League of Legends General - /lolg/

very perfect edition :3!



>about to carry this ranked game
>but then i afk cause my internet somehow DCs


Lulu is my STAR!


>adcs who get auto filled and rush IE on champs like MF or lucian


I'm a gold v support main.
I am tired of this role. Which role should I switch to, and which champion should I become a one trick, if I want to hit plat before season end?

>"you're only allowed to build lethality and cleaver on MF and lucian reeeeeeeeeee" - (you)

Theres a support blitz onetrick that got into challenger.

You could onetrick as Taric

ADC for secondary.

Not even joking.

Then again, it depends what you play.
If you play tanky supports, then top.
squishy heal supports, then mid.


>Annie and Sona never left each other's side
>wherever Annie went, Sona was sure to follow

t. garbage

crit mf is garbage and if MFs ever build it against me I shit on them and flame the fuck out of them as I do it for being trash


after alot of mating press of course

Strange way to spell Blue, anons

Who won the Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums and what happened? I demand to know!


Jungler or Top

You really shouldn't advance further in Gold if all you can do is support.


Alright, Akali counters the shit out of a sol right? I'm not crazy right? I had an akali who I got a kill early on her, and she proceded to never fight him, and we lost every 2 v 2 as ud akali vs mao a sol, even though mao had 0 gold because I kept killing him and taking his jungle. She kept focusing mao and she kept saying we can't win the 2 v 2 even though we had a lot more gold ahead at one point and obviously could if we just focus a sol. Did they really change akali that much that she no longer can just one shot a sol any time she wants post 6 like she used to? I have 100k on her but I've played like one game of new akali. I flamed the shit out of her and wanted to know if I'm at least somewhat justified in that.

My bad, didn't say "Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results"

R E S U L T S here :

>top Vayne died the least
>Sid Schaefer is fed
>MJF fed
Have I entered Bizarro World?

>do 0 dmg with ie
>can almost solo anyone with cleaver

I can play all roles, but support is what I am best at.
If I don't progress, that is fine. I just want to stop being bored.


Stop spamming this shitty meme there isn't even any r34 of Irelia getting mating pressed

Holy shit I want to kill myself

>i can play all roles

Says everyone below plat, you need to main one role and kind of a secondary, and play ops if you want to get that big boy diamond

Make sure to stream it

If I ever work up the balls to actually do it I probably will

why do u want to kys?

>you are hired by riot and assigned to balancing aatrox
>You must place him in a healthy spot, not 100% pickban or a never pick like he is now
>how do you complete such a task

>galio too will probably be reworked before the next new champion

>go on date with Poppy
>she has to sit in a booster seat
>can't fit into yordle establishments because I'm a big guy
Abstract kind of feel


Get him out of the spot where he needs to build a lot of damage to be worth anything while simultaneously needing to build more than just one defensive item to stay alive. That's frankly his biggest issue.

ok and? only ahri probably got mate pressing fan art

sona has, and every female yordle

Nah, Ahri is the one doing the pressing.

>two thronmails
completely based
get memed on kid

i think you should kys because of that screenname my dude.

but it's nbd. you just got outplayed hardcore. take a break for a minute.

To be fair Orianna counters Karthus.

Plus a good orianna can make anyone wanna kill themselves.

Haven't played as a jungler for a long time so what's a good clear path at the start of the match?

The only real rule is to ignore Raptors until I think it was level 8 or 9.

what are the ideal champs for ascension?

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

Depends on the jungler

Blue random camp red

Red random camp blue

Oh and raptors are the fucking spawn of satan so hold off on clearing them unless you have good AoE clear speed.

there's annie getting anally pressed

Reminder this game is not based on luck and you are the only constant.

shout out to my teammates who have allowed me to lose every game today. It has been an honor

How do we fix her to be less cancerous?

>adc chooses malphite
>end of champ select
>Vayne jg
>Brand supp

fucking end my life now...

more like garbage edition desu

reminder that nidalee has fleas and is a filthy animal

By adjusting how long you are fucking stunned for having slightly higher health percent than her.

>Depends on the jungler

So if I use champs like Rammus and Skarner, I should go to blue first while if I use champs like Nocturne, I should start red right?

Reminder that you're trash and you need to git gud so you can just carry harder.

It's literally that easy.

Are you saying my presence causes my teammates to feed while I go even in lane?

I totally forgot that "just carry harder" thing, thanks.

>rito makes it impossible to carry now
>can go 5/0 mid and roam top to help him out
>but bot just feeds his ass off
>i can either help the feeder top or feeder bot.

>not having Malphite and Vayne switch roles.
Wow it looks like this game is completely fucked no way to fix this at all.

Okay instead of changing roles, what are the ideal support champs I should be playing.
I currently have an 80% winrate with morgana and zyra.

consider this thought experiment:

at all times, riot has perfect information on the winrate and playrate of various champs, say, as a 24 hour rolling average. what would happen if the damage dealt (or healing, or shielding, you can decide per champ) by a champ was repeatedly increased/decreased by 1% each day depending on whether they are below/above 50% winrate?

this would probably increase the damage of the pubstomping nothing personnel champs, considering their high popularity and often questionable winrate because of their playerbase.

what if it were done by pickban rate weighed by winrate? that would (should?) increase the popularity and viability of the never seen champs like aatrox, while decreasing the 100% pickban champs until the playerbase and the damage numbers on the champs reach an equilibrium

how mad of a man am i?

>got to play Bard again after a while

fucking comfy.

good night /lolg/, sleep tight :3

Flawed argument, you are the only constant but you are only 20% of the team. 80% of the game is out of your hands, meaning the game is only mostly based on luck.

brand, zyra, thresh

You literally are the only constant, though.



A tank support that can engage
A tanks support that can peel
A utility support
A heal support
A shield support

>solo ranked match, platinum I
>do great early
>ally Lee makes some questionable plays
>questionable turns to straight up bad
>ally Draven gives him shit for having 35% winrate on Lee
>Lee gives Draven shit for being pushed up all game
>Draven starts inting to spite Lee and "lower ur trash winrate even further kid"
>Lee starts inting but more subtly
>enemy Brand starts talking shit in allchat after getting a triple involving them both
>ally GP takes the bait and spends more time arguing with Brand trying to seem less insecure
>we lose

can you just not use text chat

is it that hard?

>80% winrate with morgana and zyra.

Just add Brand and Purple Hentai Tentacle God to that roster, and bam, you are gold +

Don't trust anyone in Gold or below to carry. Just play a """support""" to climb. Plat, your adc might have a clue, so you can play Janna,

when did thresh become bad?
he still has a massive amount of utility

Sounds like you had tyler1 in your game

Thresh is one of the best supports you can learn. A Thresh that knows how to utilize his lantern and hooks is unstoppable.

yep i just had a game where i had a darius jungle so i went nunu top to make him switch with me

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets.


Can you please post the loading screen like a good host? showing god and everyone my W/L is bullying, which im currently not accepting


If you don't care about peeling with utility and just want kills go for mage supports like:
-AP Miss Fortune

late xth for breast metal waifu

>Master Sissy on anyone besides Master Yi
All on bot

Actually a pretty balanced team? What is this insanity?

okok :3!
can't handle nidalee's beauty

I want to breed that Sona.

Remember this shitters of lolgen

If you are not a support main, and you are better than your current elo, you will climb. You are the only constant. Sure, out of 10 games you may have 3 games with feeders, but you had a chance to strongly impact those other 7 games, meaning you could have a 70% winrate still. Especially if you are far above your current elo, you will easily be able to make and coordinate plays with the team to win games.

Elo hell, 50% winrates, those only exist when you have hit a wall with your own personal skill and consistency and can no longer influence games enough by yourself and have to depend on your teammates. Time to watch your own videos and learn all of your many mistakes, or get stuck in 'elo hell' and whine about your bad teammates

>t. Gangplank or Singed

We would have never known unless you are neither of those two.

Prepare yourself for the roast of a millennia.

dr euler is donkey

dont bully my style!

hes a cutie and needs my cummies to be happy

Is this some kind of attempt at a joke? Style doesn't play Yi.

>4 chests
>1 key fragment

How do I get more? I just keep getting either nothing or chests.


>tfw play normals for the first time in months
Jesus christ what is wrong with these people
I haven't had a support this toxic in YEARS
How the fuck do they function in society like that?
He was the literal personification of an autistic manchild, i honestly feared for those around him
At that point why even play with other people? Why disgrace yourself like that?

No but he can only play brainless champs and I defaulted to Master Yi because he's literally just auto and Q

win more

crit is trash on everyone, even adcs because the stats take time to multiply to be effective
going youmuus cleaver then crit is fine, but so is lethality over crit because of it's synergy with MF's mid game kit

ok so i got fine last hitting in laning phase, obviously not pro level but ok considering im getting poked i guess

then i fucking splitpush all game with zz'rot and i get like zero cs

do my little void things give me cs points? i know they give me money

i went 9-2-7 and got an a- i dont know how to get this mastery

Sona is a FAT BITCH

left or right? its important

"Death is the best form of CC. I don't care about healing/shielding my carry or giving my carry a steroid! If my Carry gets caught that's their fault and I'm not going to do anything in an attempt to save them!"

AP supports for those that just care about doing damage:
