Why are the Romance countries so based?

Why are the Romance countries so based?


They make great rests for my glorious anglo-saxon legs

I agree on that one, but the other countries are great.


Yeah look at all of them now

Cucked by the Romans into forgetting their own languages and accepting to speak a mutilated Latin.

Anglos, not so fast.

Better to be under Roman rule than being retaded barbarians.


Tbh not really

Portuguese, French, Spanish and Italian empire are bigger than that.

what about in gdp?

>Portugal - shit poor debtniggers
>Spain - shit poor debtniggers
>Italy - debtniggers
>France - Allahu Akbar: the country
>Romania - Gypsystan


I'm talking about History you silly.

Romania doesn't count.

Why wouldn't Romania count? They speak a Latin language, you fags can't just disown those niggers because they're poor and stupid, that's not how it works.

>engshit delusion



But England got conquered by the French kingdom of Normandy.

It's right there in the name.


Normans were Norse

>mfw anglocuck has to choose between getting conquered by a bunch of smell frogs or the ancestors of the most cucked nations on the planet

>inb4 muh Vikings

You mean a bunch of smelly farmers who attacked the clergy before running back to their shitty boats and sailing away?



>northern germans conquering northern germans

>muh grosse deutchland

Kek this is literally the anglo's WE WUZ meme

Sorry George but the perfidious Anglo is of a lower stock than even the dastardly Prussian

Why don't you go cry over a copy
Of mein kampf

Rate what is probably the biggest contribution of the Latin counties
Was it a mistake?

None of those countries have done anything based in the past 100 years. Romania has never done anything based.

Argentina isn't that bad.


germanics you fag

Oh pleaseeeeeeee

>speak French
>have French culture
>swear fealty to French king

Th-they were totally Norse! I swear!!!

Can we not just agree that although Normans kept many traditions of the Norse, they purposely took French names and French as a language up within the first generation, so they wouldn't be kicked out?

There comes the British butthurt

They are still nice overall, of course. France and, to a lesser extent, Italy still pull some weight.

>Romania doesn't count.
Well, fuck you too.


Its funny because out of all the germanic countries, england is the most cucked by the latins.

This board is obnoxiously pro-anglo.
It's pretty much a twin /int/ board for bongs to dickwave about the glory past, ever more so than in /int/ because today's UK is so shit they have to LARP about events that took place before the 1800's to feel relevant again
>muh empire

Except the American Empire constitutes the former French and Spanish Empires.

anglos would tell you that its obnoxiously anti-anglo and pro-french

Tell me again i'm pro french and i'll bash your head in. Disliking something doesnt mean liking the opposite, that's babby's first logical thinking tier.

real mediterranean hours

They spoke a hybrid of their native langue and what ever version of French that area of France spoke.

Modern French derives from Parisian, not what the Normans spoke.

William the Conquer was only 4 generations down from Rollo of Normandy, they would not have changed their ways that fast.

butthurt detected muh the language evolved in 1000 years so that's not the same

>Romania hasnt done anything based

Aside from fighting off hordes of turks until they got subdued and mopping the floor with Hungary.


>France is a shithole filled with arabs
>Spain is filled with arabs
>Italy is filled with niggers
>Portugal is fine but poor
>Romania is fine but poor

They're all shit

t. french


>England got conquered by a single French PROVINCE

You can't make that shit up.

kek that portugal flag

at least post a good version


romania isnt catholic.

Jelly asf.