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i'm going to post some waifus now

stop doing the torb + symmetra thing on quickplay you evil faggots

2nd for ana lewds

Hana Song

Me too

Please do, it's the only thing that brightens my day. That and Reinhardt's speedo bulge.

Does anyone have that webm of someone playing dva on nubani on console and is just dodging the entire enemy team?

With which hero would you have a drink?

why does Tracer's chrono accelerator look so flat

the butt

Look at this smug(Amélie).

Could use a hug.

Hana is for paizuri

Developer update - PTR


But 150 extra HP is fuuun

Reminder that Junkrat requires no skill.

Pharah is best girl

That looks incredibly uncomfortable.

I was expecting another meme update.

she really could


Needs a buff.

He makes a reference to the meme vids

Just the usual Jeff ass covering.

>"we don't want any of heroes to be bad in any situations so don't worry we will always listen to reddit to balance our game :)"

I knew the game would be taken in this direction by average IQ redditors who pick their favorite OC character and main that character until death. Specialized heroes? Roles? Strengths? Counters? What are those, i want to play Ana every game xD because ana is my main >:)

If I got 6000CP, do I still get the CP reward at the end of the season?

Guys I think it's time to stop shitposting and start talking about the real issues Overwatch faces:

How big is Roadhog's dick?

Will amélie be saved?

I want to lick the sweat from her perfect brown body


Fix matchmaking when???

I'd be more than happy if they just gave her 300 health and 300 armour, and still kept the Fusion Cannon 'nerfed' changes.



Overwatch is literally my first fps on pc. Can you guys reccomend me something else?


Never because they worked so hard on those skill algorithms user :^) also retards keep defending it

It's probably a real stubby chode

>Playing competitive
Are people still pushing this meme?


Why would I waste my time in QP when I could be doing the same thing but also earn Gun Money?


But I need my egotistical golden weapons user

Reminder Angela Zeigler likes little girls


How else would I get my golden hammer for reinhardt

It's girth is biblical in proportion.
Genji still has the bigger dick though.

what skin is that?

>playing RNG 6v6
my head is about to explode every time I have to do some trigonometric marvel on the fly to play this fucking hero

>bigger dick than roadhog

They're so gaudy though, I'd much rather have a skin or a trinket or something



There's some words missing from this post methinks

I've been begging for a good Mercy/young Pharah fanfiction

Nothing too lewd, just enough to get my imagination going


Setsuko Ohara skin.
You know and I know that Mercy gave him an enormus robo schlong

that's it ! that's the one ! biggest damn penis i've ever seen !

>nanoboosting the D.Va

Quick, make a nerf for Ana that will make her players cry!
>have to swap between 2 different nades for anti heal and heal boost with mousewheel


It's a bit of a wait, but I believe the devs said that they would be adding more things to spend your comp points on, so Im finna saving up for when that comes around

>the "Sombra is good, it's the communities fault for not using her correctly" meme
Can we get an actually competent team to work on Overwatch please

That's fucking cheating, I'm reporting genji mains now


You have to place a headshot to deal damage

Go away you sick pedo shits.

It can work quite well. She tears through everything that isn't Mei.

>she's 19
Are you retarded?


I'd like to see them release a match video or something showing how they think she should be played.

Mercy is still like double her age.

>she's 19

Not in those images

It doesn't work you gay idiot. There is a cap on the points you have. Jesus fucking christ.


That doesn't make her a fucking pedo holyshit

That means I need to become a little girl...



>He hasn't seen pros play sombra
Literally hack med packs like enemy team poke and your team use said medpakcs. Stealth in drop EMP watch Rein earth shatter and win.


>he doesn't recognize heroes from the first word of their line

Not in these images she isnt. She is clearly drawn as a child. Go spread your pedo shit elsewhere.

All you do is prove his point when you post dumb shit like this.

You clowns want a homogenized RPS style game where every offense hero has to be a backline assassin, every tank has to be Rein, every healer has to use Mercy as a baseline, etc.

That was not a sentence. It was not even a thought.


can you name all four of these characters?

There's most always a better recipient. I only do it when we *have* to hold the point and it's a 3v6 or something because her staying power is incredible.

I wand to groom Hana as my lesbian lover from a very young age and teach her everything about girl on girl love!

Try Sombra

Winston buff when

Mercy is a good women

She would never do such horrible things

also she's straight

You will get a Venti Chai Latte.


Winston and pharah takes care of them desu but quickplay babbies always feed them the shield generator charge

Fareeha was Angela's grooming victim, not Hana

I've heard that you do, although I haven't even gotten 6k myself.

>Nanoboost DVa in desperation
>She immediately throws it away with self destruct

Chu needs to khs

T-Thanks Chu for the lore bits you feed us.
