League of Legends general - /lolg/

Adorable cuddly lady of snow and love edition

OT: eyosongive.us

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xth for ekko is fucking gay and should be removed form game

Fertile or barren?

Soon *tm

>kat suicides into every fight chasing every kill into her death
>spams ff starting at 20 and every 3 minute after
>"it's already over just end it"
>"we lose every fight"
>she says this even after we win a fight, because she died
the other team legit rotato'd well though 5 man bot for fun because why not

nth for requesting help from a kind user to help me get better

NA, Ign: Pipealex

>using the new client

Barren. Not fucking her.

>be in promos after 1 loss, queueing as mid+adc
>get mid, someone dodges after 10 picks
>get mid again, someone dodges immediately
>wait 5 minutes, get adc, client freezes
I see what you did there >adc in 2k17 shitposters

Lulu is my STAR!

Reposting from old thread

Reminder that LCK starts in like 10 hours with KT (Smeb, Score, Pawn, Deft, Mata) shitstomping a new ROX Tigers roster

cytu dot be/r/lolg_iem
the more the merrier

ADC in 2k17

Barren but she uses her moon powers to be fertile from the butt

nothing's better :33!

Doing fine on Tristana.

Who is your husband /lolg/?
How would you court them?

>tfw no adc gf

SKT going to be in Worlds again?

3rd karma game in, liking her so far
Whats the best skin for her?

im a bronze shitter i cant help

how come people still follow the league esports stuff if they know they'll get shitstomped by koreans at worlds every year?

evinin nidfag.

>SKT is going to win Worlds again

>talon's rates stabilized
Neat. I can start playing Talon again

I really hope the common superteam problems don't happen with KT, their team is too stacked for this world.


Teemo. By enabling him

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!

Please respond

Blamed lag, called scripts, reported etc

You are a monster

>tfw almost starting to miss the little bugger

Fiora is such a disgusting champ, no idea how her W got into the game.

Rework :^)

that's cool and all good job wrecking that crocodile but project: fiora is ugly as shit. the project skins are for edgy teenagers to begin with.

except project: ashe. that one is dope.

should i start cooking dinner for my gf when she gets off work at 7 and comes home by 7:45 or should I play another ranked

when you stunlock their entire front line for four seconds

is there a better feel

Her W is okay, at least you can bait it out of her and whatnot. her passive on the other hand is pants on head retarded.

you should stop being so proud of your gf, especially on Veeky Forums. she's going to die and shit like the rest of us. you are too btw.

>implying project: yi isn't the best out of all of them

no one cares

>have bronze friend who likes maokai
>decide to offer to help him up to gold
>play cassio, xerath and other stuff I'm too bad to normally play
>get called scripter every game


My account is level 12 right atm.
Which one of these should I buy to level up faster? Do I get wins or days?

>Look guys I pressed W

Almost as impressive as yasuo/riven "plays"

the attack speed slow is just not necessary

lisa ann is disgusting.

don't (you) at me again.

>Croc walks at you with the easiest proc of your life


God I hate Fioras passive. Nice stun though

Why is Lux such a slut?

if you plan on playing a lot in a few days, get days.
if you want to play only a few games a day, get wins.

You get both and ultra grind one weekend

Cows > Cats

dont do that m8
Don't play with bronzies. It only activates the worst of their inferiority complexes. They will start to hate you for being better. They will start to SERIOUSLY hate you.

That sorta shit backfires HARD.
Trust me on this.

you get an ip boost instead that way you're playing more games and getting better and better at the game and playing better and better champs.

why would you boost your xp? it's pointless, you get nothing from it.

Incest fetish. Bitch needs to be executed.
Fake tits, user.

can i execute her with my dick?

Stick to your own waifu

Reminder Lissfags are almost as bad as lulufags

I love Lissandra!
>Adorable cuddly lady of snow and love edition
>doesnt post Lissandra but luloose instead
very fertile
people seem to forget that in certain mythology, the moon is a symbol of fertility.

Also how do you play Diana mid? she was my go to jungler but I don't jungle that much anymore, and I can't get over her weak early game.
Lissandra is better! :3

Daily reminder.

Sona is a FAT BITCH!

You used to play league with them. You met them on /lolg/ they are gone now. What was their name /lolg/

I want to protect this lulu user.

Pic related.
Never put your dick into crazy.

Poke with Q and third hit passive if possible

W anytime you attempt to trade

go thunderlords

can she handle every male champ mating press in a row?

Do I go the youmuus duskblade build or the essence reaver crit build on jhin

Lulu is the cuddliest!

T-thanks :3

Essence reaver crit build scales the best

This is going to be a looooooong grind.

Dno why they start a D3 player solo queue season 6 out in gold 4 of 3v3 ranked flex

No, he was different. He plays most games pretty casually and was content with sinking back down to Bronze-Silver after I helped him get a skin for his favorite little tree.

I know what you mean, though. The fellow who got me into the game was Silver and I shot up past them in no time. Didn't even make mention of it but they noticed and stopped talking to me. It was weird.

I love the opportunity to play with/against better players, but maybe I'm just weird.


Please read this and give me a hand with it, i'll love you if you do

Duo when?

meant to quote

??? :3!

Remember, never use toasters for anything

yeah, you're right...
I'll go poke Jinx instead :3

I currently don't have League installed. But if you're on EUW, i guess we can do some games :3

So true...

but its true!
Nidalee a shit!

>annie bot has 3,000,000 mastery points on annie

w-why does he like annie so much

forgot pic

he likes to self insert

Reminder that all female champs are sluts and whores.


How can 2D be a slut or a whore? If they were 3DPD I'd agree but c'mon user...

Liss has been impregnated multiple times over thousands of years she's a whore fuck off you Autist she literally kills her child and takes it's body

what does /lolg/ think of him?

They rape men. Even Kindred goes around hunting for some dicks.
Okay guy.

>nidfag this assblasted that nidalee a shit
L m a o

What was the last rework that wasnt complete cancer? Yorick? I'm not 100% sure about this one either, just because nobody plays him.

Annoying, and anyone who's a fan of him has been annoying as well.

That PIG could sit on a FIRE HYDRANT and not feel it!

>Get filled to Top Lane
>Haven't played Top Lane at all this season
>Think Yorick looks cool
>Get my ass handed to me early game
>Team yelling at me but I remain calm
>Tell them I'll just push until I'm strong enough to fight
>Do nothing but push for 30 minutes until I get some items
>Start showing up for team fights
>Team gets wiped instantly because enemy team can dive easily
>1v5 their team
>Carry my team
>"Wow, I used to think Yorick was terrible, but you made me think differently. Thanks for the carry!"

I think I found my new favorite champion.

W is fine, her Q being an auto-aim ability is fucking retarded. On a champion that's supposed to take skill and outplay people, she sure does outplay people when the game aims her Q for her. It's so retarded. And I haven't even gotten around to the built in cooldown reduction on her dash, and the permanent movementspeed she gets from ult. Fiora is actually the most disgusting top laner in the game ImO.

I still open his streams from time to time, but i always leave after 5 minutes. I don't know if it's just me not being able to stand him, or he ascended to a godlike tier of memery that i don't understand.

Half the people that care like him, half that care don't, 70-80% of /lolg/, including me, couldn't give two shits.

Simple. He's a shitter.

>you will never be chain raped by every single female league champ
why live


Seems pretty gross, though.

>on losing streak
>just can't win
>win lane lose game
>lose lane lose game
>sort of games
>go to support
>pick malz because i hear it's spicy
>6 game win streak

what have i become.

But shyvana is pure!

>play Kat
>lane against Xerath
>kill him early on and get him to blow both summs
>meanwhile Kha'Zix camps for our Malphite top who's losing lane to a Darius, which is expected
>instead of getting kills for Malph, they both feed Darius and Rengar double kills
>Malphite rushes thornmail for some reason
>Kha never bothered to gank mid even once
Holy shit. How the fuck do these kids get out of silver Elo? I literally cannot fathom how it's possible to be as retarded and bad as they are.

some men just wants to play as the little girl I'm legit curious if he's into loli

>do my placements
>resounding 9/1
>get placed in gold 1
>for reference I was gold 3 last season
>had high mmr i guess
>proceed to get matched with and against plats, as well as the odd "gold" here and there
>enemy plats know the secrets to win the game
>my plats run around building armour against magic damage

hum. I couldn't even get out of gold last season. I don't know how these guys did.