/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

Best nostalgia expansion edition

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pastebin.com/TqG2hd2D (embed)

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pastebin.com/fVizcs9M (embed)

pastebin.com/AHDygQzK (embed)

As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.

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Any other black ladies post here? Want to make a guild for us?


Boy do I love the thought that I'll only have to wake up for one more day before I finally get the courage.


Lynris cannot die. She is eternal.

It looks so good I'm excited but I might just end up buying the Pii U version so I don't get stuck with Nintendo's newest paper weight. The trailer got me pretty excited.

How fare thee?


Should I just reroll?

>tfw too nervous to run mythics

mythic plus raids are only for people with autism

story time anons

>add user from chans to play with
>who knows maybe i can make a friend
>theyre cool
>talk with their friend or whatever in the party
>theyre cool too
>discuss mogs and weird other boards
>shits chill af, i miss wow being more social
>okay, times up, found enough people for the mythic dungo
>we start and things get rough quick
>trash is hard
>we die a lot
>i suck and die a lot to fire, mythic dont fuck around
>im way more tired than i thought i was
>tank (the user i added) pulls a mob the wrong way or something, i dont really care
>but we die maybe 6 times to this same mistake
>i look at the clock and at this rate its gonna be a while
>fuck im tired, i told myself one more
>a few hours ago i shouldve been in bed
>mob is wrecking group and getting healed or something
>request some target markers
>tank instead kites mobs to entrance/spawn
>decide to apologize to group
>express that i dont have a lot of gold
>(trying to learn how to pay for the game each month with gold and i dont have a lot of $$ irl)
>leave to try to avoid aggro from same pull mistake
>doesnt work, die two more times cause i release too fast and mobs are on spawn/entrance
>whisper them sorry, feel bad for bailing
>this image happens

how can i sleep at night now, user?????

>Am I relevant yet?

You're evading bans, that's a rule breaker right there.

Unironically yes

If you don't have at least 1 BiS legendary after you get your 2nd leggo, you should just level up a new character.

The time you spend farming for your 3rd, 4th, 5th etc is way longer than leveling up a new char

Yeah dude, fall for the meme. Reroll and spend all your time having to regather gear and level your weapons all over again. Haha. Just like do it dude you don't stand a chance of beating Method in the big race otherwise haha.

>Best nostalgia expansion edition

npp, jrsfdjpy

I want to loot Queen Azshara!

why are you even playing an mmo with no friends jesus fuck this game needs to die so half these losers kys

this is the scariest motherfucker in wowg right now. i would legit be scared to hold a conversation with this dude. discuss

eyo what ^ kido

im fawken zeez brah

Are you ready for Nighthold pugs guys?

>AOTC: Helya
>885 overall ilvl
>35+ traits

yeah i think the wii u version will be good the gamepad was really good for the wii u remakes so i want to use it in this game too

i cant wait to get home and play wow
^ when was the last time you thought this

Don't you ever post panda feet at me again

Yeah goyim, play what your friends need, when they need it, how the need it and where they need it while pretending to enjoy the game because you get to play with your """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""friends"""""""""""""""""""""""""

While we play what we want, where we want, how we want and when we want.

(You) now hit the road.

>i'm not there
fuck off already


Never because I can wait.

>tfw not relevant enough to be on this list

just say you're a loner dude no reason to make up some autistic poem

I got a questions /wowg/. I had unlocked the affliction hidden appearance and now destro just dropped. Do I get credit towards the recolours if I use destro or do i have to stick to the affli one? basically can i swap specs and still get credit for the hidden recolours?

They all share color chievos.


failure to show up to wowg OFFICIAL EVENTS, you might be banned with no notice.

I got the 200 world quest color for thunderfury without even having it

Heroic Helya and guild cannot progress to even 2nd phase. They have been on this for 1 hour now. /gquit yes or no?


You're a faggot so stay, you're in good company

>i'm still able to cheese out numbers like this on xavius M

Why is almost every reply on /wowg/ a bully reply? Get a life, losers!!

>not even a million

whats wrong with bullying?

How? I'm in a shitter social guild and we all got curved together.

>mfw saving all my artifacts consumable because I can't decide which rogue spec to play

kill yourself dumb memespammer trash

lmaoing at your life fampai

OMFG!!! i luv how u can be same ilevel as someone who is 7/7 3/3 m but never kill a raid boss!

I have that and I also have a mythic guild


can we perma ban the autistic kraut already

It would be so freaking awesome if blizz made this game f2p, so you can just hope on with ur bros to do a couple m+ then log the fuck off.


Its already f2p for me since my mum pays for it :)

are you talking about suicide? I can't even tell

Play sub

>50k isn't practically free

I was roleplaying in moonguard having a normal conversation and the dude just logged off mid-convo. Is this common in RP servers? I heard it happens a lot for some reason

post original mogs, no tier or cm also no hate

so what you doing while waiting for nighthold to come out /wowg/?

I'm just chilling doin worldquests, might spend tommorow getting all the old raid's done before nighthold opens for EU on wednesday

pic related, got achievement out the way so I could get nice-looking artifact skin when i finish balance of power

that is nice, but like to save the game from dying. just remove all the daily quest, the raids, pointless grinds.
and just make it a match finding 5 player m+ spam game.

Can you make some that aren't /wowg/ specific?
I'd like to download them and forget to use them

He keeps getting banned but he's so autistic he evades every one, just like these furfags and namefag shitters who raid the thread from their discord.


next time work harder for the (You)

sick mog dude

leveling blood DK

I wonder when the fun ends, because I'm loving it so far.

>store helm

should my DK be human or worgen

>make the new 880 mail goggles
>literally no mail class wants that stat spread
I wonder if I can sell it for the obliterum. Gives like 600 dust.

pretty new desu. whats the best way to know that i have the best gear for my toon? is pawn good enough or should i be using simcraft? are the default strings in pawn fine?

nice cash shop item fucking NOOB

I haven't tanked since 96969 in wrath, what's the most fun tank now?

Someone post the Worgen Death Knight image

default strings aren't good

use simcraft to sim your own pawn string desu. before you sim your character go to the scaling tab in simc and it'll give you a pawn string to use

fak u

Night elf or dwarf female monk?


is there a decent guide on this? sorry, never used simcraft before

ncie fuckign cash hemnl facking NOOOB

Honestly mythic +2 is a lot easier than mythic 0. If your nervous about starting the mythic climb just try to shop for a +2 that isn't popular and try that.


How do you stomach watching grown adult men try to solve a puzzle for hours on end in a 12 year old childs game?

do taurens moo when a loved one dies?

if your too scared to run mythic+ the main thing to remember is that the best loot you'll get is from class hall chests, which your guaranteed to get if you complete a mythic+ dungeon, regardless how long it takes.

Sorry, maybe I should have specified specs that people play or would be invited to raids.

This. Even if you only get up to +4 class hall chests still provide a great way to gear up without pushing into "hard" territory


Unholy isn't shit anymore?

>found 4 Aszuna crystals
>getting pretty nervous cuz I might actually get the mount
>zone wide emote gets triggered
>someone beat me


>tfw to intelligent to do memen-tor quests



Reminder to report and ignore all "explain" posts.

It's a rare mount you can get in Aszuna. Every day or 2 crystals spawn, first person to click 5 gets mount I think.


Don't respond to him, he's a shitposter.

Lynris is pregnant?!?

Can anyone explain why this game has a monthly cost?
You can pretty much do all the content in a week.

servers, electricity and bandwidth ain't free. hiring interns to create """"""""""""""content"""""""""""""" usually ain't free either.

>usually play at late night
>super comfy dead guild chat, everyone wants to do keys together, tight nit group of chill dudes
>decide to fix sleeping schedual
>log in during day
>lol my gf plays minecraft xD
>my ancestry is russian-french-jewish
>mate don't buy a diesel car

it's not worth it, i'm going back to the neet schedual

>fucking icyspics
>"how do she pregno?"
and you?