Is Odin real Veeky Forums?
Is Odin real Veeky Forums?
Yes, he's a demon like all false gods.
Nimrod is his real name. Nimrod of Babylon, the mighty hunter standing against God.
I´ve read he was a real chieftain, later deified
Well according to tradition he was ancestor of the ancient Germanic dynasties so obviously yes
don't know why Finns claim they wuz Odin if he was literal faggot
Primary source or GTFO
>bootyblasted LARPer
So Euros were cucks since the beginning
Truly makes a person ponder
>semen, the source of his powers
holy shit
t. Sven Cuckoldsson.
Honestly? If you've read Carlyle's "On Heroes" then you'd probably say yes. I think I agree with Carlyle. Odin was a real person who led Indoeuropeans into Scandinavia and myths followed in his wake that created a godhood for him.
The Vikings, then, as they did not apprehend God, went astray among the elements, and began to worship things created instead of their Creator; and for this end they made images and shut them up in shrines.
They worship them, guarding them the while with much care, lest their gods be stolen by robbers.
And the Vikings did not observe that that which acts as guard is greater than that which is guarded, and that everyone who creates is greater than that which is created. If it be, then, that their gods are too feeble to see to their own safety, how will they take thought for the safety of men? Great then is the error into which the Vikings wandered in worshiping lifeless images which can do nothing to help them.
See >Asking for primary sources should be standard practice.
Based Loki
Typical modern materialist interpretation of old myths. Odin may or may not have had a corporeal counterpart, it doesn't really matter for all intents and purposes. Odin is (and was) as much "real" as the christian God. He's a metaphysical person and a symbolical interpretation of a victorious deity. With his special characteristics, such as mystery, asceticism, wisdom and association with the concepst of kingship and victory he is tailored to the unique traits of the soul of the Germanic peoples, forged over thousands of years of unbroken Tradition, a soul that's dead or dying today.
I kinnda remember a viking cumming while being hanged for Odin in American Gods, but even Gaiman wouldn't go that far
He's in Valhalla waiting for Ragnarök
[spoiler]Only in my heart.[/spoiler]
So they are all sissies, just like the modern nordics. Really makes you think...