What was Hitler's end goal? Did he really want to take over the whole world?
What was Hitler's end goal? Did he really want to take over the whole world?
His end goal was to paint nature, but he couldn't draw people well, so before genocide was pretty good solution without huge harm to artistic truth.
Yes. He was also a Jew, a homosexual, a pedophile, an alien, a scat fetishist, a cuckold and he only had one ball and a micropenis.
tl;dr, Germany dominates Europe, destroys communism and colonizes the East.
No. He wanted to rid Germany of Jewish interests and wanted a strong Germany. Anglos were backed by Jewish bankers so Churchill the tyrant plunged Europe into its most devastating war
>inb4 Jews dindu nuffin
What the fuck, I hate jews now.
Without them, Germany would solo Entente.
Are you asking what his ultimate endgame was?
All memes aside:
>Retake the Brest-Litovsk treaty land that Germany had acquired from Russia in World War 1
>Assure that France is never a threat to Germany again.
>Unify the continent under national socialism.
>Rid Germany and German held lands of Jewish influence.
Are you saying those '18-19 revolution jews were backed by bankers or am I misunderstanding you?
>Completely remove German and German-occupied territory
>Invade Russia and take their land
>Defeat both France and Britain in war
That's about it.
>Completely remove Jew from Germany and German-occupied territory
Are you saying Kaiser Wilhelm was a good leader?
Contrary to retarded belief, jews are not a homogenuous people of telepaths.
> Hitler fell in love with her after she passed by him during her daily daughter-mother stroll in Linz, glancing at him. Although madly in love with her to the point of suicide, Hitler never once spoke with her, and she later married an Austrian army officer.
>Hitler insisted that Kubizek stalk Stefanie and delivered daily reports on her activity while he was away visiting his mother or family.[4] In one report, Kubizek wrote that Stefanie loved to dance and had taken lessons. Hitler disliked dancing and reportedly replied, "Stefanie only dances because she is forced to by society on which she unfortunately depends on. Once Stefanie is my wife, she won't have the slightest desire to dance!"
>In June 1906, Stefanie gave Hitler a smile and a flower from her bouquet as she was passing him in her carriage.[5] Kubizek later described the scene:
>Never again did I see Adolf as happy as he was at that moment. When the carriage had passed he dragged me aside and with emotion he gazed at the flower, this visible pledge of her love. I can still hear his voice, trembling with excitement, 'She loves me!'
to forget about his cuckoldry
Thank you for correcting the record! $0.02 has been deposited into your account!
>He was also a Jew, a homosexual, a pedophile, an alien, a scat fetishist, a cuckold and he only had one ball and a micropenis.
All of this applies to me but I still haven't started world war 3. What am I doing wrong?
Thats what the Americans are tryin to do now
You need more motivation
Dont let you're dreams stay dreams
I've always wondered:
If Hitler had all the same racial beliefs but didn't care about expansionism, is there any chance that Germany could still be ruled by the Nazis today? If he just didn't invade Poland, then there would have been no war. The US and Britain may have even given aid to Hitler as a buffer against Stalin. He could have quietly implemented his final solution and nobody would known about it until decades later.
It would have slowed down Nazi expansion by around a year but Nazism might exist today if Italy didn't join up with Hitler
Hitler's economy was focused on rearming the country, not going to war wasn't an option.
No. Hitler's domestic success was fuelled by expansionism. If he never invaded anywhere, his Germany would have collapsed from the inside much sooner.
If you want to know what fascism-lite looks like, Franco lasted in Spain until 1974.
>Jews are godless atheist Communists and evil Zionist bankers at the same time
Yeah. Jews are not a monolith however in what ever form they took, hitler knew they posed a threat.
look mom i posted it again!
That filthy Jewish winter stopped my invasion
Have you tried remilitarizing the rhineland?
You need to be damn near killed, but not killed. Only then will you realize your dream tbqh.
His end goal was to remove Jew from power and protect Europe from communism.
He wanted to kill a lot of the world's officer class to get back at them for cucking him.
Is end plan was to make sure leafy could make jew jokes
>German invasion
>it was da Joos
>German defeat da joos
Naziboos are as delusional as Hitler himself.
Probably thought the Jews were responsible for the Russian winter as well.
Was hitler a Nazi?
T. William H Shirer
This is a meme. Everytime Hitler attacked somewhere the economics people told him it would end in a net loss for Germany.
I don't think you understand communism mate.
Effectively, yes.
Contary to retarded beliefs, Jews are more than capable of communicating and working together toward a shared goal
To colonize eastern europe+Russia and take all their resources so he could turn Germany into a completely self-sufficient super power.
>the fact that Germany's "economic miracle" was based entirely around Germany rearmament is a meme
Stormfags are annoyingly delusional.
all memes aside, his goal was to colonize eastern europe and Russia up to the A-A line, unite all Germanic peoples under one country (this would involve taking over places like the Neatherlands, Switzerland ect)
Then, with this one powerful unified germany, with all the natural resources of eastern europe/parts of asia would become a completely self sufficient global super power.
also, no jews, gypsies, cripples, gays allowed.
>remove Jewry from Europe
>take over east Europe up to Ural mountains
>become self sufficient superpower
>encourage birth rate of citizens with Aryan features
I have never laughed so hard in my entire fucking life
>It's all Jew fault
>Lets invade Europe and kill Poles and Russians
Eternal Kraut logic
is that the revolution sparked by a revolt of sailors
and mutinies in the army
and widespread, that is mostly christian, civil unrest
and the one followed by a coup attempt by nazis
those damn hebrews indeed
Well technically Russia was ruled by communist Jews, the same sort that started the revolution in Germany.
As for Poland, Germany could've allied with them but Poles went full retard thinking they could take Germany 1 on 1 and alienated them after Pilsudski died.
He wanted to make Germany a prosperous country that would greatly advanced mankind, he also knew his race is full of altruistic lunatics so he tried to prevent the white race from destroying itself by removing the nonwhite races from the earth, he also had to remove the jewish people that were destroying the entire globe for their batshit insane racial supremacist ideology in the Talmud.
yes, because I could totally imagine Naomi Klein and Ben Shapiro agreeing on anything
He wanted to turn Germany and a Germanic peoples into a true world super power similar to America. The position of Germany on the globe meant it needed resources, land, people and colonies to accomplish this.
To do this, Hitler surmised that the vast lands of western Russia were horribly underdeveloped by the slavs who inhabit it and wished to evict them by any means and establish germany colonies in Russia. In particular around the Baltics, Ukraine and around the black sea.
However he also believed that war and an agrarian rural lifestyle was the best for the human spirit and despised the idea of cities. He would have thrown the might of germany at any enemy simply to keep them ready for war even if all his initial objectives were completed.
This is evident in reading his books. Hitler wanted a continuous rolling German Wehrmacht planting new colonies and pushing enemies to submit.
>Dude seems to have real problems with rationality.
>End goal
One theory I have always enjoyed is the cultural aspects of Hitler. A common trend that can be seen among nations of the era was the concept of self determination of nations. In a nutshell a nation should do whatever it took to have control of resources and production for its societies needs and not be beholden to outside forces and trade deals to acquire these resources. Much of his land grabs were directed at major resource regions that would allow him to continue the German war machine and bolster German manufacturing. They were more or less incapable of creating a far flung empire for resources so the next best option was to create it in their own backyard. As for the more racially driven views, his ideas were not horrifically uncommon for the time. For decades there was common thought and science directed toward darwinistic thought and attacks directed against various groups. He took these views further than any other group had before but he was not the first to attack Jews, blacks, gypsies, etc...simply the most well known. He was the culmination of late 1800's thought and political theory, both in its successes and failures. And ultimately he had to be defeated to move past these concepts and allow for the American ascension and economic/protectionist style of empire.
Franco wasnt a true fascist. In Spain, the fascists were the members of Falange, who were removed of power positions since the failure of the autarchy in late 50s.
Just be yourself.
that is a georgian who resettled jews to Birobidzhan
Jewish capitalist bankers tried to destroy Germany by creating an ideology that wishes to fight banks and capitalism especially. Said ideology would be implemented in Germany's most powerful opponent and lead to its demise.
Of course jewish bankers also wanted to exile themselves to any place in the world that would allow them to create their nation-state, as a part of their golbalist-communist-capitalist agenda.
t. Hans Zawatsky-Gullen
If he had a short war with Poland, annexed Danzig (and perhaps Silesia), peaced out with France and created a bloc focused on destroying communism, he would be hailed as saviour of Europe.
He would also probably send Jews to Madagascar, and everyone would be happy.
He didn't succeed then.
Who would have thought a Hitler post could give a man a boner so hard it could break walls
>Jews are godless atheist Communists and evil Zionist bankers
>at the same time
Neither of those are good senpai
What about the kapp putsch?
Think for a moment, user.
Think for a moment about why it might be silly to think they could be both of those things at the same time.
Hell, forget that. What about the fucking Beer Hall Putsch?
Apparently the Stormfag mantra of "It's Okay When The Nazis Do It" permeates that too.
No. It's not ok when foreign ethnic group meddles in the German people's affair.
Do you support white minority rule in Rhodesia? Why is it ok for the Jews to have a say in German politics?
>Why is it okay for German citizens to have a say in German politics
>implying there weren't just as many Jewish counter-revolutionaries fighting the commies
Your next line will be "They're Jews first and Germans second".
You can't be Jewish and German. Does a fish born in a lions cAge make him an lion?
By that logic a man with French parents who was born in Germany and lived in Germany all his life isn't German either.
Are you seriously trying to conflate species with nationality? Is that the argument you're going for?
He is not ethnically German yes. He may have German citizenship but he will never be a German. If I was born in Japan, I wouldn't be Japanese. Nor would that Japanese people see me as such. Same if I was born in Nigeria. I would not be Nigerian.
a piece of paper doesn't decide what's in your blood.
where is the necessarily arbitrary cut off point for all this blood, considering the ever-narrowing pyramid of humans and their ancestors?
anatomically modern humans survived two ice ages
preservation of geographically isolated random mutations during these long winters shaped the current human ethnical variety