League of Legends General - /lolg/

Top Laners Edition

old eyosongive.us

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i like leagu of legemd

Can someone recommend a offensive item for shen?

trinity force

>25 minutes of waiting for the game to end in ten seconds

Sasuga esports.

>just had a game where nobody fed but the enemy ended at 20 minutes because no one could or would start a fight with them.

Ive never felt genuinely depressed over a league game before.

Blade of the ruined king

Wit's End

titanic hydra

I don't play shen but I'm going to bet that titty hydra is core on him.

>tfw 9 win streak with the best waifu and this happens


Things you just hate no matter what

>People complaining/whining/etc. in chat for no valid reason
>Teammates that are way too demanding
>People who feeds their asses or worse if things are not going well in their plan.
>People who just gives up way too easily
>Darius' bleed passive and healing
>Morgana in general

Why didn't you do it?

I liked this from yesterday so let's do it again

>Post your main right now

>Rate their main

>Post your music taste + a song

I just listen to what sounds good to me :^)


I really like Chet Faker's style though and haven't found anything that really matches it.

>Rate their shitty pleb taste

>tfw when there is no "run in and die for me" ping

WHAT? this fucking jinx

actually disgusting :3!

I was gangplank. I dont think if i walked into the enemy team that would go over great. I was trying to set up barrels while they were sieging but they werent being pressured by anyone so they could collectively nuke them down before i could combo

so what's warwick's lore after his rework? last week someone said before the rework he was singed's dank weed buddy but according to his voice lines now he hates him, also seems has has some connection to jinx.

a did you know that I didn't know
did you guys know?

What do you build with Nocturne? He's suppose to be a pure glass cannon right?

If so, is there an alternative build in which he sacrifice some of his AD just for the sake of having even a little bit of protection? I enjoy using him but damn he goes down way too fast.

>mfw laning against illaoi

We'll get it back... one day...

Just move out of the way nigga, haha, how is illaoi even a thing

I want to go fishing with Orianna.


that's weird dude

Did You Know:
OP is a faggot

>Yasou diving into me level 1 and chopping my butt as xerath
I'm taking E level 1 now though

>Blood Razor Botrk rushing Xin's
>How Riot have handled the vision game
>Invis Junglers
>Cassiopeia running me down

>not taking windwall first
kek loser

Stop reminding me. ;_;

laning against illaoi is pretty fun though
you dodge the skillshots and you win

Post your first row and judge others!

hey boys do me a solid
vote here i'm curious

I miss ancient child-loving robot zed.

I miss dino lee-sin.

reddit.com/r/RebornOfDawngate/new/ its actually being rebuilt and the nig has it working via unity. its shaping up nicely

Faris is my main, you cant have him. hes mine he was the first shaper i ever played

Mina was my guilty pleasure
im a sub so it helped

Ohh we got one...
We'll just release it back to the ocean.
Have a good day fishy and take care.

He's just like Vi, Lee, or J4, you just build tanky enough to survive while still nullifying their adcs life. Also Noc does less damage than all of those with full fuck your shit armor pen but he's still really fun.

>Be random ganger in zuan
>Trying to stay low but Jinx rats me out to singed as a good test subject for a bucket of zuan cocaine (head cannon)
>Singed stacks 45% CDR and flings me to his lab
>Get turn into a werewolf bat thing
>Fucking die
>Thrown into the trash outside
>Techno-magic bullshit rammed through my spine brings me back
>Overwhelming urge to AWOOO and be evil batman

That is about it

I'm the xerath, how the heck do I level windwall?



Imagine if I had a real weapon :^)


Usually I go warrior, BorK and another damage item (either as or cleaver) if I'm snowballing and then the rest are tank items

user if you cant level windwall as xerath then youre not making yasuo rage enough

start e
force him to get w next from your constant stuns
q him harder because he has no e

where is ambition?


Nigga what the fuck

Things I loveabout LoL:
Pic related... and also the reports they get for whining about my E and being
afk after my Q

>My main

>Your main
bug abuser cunt, but still one of the more based midlaners, i'm okay with it

>My music

I listen to anything that i like. The genre or the artist is irrelevant. Altough there are still some artists i listen to a lot, like Carpenter Brut, HOME, GRiZ, Jake chudnow and Karma Fields, but there are some completely random things in my playlist like DOOM ost, Fleetwood mac, Earth, wind & fire, and rawhide from blues brothers.

>Your music

Calm enough that it's not annoying, but it's quite bland. It's too slow and i feel like the instruments could be used a bit more. At the end it also becomes overloaded with noise and becomes distracting.

in the bench

>mid yas autolock


so that is who this is


sorry ;-;

Here's to you kid

heres a Mina for you

im glad i can help you bring the anger to yas mains

post more dawngate pics please. these will be sent to a former developer

Jhin and Camille's walking animation pisses me off for some reason.


How long has it been since the champ had an LCS game?
Why do you hate confidence? If you hated Ivern's though I could get behind that

Confident people don't walk like they have a fat cock rammed up their ass.

holy shit what is crown even

After warrior and BotRK, is BC(for enemy teams with few AP champs) or Wit's End (for enemy teams with 3+ AP champs), followed by Dead man's and Guardian Angel a good path or not?

>My main

>Your main
Darius is ok i guess? Could be worse

>My music
I rarely listen to music, but i liked this one when i was an edgy teen

>Your music
I like it, kinda, i'm just not a fan of electronic sounds

just a top midlaner in the world

on the topic of top laners, has there been a single person in this general's existence that ever played Singed, let alone decently.

I've seen anons play Galio more than Singed here.

I may be making this up but isn't Jhin like physically fucked up somehow? That and Camille is almost literally balancing on stilts so I wouldn't say dick up the ass 100 percent the reason she walks like that

>ever played Singed
what kind of question is this?

S.O.A.D. nice taste m8

>melee AD crit mage
why the fuck is this allowed

pluto drew this

these games man


what's in it for me?

>Play goatslut
>Build standard support build
>Jungler is kindred
>Nobody bothers to focus me becasue lolsoraka
>Team literally can't be killed due to the amount of heals I shit and kindreds ult
>Crush enemy team

Most fun I've had in awhile.

that guy is a fucking troll and asshole.

How's he not perma'd yet anyway while Shaclone got the axe.

we used to have multiple top 10 singed autists

c r o w n

>blind pick

>autolock mid yas getting destroyed by riven and isnt typing english
what a surprise

this is beautiful

riddler is asleep you're not gonna get a worthwhile answer here without him

Yes that's what I usually build, although sometimes I may go hex drinker instead of wits end

>lane vs. soraka and draven who gets a vamp early on
>support tells me to build an executioner's
>instead of being greedy I do so
>shit all over them endlessly because soraka's heals are useless

Now if only I could get a support that good regularly.



Can I ask you why you keep giving us updates on shit no one cares about? Also you're just sitting at fountain while taking the time to post this on Veeky Forums and shitting on your team that way.

she doesn't do anything as long as you dodge her e every time it's up

if you get hit by it you take between 300 and 3000 damage with zero effort/risk on illaoi's part

she's fucking cancer and shouldn't exist

I've been away a while

camille looks pretty bullshit honestly

Thanks for the help man

Titanic Hydra. That's not even that hard. An early Tiamat gives you pushing potential, and finishing it gives you a lot of damage since you're going to have a lot of health anyway.

her stun is gone in 3 patches

kek that 1v1 was SoloQ as fuck

According to leddit she's 100% fine and balanced and if you think she'seven just a little overpowered then you are actually hitler and work for valve to undermine League of Legends

Do you guys buy skins on your smurfs?

camille literally btfo

yasuo players are trash
always and forever

>win top lane, get a few kills
>get ganked with wards and on my side of river
>get ganked with wards and on my side of river
>get ganked with wards and on my side of river
>can't lane against my lane opponent 1v1 anymore
>jungler says "you lost lane im not gonna gank for you ur bad"

jungle mains are retarded children i swear to god

i queue for that role second because it's literally infinite free wins if you pick a good champion and gank lanes constantly but something about maining it makes you entitled and blind