Are porsches gay

are porsches gay

They are not gay. They are not straight. They are cars.

ive got good sources that say OP is gay

>OP is and always will be a fag

A priori facts don't need a source

Every porsche that isn't a 911 is gay
Fite me

Every porsche that isn't aircooled is gay

sure thing bud


Have you ever driven one? The cayman is a very fun drivers car.

I unironically like those newer bugs, I think they look great with the chrome dish wheels. Am I gay?

Wow that looks just like a porsch!!

t. someone who mistakes cobalts for skylines



More like gayman

Never actually driven one, I just enjoy shitposting about 911 purity though I do hate the SUV's and panamera with a passion. Kind of glad to hear the cayman is good because I was considering one for awhile if my father wouldn't disown me for disgracing the good name of Porsche. Maybe there will be a time to try or buy one.

I hate these kind of opinions.
>x is a gay car because it is small and has a happy face

It doesn't matter that it's got the engine behind the rear axle and enough oversteer to wrap you around a tree. No, that doesn't matter. The greatest value of a car is le face of it's front end. Faggots.

Yes. It's all the gay. And I mean ALL the gay

No. Porsche's are cars. They don't have any sexual preferences

Soooooo sexy!


Yeah but that wouldn't stop me from owning or driving one.
