Skeleton war edition Previous Thread Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.
It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.
>Dom4 Inspector This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.
>Where do I get it? It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is kill.
>THE BASICS >Read the manual >Read the wiki >Read the pastebin >Watch some LPs by Sy, Maerlande, or Nuklearmonkee >Jump into MP feet first >Die and join the ranks of brave skeletons
I want to join for the memes but I dont have the time or patience to play ermor.
Ryan Gonzalez
Join as Poop Ermor.
Kevin Gutierrez
It's not like everyone expects you to play seriously.
Don't script your skellingtons, play a full scales build, send empty turns, whatever all better for my win rate.
Ryan Edwards
I don't think scripting every single pile of garbage chaff really matters.
Landon Perry
user casts Twiceborn.
Evan Robinson
I'm playing full scales and no one can stop me!
Luis Young
So I have the least provinces, the least gem income, the least Dominion, Niefelheim is about to pass me in research, Ulm and Niefelheim have higher income and I'm tied with Ermor, Ulm and Niefel for forts. Can we stop the meme that I'm the biggest threat in the game?
Ryder Allen
3 IN
13 TO GO
Jayden Kelly
How do I make my dominion cancerous to even other ermors?
Nathan Nguyen
turmoil + misfortune + drain
Kayden Morris
Drain will only help skellingtons because it will give them free MR.
Adam Diaz
q: arco has a noticeable lack of thug worthy troops. What do I do to fix this? Summons?
What should I summon to give arco thugs? Still too early for golem.
Lincoln Brown
A troll or something maybe? I never play arco myself but I always got the impression that they were all about communions rather than thugging.
Ethan Morris
Why do you think you need thugs?
Angel Barnes
from where I see see it game armies consists of three types of unit, late age supermagic nonwithstanding:
1. dudes, that either provide bodies or strategic tactics ie flyers 2. casters, that make dudes drop a little faster and can kill thugs if pelted with enough magic 3. thugs, that cannot be killed by regular dudes
I have right now plenty of first and third and a complete lack of the second.
because otherwise I have to send my entire army to combat their thugs as neither chaff nor offensive casters can kill them by themselves.
if you have sneaky dudes like vanheim and TNN, this is a problem.
Jaxon Cooper
Cant you mindhunt them to death or something? Isnt that an arco thing?
Eli Long
water bottles are kinda like thugs
Lucas Parker
link to betterarena?
isn't mind hunt an astral vs. astral only thing
noted. shame I don't have any right now.
Blake Stewart
Have you bootstraped into D or B yet?
Ian Jones
>isn't mind hunt an astral vs. astral only thing You're thinking of magic duel. You really don't want to use mind hunt vs astral.
John Reed
Naw man mindhunt works on anyone. You are thinking of magic duel. Isnt one of arcos things that they can mindhunt sort of recklessly because they have healers that can fix them if they fuck up?
Dangit, I need pretty high summon to get a troll king. Any other ideas?
nope. not a single of either unless i recruit a measly demon priest. I'll probably need like 20 turns to get to thug d / b summons from there.
Aiden Hall
as far as i know, feebleminded, insane, etc, etc cannot be healed by the greek sex magic
Landon White
Pretty sure you need pretty high to get any of the good thugs.
Christian Cox
found a virgin
Josiah Powell
As arco at least I mean.
Grayson Moore
Then, uh. Mindhunt? Arco is not really about thug. Thugging in every situation is a strange mindset.
Angel Lewis
Achieving tactical variety is a strange mindset? Thugs let you do more things.
Nolan Ortiz
do you even N9 shrouded golem?
Carson Ward
Oh boy, they gain a whole MR. That puts them from below human MR to standard militia MR!
Admittedly, kinda useful against banishment spam, but who the fuck tries to banishment spam Ermor as Ermor? Can Ermor even CAST Banishment?
Hunter Ward
No, it can't, but it can help against undead mastery.
Jayden Jackson
Hello darkness my old friend
Evan Torres
You will get subpar thugs for retarded amount of gems. Is it diversity you are seeking?
Evan Young
No, that sounds more like innovation than diversity to me.
Evan Scott
A way to stop enemy thugs mid game without fielding my entire army.
Enemy's strategy seems to be centered on self buffs only. If I counter their thugs, they will have a hard time resisting my advance. however, given arco's military set up, I don't have access to proper thugs and my mages are one script change from death if I send them on their own.
Otherwise i'm stuck with taking one province at a time and they can get them back with no problems because they completely counter my PD.
I could cast basic as fuck spells specially designed to kill in melee and turn my mages into class cannons, but that would require spending mystics
Eli Diaz
Mystics are good antithugs. They actually have a variety of things that deal with thugs well. A few mystics + buddyguards handle thugs fine.
Colton Morales
Please elaborate
Mason Morales
Even lowly starfire is decent against thugs since it is 2 x 5+ AN with precision bonus.
Christian Thomas
elementals, incinerate, frozen heart, mind burn/soul slay, earth grip/meld, solar rays
William Lopez
>inb4 "my research is construction 5"
Joseph Carter
also cascades
and if that's not enough for you, just bring a few vitriolic lions to murder that ponyman
Jaxson Baker
What if he has used up all of his Fire and Water gems making Rune Breakers?
Isaac Baker
then he can just murder it with mind artillery
>feebleminded (...) cannot be healed of course it can, newfriend
Julian Flores
If memory serves some afflictions like Feeblemind and Unhealing Wound have a significantly lower chance of getting healed.
Henry Thomas
Any affliction can be healed by greek sex magic
Benjamin Martinez
I'll take it into account. I'm not entirely sure it would work, sending casters alone strikes me as easily counterable, but well, I have both spare mystics and spare troops.
Ultiamtely it all boils down to researching either alt 5 for anti thug or sum 5 for magical commanders. I guess i'l do both in time. Question is, which one do i got for right now.
>solar rays
I've spammed that spell a few times, I think I've saw it hit something... 2 times.
James Sullivan
>sending casters alone strikes me as easily counterable your infantry is cheap and disposable, you can easily spare a few blockers
>I think I've saw it hit something... 2 times. you must be talking about another spell, solar rays pretty much never misses (+100 precision); it works only vs undead creatures though
Thomas Jones
>your infantry is cheap and disposable, you can easily spare a few blockers
I mean, sending casters alone with any kind of arco infantry that generally drops like flies strikes me as easily counterable.
>you must be talking about another spell, solar rays pretty much never misses (+100 precision);
ooh you are right. What was the name of the other spell, the one that's a weaker thunder strike
The link is literally on the game page, you blind nigger.
Michael Edwards
i'm trying to send my turn in, been about an hour and it isn't sending it in so sorry for being last.
Brayden Cook
i know that but what im saying is that when i try and follow the link i get redirected to pic related. do i just need a desura forum account or what, or does the link i showed before work too?
Michael Russell
refer to
Justin Jones
look at the friendly skeleton on the page, blind man
Luis White
god fucking dammit i swear to god if i had two brain cells to rub together
Caleb Hughes
don't worry, none of the skeletons in the game have brains either, you'll feel at home
Elijah Cooper
>aquamarine ermor
Leo Hernandez
Can someone take a screenshot of all the color choices?
Parker Thomas
Anthony Thomas
It's beautiful.
Nathaniel Ramirez
I have a boner.
Lincoln Sanders
Blake Sullivan
Don't recruit Ancient Ones, they said.
They're shit, they said.
Dylan Rodriguez
>1 mage >indies >still lose 4 sacreds Shard Guards are better in every way
Josiah Bell
Nobody said that, we just said they are worse than Shard Guards.
Zachary Gomez
To be fair, it's only turn 8, so I would be surprised if he even had anything good for those mages to cast yet.
Bentley White
There are lots of good spells at level 1, like star fires.
Tyler Cruz
>Ulm >star fires
Nathan Thompson
Me too, mate.
Jonathan Gomez
>more than a thousand gold worth of sacreds beat a thrown-together army of chaff with one mage This isn't impressive.
Lincoln Green
>8/16 >nobody took best boy ermor yet nice
Anthony Campbell
>someone cast fires from afar on my poor burds =(
Thomas Gonzalez
Star Fires is nothing before the arcane might that your casters can deploy with Animate Skeleton.
Brody Morgan
>birds crying about getting bullied you could have prevented this
Jose Wright
see I joined at 8/16 and I'm just wondering if I sniped what you consider "best boy ermor"
Anthony Mitchell
how sway i haven't burded anyone at all this game i'm in the weakest position ulm has this massive vendetta against me because i said one thing while trying desperately to save marverni