/nsunsg/ - Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm General

Tenten losing it edition

Coming soon: Road to Boruto

Gameplay: youtube.com/watch?v=4J6y8_1w4ns

Other various info:

>Steam Group

>Discord group

>New to Storm and/or coming from "traditional" fighting games?

>How to force a jump blocker to do something offensive

>/nsunsg/-approved fanfiction

>R20 GM's summaries of the game so far
dropbox.com/s/uds093rtywlm38k/Game Summaries.pdf?dl=0

>Gallery of /nsunsg/ OCs

>Hall of Anal Devestation

>TLAnon's Patreon

>Naruto Artbooks, Music, Manga, etc.
pastebin.com/SmwKFShb (embed)


Other urls found in this thread:


I want to make Tenten ahegao!

Is Rin guy dead or am I in the wrong thread?

Don't we all

inb4 OC

Nice try but there's an OC in the OP image

See, I inb4'd it.

He got killed by a Kakashifag who was being manipulated by a Madarafag.

Dead game dead thread

Out of the main characters in Boruto, who will grow to be dead inside?


vjump when

How long until Road to Bort?

Feb 2nd apparently

A-and what are the chances that it was all a rib and we will be getting playable characters other than Bort Salad and Snekman Jr.?

What am I looking at?


About 0%. I'm sorry, user.

I think the original rinfag has been gone for a while. Pretty sure that the people posting rin first have been doing it in his memory.

But the same OC is here too?

Something lewd enough to be deleted? I didn't see it.


I hope not. She's the only Uchiha who hasn't gone full edge, let her stay pure.

Probably still one of my favorite Salad pics. Just a combination of fetishes that hit all the right spots.

Would thongs be viable underwear for ninjas?

Keep in mind that these were all the new characters UNS4 got.

Is the Last Sasuke DLC? Or is it a pre-order-bonus?

Well, there is also a new Naruto and Sasuke and Mecha Naruto.

If they're made out of the right material they're viable for many male athletes but apparently it's bad for females.
>"Wearing a thong during exercise can bring E.coli living in the rear toward the front as you move, increasing your risk for urinary tract infection,"

So viable for men, probably bad for women. Gotta keep that vag clean.

Do they not clean their buttholes?

Considering how Salad's sense of humor seems to be black as Amaterasu, and combined with the Uchiha over-intensity of emotions, she will probably evolve into a nicer Daria tbqh

Women are so damn gross

Even if your butthole is clean there are many species of bacteria that live in your digestive tract in order to help you be able to digest your food. The butthole is always filled with lots of bacteria. Men are more protected because their urethra is longer and a lot more separated from the butthole area.


>one new character
>new character"s"

Having female genitals ain't easy, but without them you wouldn't be here so show some respect.

There are more bacteria inside your large intestine that your body more or less purposely 'keeps' around than there are humans in the world. Every time you move a little bit comes out through the time flux of air and just movements of flesh in general
You'd need some sort of magical way of having a Gate of Sterilization at your anus to avoid it entirely


The human body in general is damn gross, son.

The digestive E. Coli isn't the dangerous kind anyway

It causes UTIs, dumbass. Just like any other bacteria in the bladder. The bladder is supposed to be sterile.


So I should blame them for my awful existence then

>Gate of Sterilization at your anus
I dream of a world where one day we can all have such a thing. I hope science can achieve this.

It'd be a terribly shit idea, no pun intended, for biological and ecological reasons. Lesson 1 of ecological sciences - don't fuck with anything, you'll break it and it'll be harder than trying to fix Archlinux without looking at the wiki

Yes, blame the fact that a biological organism was doing what biological organisms do and reproducing for your own existential misery.

Your existence is nothing more than the culmunation of eons of pointless self-replication of tiny genes that use your body as a puppet to perpetuate themselves for no other reason than that self-replicating molecules exist only to self-replicate.

But you can end this cycle of pointless existence if you choose to terminate yourself before your genes can replicate. You can end it, so just do it already.

Fair enough. I hope one day we will learn not to play God.

I ain't reading all that

I want to pat Salad's head and ruffle her hair.

Then enjoy your terrible existence and stop complaining.

>not even 500 characters
Is this how Americans approach the world?

We are people of actions
Usually stupid ones
Come on nobody's being serious here, take it easy

Don't we all

>He claims to be an American
I'm so sorry for this retard, everyone. I feel like I should apologize on his behalf.

Man, that response isn't even grammatically correct. What are you trying to say?

At AMERICA, Grammer means nothing.

Oh shit
I just realized I replied to the wrong post
I meant this one

Ah, okay now it makes a lot more sense.

THanks for being understanding m8

What on earth are you talking about

He's trying to pretend that Americans aren't 100% retarded when it is a scientific fact that they are.

Will they go full homo end this time around?

In my dreams

Are we a gay general?


Probably a bunch of homos, fujos, and like a handful of normals who are probably black

Has afrosenju ever posted here? Has eddie rath ever posted here?

>more responses than there are ips in the general
so who's spamming votes for the homo team?

Madara made me gay.

The bloomers really make this picture work

The middle column don't even have new movesets, and mecha nurudu is literally just a rehash from Revolutions

wewlad ccjew

Will Salad get jealous at Boruto for hogging the time away from her father, and her father for not spending time with her and leaving her to suffer Sak all alone?

No because Sakura can just fuck Naruto and become Boruto's new mom

Pinkshit had her chance. She lost it by being an insufferable cunt.

But what will happen to Hinata?

considering YoI BDs sold like hot cakes (was 75k last time i checked), we are likely going to see that Mitsuki going to have homolust for Boruto

The fucker himself is son of Orochimaru and he may look innocent but he is going to dominate the shit out of the Boruto once he seduce him with his snek eyes

Either that or he is going to sacrifice himself for Boruto just like Sasuke did in Zabuza arc

in the end, Kishi and SP can't afford to lose fujobux after all the pandering that they did.

>Once again criticizing Sakura for stuff other characters are guilty for.

Do fujos really contribute that much to sales? I thought the vast majority of SJ readers were 11 year old boys.

>Do fujos really contribute that much to sales?
just ask /a/ how much units that Yuri on Ice sold.
then multiply it with 65 dolaridoos
>11 year old boys.
that was true 12 years ago, now they are either waifufags or fujoshits

>Yuri on Ice
Don't mention that anime doomsday device in this general.

I've never even heard of it but it sound pretty gay. Between homoshit and moe the anime industry is really going downhill.

Too late user
Now that the genie is out of the bottle, there is no way that you can stop the incoming fujo wave other than wait for the to die out


Many characters may individually be guilty of one thing, but only Sakura is guilty of ALL of them.

Fuck off, pinkshitfag.

It's been almost a year and you faggots are still bitching about her.

It's been much longer than a year, and as long as someone watches or reads naruto people won't like her. I'm sorry but she'll never stop being a bad character, m8. But she still looks hot and I would hatefuck the shit out of her, so I can't blame you for waifuing her.

Wait, Im confused. What are the standard powers of the MS? Is it Amateratsu, Tsumkoyomi, and Susano'o?

The standard powers are anything Kishi feels like.

Okay, but do all MS users have Amateratsu

Obito didn't.

You're going down a real rabbit hole here. It's like said. The best place to find answers is probably forums where even bigger sperglords than us gather to discuss Naruto, as the wiki page for it is a clusterfuck, much like what it's attempting to describe.


I guess you need 2 eyes to fully use it then

No seriously, I am still amazed that you guys managed to set up an anime thread in Veeky Forums.

So the Sharingan is like King Crimson; it just works?
This is meant for that

Mods probably see it as a containment general for autism. They're right, of course. It also probably cuts back on the amount of Naruto threads on /a/ which are probably a pain in their ass because of how they're nothing but "gateway anime of the worst kind" shitposts.

Still waiting for Hiro to make an /ag/.

Never going to happen

post 63



Hating feels so good, you guys. Mmmm.

I don't even dislike pinkshit much, she's just another victim of Kishi's shit writing. But I definitely hate pinkshitfag. He's more deserving of it.

Can we expect a Black Naruto arc in Boruto?

Please explain yourself further