Gotta make sure you're safe with these very rigorous crash test requirements so we know you'll be okay even if your car...

>Gotta make sure you're safe with these very rigorous crash test requirements so we know you'll be okay even if your car rolls over or is in a high speed crash
>Sitting on an engine on wheels is fine

Other urls found in this thread:

>seatbelts required 100% of the time
>unless you're a small child on a school bus!

M8 those things are literally fucking hard to destroy.

You're not trying hard enough

Not that hard to roll, though.

>Sorry, the skyline doesn't conform to our safety and emissions standards, and never did, ever, not even in the 90s. You can't have it.

America loves motorcycles I guess?

>not seeing the germans fucked the US and blamed it under emission/safety standars

In California.

Gotta make sure you're safe with rigorous emissions testing. Nazi tier, no modifications, no car inspections for safety, just smog

Oh you have a motorcycle? Don't worry about smog, any modifications you want, no inspections ever, just pay fees.

technically all those mods are illegal but nobody actually gives a fuck

american dealerships are responsible. rather your fucking politicians are responsible, they passed the law
mercedes didnt care they were still selling cars...

Even with those mods it probably emits less pollution than the carbon footprint of a god damn prius

Actually that's not true at all. Uncatted bikes have super high emissions even though they get good mileage.

no bus company is prepared to pay a driver enough to make sure every single one of the sons of bitches is all buckled up for the whole trip. Plus the thing is neon yellow, going 10 under the limit and needs to be evacuated quickly in the event of an emergency.

at least they don't make you wear a helmet whilst driving car. honestly wouldn't surprise me if they did in 20 years though.

>implying they'll let us drive in 20 years

Then why is there a seperate version of the yam wr250r/x, made just for cali emission laws?

Can you imagine how early you would have to get up to make sure your kids get to school on time if the driver had to check the belts of every little shit that gets on the bus at every stop? Can you imagine how much later to work you would be if had the unfortunate experience of getting behind one of them during this process? You may as well get a tow wench and hook it to the bumper and put your rig in neutral and order drinks.

There is a california version for most motorcycles. It adds an evap filter and maybe breather routes to airbox if it didn't on the 49 state version, that's it.

>can't have pop-up headlights any more because of muh pedestrian safety
>motorcycles capable of doing +200mph offering literally no safety to pedestrians are just fine.

Is that Taytay driving a Toyota?

motorcycle emissions were lowered in the US to save Harley who would never be able to meet any kind of target.

But when they do crash or roll at higway speeds it's a bloodbath. Which is why it is strange there isn't such a requirement.

>cant have pop up headlights anymore
You can. It's called buy a vehicle that has them. Or modify your car to support them.

Copyright expirations in the US keep getting lengthened so that Steamboat Willie won't go to public domain.


Almost 10x more people in the us die from a car crash per year than motorcycles.

what if... they had:
2 strips of copper that completed a circuit when buckled
an attendant that made sure the children were buckled

You've just increased the cost of the bus by about $10 and operating cost have increased an amount that can be provided by firing all faggotry/race related positions in the school district.

Safer children, an extra person gainfully employed per bus, less wasteful government, and lower city taxes. Everyone wins.

Because there are likely more than 10x more cars than motorcycles, you have to look at the populations separately to get a better idea of risk

>Because there are likely more than 10x more cars than motorcycles
Exactly, so there's no point regulating them the same.

You have my vote user, godspeed

I just want obsolete laws to sunset.

These "FOREVER AND EVER" regulations go unnoticed because they effect such a niche group but are inherently pointless now. Like the NFA or the chicken tax

Chicken tax is such cancer..

So's the NFA.

Efficiency, emissions standards.
Pick one. Government is the reason why fuel efficiency is shit.

Fun fact:
when the (real) fuel efficiency of a vehicle is doubled, it's rate of "harmful ;)" emissions aren't doubled.
Which means there is less of an impact, and people have better cars.

tl;dr Liberals are retarded faggots who can't into science or math or logic.

>You may as well get a tow wench and hook it to the bumper and put your rig in neutral and order drinks

I used to use some rope and a hook, plus a bike or skateboard to get a free bus ride

The NFA doesn't go unnoticed, it's just something statists will never let go of no matter what

More like 30-40 times in the states.

The volume of emissions is low, most burn 1 liter or less.

The HPA, if it ever makes it through ways and means will be a pretty major blow to the NFA.
Besides machine guns I see a strong chance for SBRs/SBSs and Supressors no longer being regulated by the end of this presidency.
If you can explain to the average red-blood/non-fudd types that having a 15.99" barrel is illegal and could result in jail time but a 16" barrel is fully legal, SBR laws may buckle.
Brady campaign hit-pieces and liberal tear-jerking is less effective than it's been in a LONG time

>whaa, people have fun in their lifes while I must sit in my slow econocuckbox

We have a full republican gov't.
If it doesn't pass now, it never will.

>wahh, faggots made shit laws that restrict freedom for absolutely no reason
Yes, I am upset.

Motorcycles are one of those things that have historically been a part of the culture so it's not feasible to ban them. It's kind of like how alcohol is legal but marijuana isn't. It doesn't really make sense but that is just the way it has been for so long so there is really no going back. I guess it also helps that motorcycle riders are really not going to hurt anyone but themselves which is why insurance happens to be so cheap.

If it makes you feel any better, manufacturers have actually been pulling in the reigns on sport bikes for quite some time now by limiting the top speed to 300 kmh or 186mph. This is why the industry is kind of in a limbo since manufacturers are clamoring to constantly reinvent the bikes without touching the power.

Start lobbying congress, the time is now
Write your reps

Although this administration likely won't support deregulating the import of foreign vehicles we may get more lax safety and emissions laws for modifications and new production... maybe

There will be at least 3 constitutionalists on the court soon.
We are so close to marbury v madison being overturned and the constitution being obeyed.

>Tfw live in Canada with no constitutional property rights
>Tfw the government could literally declare all my guns illegal any day and arrest me if I don't turn them over with no compensation
I've been thinking about moving to the US eventually, fuck the statists and fuck DUDEWEED

If we can get 50 start carry reciprocity, supressors and SBRs off the NFA and maybe MAYBE the new manufacture of machine guns still regulated (as much as it pains me to say, this is already extremely optimistic), we can win. Some new self defense rulings would be nice as well, the last thing I want to kill someone in self defense and then go to jail for it in a cuck state

Sure is a lot of blue... I don't think that's an option for me.

It's only blue because people have allowed illegals, mega-libs and self-interested limousine liberal politicians to seize control.

If people begin to make their voices heard, you can start to steer the ship in your direction, an inch at a time. California may as well be a barge, so it's gonna take a lot of hands on that wheel, so start now.

>I've been thinking about moving to the US eventually
If you're a statist/leftist/etc, stay out.
If you believe in American values and freedom, then apply now. There is no obligation to actually move here if your visa or legal permanent resident application is accepted.

mm yes thats why the vast majority of scientists are conser.. wait, they're liberal

>If you're a leftist
I most certainly am not

Here are the good states: PA, DE, VA, WV, TX, AZ, NM, FL, GA, AL, LA, NV, UT, AK, MT

At least those are the states I've visited/lived in with good laws, outdoor space and reasonable taxation

>mm yes thats why the vast majority of scientists are conser.. wait, they're liberal
Scientists aren't incorruptible paladins.
They get a paycheck too.

PA here, state anthem is Black n Yellow by Wiz Khalifa.

Yes, but picking a subsection of those who are allegedly scientifically literate is not representative of the vast majority of liberals.

Flow rates are basic logic, and liberals don't understand basic logic.

I would reccomend alaska, idaho, montana or the dakotas be added to the list.

Agreed NC and SC as well

Most states its actually very hard to plate a two stroke, leaving you in a legal grey area, or it's outright impossible.

>safe cars require a basic license literally any idiot on earth can easily acquire
>"engine on wheels" requires a separate license with a more involved test
There's no safety requirements because not just any asshole can get one or is expected to, and you know what you're signing up for when you do.

Bro you can abuse the motorcycle permit forever.

I guess I'm being fairly biased.
Prolly because I'm a conservative/constitutionalist STEM major in cali and have had to deal with literally sub-human retarded liberals my whole life and have very low opinion of liberals and their 'thought' process.
What I'm trying to get at is that liberals don't understand the concept of unit per unit or per capita. They only see aggregate numbers and feelings.

"X amount of substance is produced per year. that is bad"
But the real thing of import is X weighted avg amount of substance produced per input or result.

"Oh nooo X people die 'because' guns."
They care about feels over reals, and don't care that the number is an obfuscation of reality because of suicide.
But the real number to care about is the per capita murder rate independent of guns.

"The rich need to pay their fair share. Make them pay a higher percentage..."
Literally doesn't know the meaning/math of percentage.

>10 under
When I was a kid, the bus drivers would do 10 over in the city and average about 85 on the highway.

pennsylfaggots and all single plate states

please go and stay fucking go

Somewhere like TN or GA would be nice I think.
Being able to ride year round would be nice as well.
>Leaving the bike in the garage for 6 months is suffering

Marylander detected
how does it feel know you have to have two plates kek?

>yfw i can put whatever i want on my front plate

>muh pedestrian safety

umm, how does pop up headlights effect a person getting flattened by a 3000lb car?

Libruls who don't know what they're talking about making rules for things they have never touched for people who don't care.

>whatever i want on my front plate

except this, get fuckt

They turn into blades and bisect you

I could literally put one of those on my front plate if i wanted.

>One person gainfully employed
>While tens of positions are destroyed on the nebulous, subjective criteria of "faggotry/race"
American/trumpanzee education at its finest

why don't you put a fucking dildo on it so you have something else to ride other than your bro's dick at red lights

Typical 2 plater salty af

do it faggot

Jersey is cancer though.
It shouldn't even be part of the US.
I'd gladly swap Puerto Rico for Jersey.

that literally makes no difference to whether you should have seatbelts or not

if somethings hard to destroy in a collision, it just means the things inside are going to deal with more force respectively

Yall ready to die today?

>American/trumpanzee education at its finest
My B, I was mistaken as to the meaning of gainful employment. What I meant was:
Dozens of positions lost that produced zero value, yet result in a paycheck.
Dozens of positions created that produce value, and result in a paycheck.

You now having people being productive and a lower total cost.
Administrators who only shuffle papers and virtue signal are payed substantially more than a bus attendant would be.

Fuck off, we're full.

You're going to keep getting Mexicans and breeding leftists, you might as well take whatever western, non-liberals you can get. At least they won't shit everything up

>You're going to keep getting Mexicans
The wall is being built amigo.

At least you can admit when you were mistaken. I can respect that.

>You're going to keep getting Mexicans and breeding leftists
Not after we:
- complete visa reform
- modify or repeal the 14th amendment, and require both parents to be citizens to be born a citizen
- trick leftists to going on hunger strikes
- kill deportees whose home country refuses to accept

Scientists are humans. Politics is something social. They'll go with whatever will net them the most social acceptance. Wait 20 years and you'll see researchers ostracized for "subjective crack!" like saying we shouldn't sterilize all blacks if we can't genetically engineer them into intelligence and peacefulness. Again. Yes, AGAIN.

Moreover, being a scientist does not mean you have clear headed, well thought out views on anything except for your field of interest, however good at that you are. You can even be an asshole and take complete bullshit 24/7.

We need to stop with the "labcoats confer superhuman mental faculties and superior integrity" meme.

It really has more to do with what you need, and what you want

Cars started being regulated to all fuck when they became a social necessity. Everyone has to have one, everyone has to drive one, so the law is there to protect people who don't give a fuck, don't know better, and just need A to B. Seatbelt laws? There on the chance someone thinks they hurt you in a crash.

You don't need a motorcycle in any way, shape, or form, it's your choice and you have been told how dangerous it is, and you're only required to wear a helmet because the state has to pay for cleaning up your corpse if you split your head open.

Can confirm,
Am a labcoat wearing scientist.

Good assessment, but that still doesn't justify the 25 year rule. A to B people aren't going to be importing foreign cars, they'll stick to big safe slow AWD American market "Crossovers".

Cars are for soccermom and their children, that's why there's all this safety bullshit.

dead kids are a lot cheaper than half broken ones

very true, i agree

>Most states its actually very hard to plate a two stroke

Most cuck states maybe.

You could cut the space-time continuum with this edge.

Buses are fucking deathtraps.

>"engine on wheels" requires a separate license with a more involved test

>putter around in a parking lot for 10 minutes

you can now legally ride a liter bike with a 2.6 second 0-60

>There's no safety requirements because not just any asshole can get one or is expected to, and you know what you're signing up for when you do.

why isn't there a car version of this? Why can't I buy a new 2000lb car with no safety no abs no airbags no nothing and just sign a waiver that says "this is a deathtrap I know what I'm signing up for"

Because not having ABS can still be a danger to other drivers. You can do a lot more damage with even a very safe car than you can with the least safe motorcycle.

Unfortunately most states are cuck states.
CARB standards are a human virus.

I beg to differ, locking your brakes is extremely effective if you need to stop without turning.
Also ABS can increase braking distances on shit roads.

>stating a fact is edgy
>saying water is wet is edgy
>saying the sky is blue is edgy

There's more distractions in a car than there is on a motorcycle.