are, but I play Karthus a lot so I play Karthus vs Ahri as the Karthus quite a bit and she's always been one of my hardest matchups because her and LeBlanc are two of the very few midlaners that can gapclose and burst you down, but can dash back out of range if you exhaust them.

I'm tired of being perma'd, but im tired of shitters not knowing how bad they are, what do I do


>wow he was able to dance around my entire team because hes fucking kalista
what can i do

reach videogame enlightenment

get a grip m8
you chose to give your teammates extra opportunitys to tilt then wonder why they're so bad
it's just a game man

Yas, Leo, Fiora, Lucian, Zed, Ekko, Katarina, Yi. So 8. But 9 fits because why would they release a set of 2 and not sets of 3.

Nine: Yasuo, Yi, Leona, Fiora, Lucian, Zed, Katarina, Ekko, Ashe.

post the screen or you're a faggot silver lying and your mom will die in your sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post

Change your mindset.

Literally don't use chat.

>muh teammates need to know they're bad

No, they don't. Discipline yourself.

fyck you

who else forever in the trench ?

How do I learn discipline for league

Good job.
Before being called the Iron Revenant, Mordekaiser had another title. What was it?

god fucking damn it




The Mace Man?

why do you have a dark seal

grow up

The Master of Metal
Yasuo was a one-off

>that spoiler
>tfw already under the soft warm gaze of immunity cat
>tfw moms been dead for 2 decades anyway

Pffff nice curse nerd

more healing during laning because my jungler was afk and i kept getting ganked



God damn it I'm so thirsty.

>Jester94 on EU Nordic East
>Bronze 3

How about you quit being shit?

Good thing I don't sleep at night

Janna since youll actually help your team instead of getting cucked by grievous wounds


Close, but no cigar.

Pantheon's base MS?

Well Raka or possibly Sona would be better since they have direct heals. If you want to bring someone back to life play Zilean.

yeah ill play for the afkers too

easy to say

>do I play a character that heals or shields for a healer experience
based retard bro

I don't know


>don't get tilted
>don't flame teammates
>don't blame teammates
>don't get anxious

That type of stuff. Everybody isn't the same, so there isn't really a "one size fits all" solution.

Also, depends on the type of issues you may or may not be having.

>dark seal

Hello there.

>Play soloQ
>Have dodged 3 troll picks before, queue timer is at 30mins and have 9lp
>Get yasuo jungle
>Nobody dodges
I can already tell that Ill have 0 LP again.





>Base MS

Now you are getting bored. At least you could ask for Lunar Revel skins.

Just play the fucking game.

355, as if anybody actually knows/cares.

>All 5 pile on to me
>Thrown around like a ragdoll
>Ult after ult dumped onto my face
>Just stand in the middle of it right clicking as hard as I can

Forgot how satisfying Xin Zhao can be.

i want to play a comfy broken champion where i do relatively nothing and annoy the other team

>mercy ult heals
continue to be based, based retard bro

Teemo, Ivern, or Maokai.


just admit you made a mistake user, its ok

Sona but that would technically be the Lucio experience.

Yasuo already went deep invade the enemy jungle without wards and died.

>get shut down
>"i-its okay to a-admit mistakes ;-;"
I will not admit to a mistake I didn't commit.

355 was the right answer.


What are the champions that have stance-switching or form-switching abilities?

>melee champion
>immune to cc
>can't get debuffed (exh, ign, etc)
>can't get buffed (shields, heals, elixirs, ..)
>no gapclosers
great concept right

Fuck off nigger keep it in /b/

Jayce, Elise, Nidalee.

>play league for almost a year
>get placed in low silver and grind my way to gold
>play overwatch for literally three days
>get placed in plat

>got shut down

I did?

i asked for the mercy experience

you said i was a retard for saying janna could be like mercy

janna and mercy are both bloinde, both float, both heal, and both provide a damage boost

how did i get shut down again?

Be free from this hell

>play 10 games of hots
>diamond 3


dude, your build is shit, you dont have flash, you cs is probably shit and you did less dmg than your support,

its not them. its you

Nidalee, Aatrox (his W), Jayce, Swain, Anivia (if you count the egg), Elise, Gnar, Shyvana, Udyr.

Not sure if you'd count Nasus or Ren, or Kled.

Missed kayle

Right, forgot about her E switching "stances". Not sure if it'd be counted either since it just gives her range.

yeah but thats not so simple to do.