Cadillac Deville '95? What do you think

My 2004 Chevy Impala broke down, its dead and im not getting it fixed.

A friend of mine's boyfriend just got a new car and is willing to sell me his '95 Cadillac Deville for 1000$ with 500$ down. I think i may be able to talk him down from 1000$. I am currently selling a gun to get the 500$.

It has a few problems
>crunchy kind of sound when you accelerate from stop to go.(it seems or active when you turn).
>A liquid that seems to be condensation leaks from the A/C onto the drivers side floor board.
>it needs an oil change
>cosmetic issue with the tail light, Im currently driving the car but i keep forgetting to look at it.
>the parking brake gets stuck so you have to pull a switch behind it.(which makes the pedal slam foward and slap the fuck out of your hand).

The engine sounds good and healthy.

would this be a good buy?
Should i be concerned about the north star engine?(i know its a bitch to work on).
any of you fellas have experience or opinions?

btw im a broke college student.

Invest in a bus pass

>would this be a good buy
>crunchy sound
> leaking on the floor board

nah son. First of its a northstar v8 so its going to shit out headgaskets, and this one already sounds poorly maintained and that liquid is most likely from a bad heater core.

and im not even addressing the crunching sound

>Invest in a bus pass
kek, i live in a small town and my college is about 40 miles away.

The closest running bus is in the town over(20 miles).

The crunching does not effect the driving or feel of the car. It does not seem serious.

The car has about 140000 miles on it. Its running better than my car and this guy is more than willing to work with me. Other wise my price range would be 500$ on the dollar.

and i dont have room to save. Im literally just getting by and i need a vehicle soon.

The car seems pretty well taken care of, he just replaced the water/coolant pump.

Just get a fucking civic, not a fucked up old cadillac.

Car in the photo looks like a 97-99

Parking brake issue you describe is common in GMs if the PB is not used regularly. Its an auto tho, wouldnr worry about it.

Beware of HG issues if its a 96+. If its actually a 95, itll have the old 4.9. No HG problems but a royal pita to work on. Far worse to wrench on than the northstar imo.

creaky sound is likley suspension bushings. Crunchy is likley loose heatshields. Either one is no big deal.

A grand sounds more than fair for it as a beater. Just beware of headgaskets if its a northstar. Not the end of the world, just very labor intensive. A properly re-studded caddie will last you a lifetime though.

>kek, i live in a small town and my college is about 40 miles away.
That shitty mpg is going to put you in the fucking poorhouse if your not there already.

Highway MPGs on a well running Northstar are surprisingly good. I pull 27 hwy all day in my Eldo. But it also weighs a bit less than the Deville. ...also not sure how well Ops car is running from the sound of things lol.

>That shitty mpg is going to put you in the fucking poorhouse if your not there already.
already has in a way, my last car was a 2004 impala with a bad transmission. By the end i had to put it in 1st then 2nd then 3rd then drive to go anywhere(its automatic).

It got around 20mpg. Which is on par with the caddy.

>Car in the photo looks like a 97-99
its a 95 i promise.

Thanks for the info man i really appreciate it. I have a buddy who is a real car guy and his grandpa is a auto mechanic/gunsmith/entrepreneur/fabricator/boat mechanic/carpenter and some other stuff and would be willing to help me for money or trade.

>how well Ops car is running from the sound of things lol.
the engine and transmission are running fine IMO.

If its the gold Cadillac in the Op pic, its a 1997-1999. I promise.


what are you basing this off of?

Wheels, body cladding, front bumper, lack of ugly front diffusor, rounded fenders as opposed to peaked fenders used on 94/95.

fug, guess im eating crow


>>A liquid that seems to be condensation leaks from the A/C onto the drivers side floor board.
Water condensate


the back looks like its sagging, airbags in the back might be going.

I approve of this

>not suggesting a fucking corolla instead

Sure why not? Any car for 1k is a piece of shit, and if it breaks down on you just flip it for 500 and get a new piece of shit

cheaper than a new car.

yeah what this guy said
get a celica

Is the boyfriend a black dude by chance?

for $1000 you could find a beat up crown vic

it'll still be a beat up land barge but at least it won't have a fucking northstar

>it's got a digital dash
Oh shit motherfucker you made the right choice.

>I am currently selling a gun to get the 500$
He's not interested in trading the car for the gun?

I assume car in pic.

If you have no more money and no mechanical ability

Don't buy that car

no, punk rock metal artist.

I wouldnt trust him with one but his girlfriend doesnt like them. Ive been slowly changing that though. Ive been try to get her and her kids out to range some time. Conversion therapy does work, you just need the smell of gunpowder.