/elyg/ - Elysium General

Puddi is GM edition

>What is this?
This is the Elysium general, previously Nostalrius general. A private server for vanilla World of Warcraft.

>Recent news

ELYSIUM (aka: "fresh", most people overall and from Veeky Forums, has a queue)

- Alliance guild:
- Horde guild:

ZETH'KUR (aka "Fresh fresh",newer, less people, no queue):

- Alliance guild:
- Horde guild:

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Server Homepage

>Vanilla WoW database

>Leveling Guide

>Nos Pre-Bis

>Leveling Specs


tags: nosg,wpsg,wowg


Other urls found in this thread:


first for israel

wtf i hate elyg now

People in the last thread said Zeth'Kur is losing pop. I just started my character there so ... should I just switch? The hardest thing is always choosing a server.

nice server desu

I am quitting Elysium and joining Zeth, 3-4k queues at all time there and too many chink campers. Also shit ton of Russians.


>play mage
>fun class overall but get bored with spamming frostbolt
>try warrior because fun rotations
>get cucked into tanking
>spam sunder armor and revenge and get bored with it
>priests and warlocks just dot and wand do death in PvE and in dungeons priest is a healer (which I like) and warlock is one ability spammer like mage
>Ele Shaman is fun but they are cucked into wearing ugly cloth armor in raids
>hate druids and hunters in vanilla

I think I'll start on Zeth with a Priest, I like healing and spriest is fun in pvp. Almost everything is so boring to me now.

stop being a pve shitter and u'll have fun

Even if you want to focus on PvP you have to do a lot more of PvE. It's not like Guild Wars where you get max level character and everyone has equal gear.