>Be socialist
I hate this meme Veeky Forums.
>Be socialist
I hate this meme Veeky Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
So butthurt about Vietnam that it's not included.
99.99% of all states have collapsed.
No one in their right mind would say China is still communist. NK and Cuba see debatable too. That leaves us with....?
>Be capitalist
Arguable socialist collapse.
Your concept of collapse think corresponds to the breathing.
>Be capitalist
>Be capitalist
>Your concept of collapse think corresponds to the breathing.
What did he mean by this?
>Be capitalist
wtf? Don"t invent things.
Also: [COLAPSE] again
>when a socialist state collapses, it must be because it's socialist
>when a non-socialist state collapses, of course it's not because they're capitalist
>What did he mean by this?
The concept you have of collapse is too ambiguous or you are retard marxist awaiting your [COLAPSE]™
>The concept you have of collapse is too ambiguous
is it
Friend, the USSR no longer exists.
Neither does Rhodesia.
>Nigger colapse.
You wellcome.
They ceased to exist; they eventually failed.
All real systems are destroyed or changed into different systems, in time.
>of course it's not because they're capitalist
np bb ;^)
What the hell is related capitalism with black angry?
No it's because they're niggers. No economic system will work out for them.
>Neither does Rhodesia.
How dumb are you? Rhodesia didn't fall because of capitalism it fell because of your brain dead nigger commie socialists. By the way Zimbabwe isn't doing too well.
I love it how the cartoon forgets about Venezuela and North Korea.
shut the fuck up, stormfag you don't know what you're talking about
Oh sorry i just saw North Korea now. I need some sleep
>hurr durr cuz they're niggers
not an argument
Venezuela is literally in the middle of collapsing.
Namibia is going fine however.
Though admitadely, they aren't socialist
China and Cuba is state capitalist like every other 'communist' regime that ever existed. The DPRK resembles national socialism more than anything else.
North Korea stopped referring to themselves as communist a while ago, afaik.
North Korea is pretty much fully fascism, in every way.
>anywhere in Africa being anything but AIDS
you're a socialist in twentee seexteen?
kill yourself my man
In practice, both systems are indistinguishable.
they're far from indistinguishable. every permutation of the delegation of power has different problems.
there's a pretty big gulf between communism and fascism in terms of practical effects and if you think they're indistinguishable you're not looking very hard
Naw, my guy. Blacks aren't capable of civilization. They're not even capable of passing high school. Having 80 iq points tends to do that.
Apparently is not THAT big of a gulf for some people...
they have similar constituencies, but the legal division of power is FAR from similar. it leads to drastically different outcomes in government.
fascists are typically capable of feeding people. communists cannot generally even do that.
posting some scare picture doesn't change that.
>fascists are typically capable of feeding people.
Yeah, they provided free meat hanging from hooks from atop gas stations.
10/10 post wow you really got me there buddy
>China and Cuba is state capitalist like every other 'communist'
>state capitalist
Are they peacefully violent too? Or wetly dry? State capitalism is a communist oxymoron, stop giving it credibility.
it describes a new phenomenon. it's not an oxymoron.
take free trade, which itself is an ideal state which is never achieved.
state capitalism is a real thing even if you think it's bad, in that the state significantly controls allocation, but not industrial processes. it's just a name. grow a pair.
Guys I was away for a couple days what the hell did I miss?
So I suppose the kingdom of kush, the Mali empire and Ethiopian empire don't exist?
>muh iq
>muh schools
>collapsed countries
>non-collapsed countries
>not European
Yes, clearly the common thread here is the communism part of it.
China is more state capitalist than communist these days.
They don't. What fucking year are you from?
>State capitalism is a communist oxymoron, stop giving it credibility.
>Stop calling what is literally happening as what is literally happening, the literally happening that seems to work has no credibility.
If anything, China proves how ridiculous the Communist/Capitalist dichotomy is.
>China and North Korea is not capitalist
>If you don't like it go to China, see how you like it over there.
State capitalist.
Like Nazi Germany.
It beats free market capitalism any day because their private businesses have the backing of the State.
*not communist
you forgot sweden
welfare capitalist
>be capitalist
>stumble from crisis to crisis in a hedonistic stupor until aimless overproduction and exploitation destroys the environment your society depends on
>implying I won't just open a business for environmental renewal and rake in the big bucks while fixing the problem
Problem, socialists? Also, "overproduction?" I remember a time when socialists were worried that UNDERproduction was the problem because THAT was what hurt the proles, now it's overproduction? lmao
> I remember a time when socialists were worried that UNDERproduction was the problem because THAT was what hurt the proles, now it's overproduction?
You remember before the 1930s?
I've been shitposting for a long time kiddo
Lefty pol needs a new containment board.
Isn't that Veeky Forums?
Uhhh... well... Shit.
haha le epic nigger meme le XDDD
>muh niggers
Not an argument.
wew lad
/leftypol/ is an actual board on 8gag where these faggots crawled out from, it's not just a buzzword.
>Capitalism = means of production are in PRIVATE hands
>state nationalizes means of production
>somehow it's still capitalism
Leftypol can leave this thread. Friendly reminder that leftypol is a very loud and very annoying minority on Veeky Forums
Leftypol is a very compelling and influential minority on Veeky Forums
/pol/tards are the very loud and obnoxious migration of plebs to Veeky Forums
Leftypol is annoying shit stain that won't fuck off. Less than 20% of Veeky Forums
>Very compelling
>/leftypol/ calling /pol/ plebeian
>99% of /leftypol/ content are redrawn /pol/ memes
That's the euqivalent of saying pop music sucks while listening to some cheap Justin Bieber knockoff
t. porky
/pol/ and /leftypol/
Am I not right?
>/pol/ creates a comic laughing at communists
>quickly comrade, let's edit the comic so it's laughing at dem FASCISTS instead
That's the pinnacle of /leftypol/'s creativity, they can do nothing but steal memes and then even have the audacity to call the people they stole it from plebeian.
By the way, pic related to see what sort of people post on /leftypol/
Rhodesia didn't fall till it became communist.
>totally not because China's basically colonialism 2.0 and will leave us even worse once they got their resources
You clearly haven't visited lefty booru then
>why does communism [COLAPSE]
>in b4 not real communism
>why is china the next super power
t. porkchops
These are also the people who call /pol/acks losers, virgins and LARPers, bear that in mind
back to cripplechan
Honestly, if China had better human rights, better democratic representation, and started off with a ton of capital, their state capitalism wouldn't be so bad. Their state capitalism is shitty because of the one party totalitarian state, not because of the economic system. They seem to be winning economics in terms of growth and trade.
t. butthurt Niggeraboo who has the delusion that Africa is getting better
Is this guy a troll?
kek, I'd bet 100$ you'll be the first one screaming about NOT REAL COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM the moment the chinks collapse