Am I guilty o? The road goes uphill and I didn't see shit. Was only open for about 2-3 seconds fully.
I owe $300
Am I guilty o? The road goes uphill and I didn't see shit. Was only open for about 2-3 seconds fully.
I owe $300
Other urls found in this thread:
>bus stop on a fucking major highway
>corolla with stickers
Ya you pass for an Veeky Forumstist
You might want to explain whatever law you are talking about to the world
There are no houses or apartments to the left there either
Georgia is a bitch sometimes man
I feel bad though, I don't want to endanger kids . .
You have to stop for schoolbuses when they go into flashy mode until they stop
They wouldn't have ticketed you if you made an attempt to slow down.
>You have to stop for schoolbuses when they go into flashy mode until they stop
Is it like an orange light? Only if its save to do so and you can decelerate safely in time?
Interesting. I just didn't see it at all.
>he has to stop for a school bus on a four lane road
The red stop sign the opens out flashes and you are required to stop until it folds back and stops flashing
Absolutely insane that there is a bus stop on that road one, and aside from coming to a screeching panic braking stop and scaring the piss out of any kids dismounting the bus, what do they expect at that speed?
Just another example that the revenue generation meme isn't.
I honestly don't know why it even stopped there. There are no houses or apartments there. Just a gym and kaufman tire.
But there must be some leeway. You can't simply drop anchor and get rear ended.
Youshow up on film around the 4 second mark,
If that roads speed limit is over 40mph you wouldn't have even ran a red light.
That looks unreasonable to expect you to stop for, I'd take it to court.
>You can't simply drop anchor and get rear ended.
Welcome to burgeristan
It's 45mph. The road is a major highway, literally peachtree INDUSTRIAL.
I moved in December and don't know what to do.
Not sure if $300 is worth a roundtrip plane ticket or 10 hour drive there and back.
You don't live in GA?
Well, if you never plan on going back ignore it.
Otherwise pay it or hire a lawyer to show up in your name.
Guilty as fuck, sun isnt shining in your direction, its visible
Maybe one of the kids is already flexing his entrepreneurial spirit and owns the tire shop
I suppose
I still don't understand why it stopped there. If you look up the coordinates there are only businesses there and a hotel with nothing nearby?
It actually stopped outside a trophy and computer store. Looked at the coordinates wrong.
>if you never plan on going back ignore it.
It says they'll send it to a collection agency, plus won't I get a warrant? Does Georgia communicate stuff like that across state lines, idk what I'm saying
Fair, next. Pay the fine.
If the sign was a red light, you would have blown it
How hard is this for you to understand? Why can't you take responsibility for your fuck ups?
Red lights give you a yellow amber that is visible no matter where you are on the road of about 5-6 seconds before it turns red
I got at most 3, on a major highway following the flow of traffic, with no residential areas nearby.
>bus door is facing away from traffic
>you were in the far left lane
>not even close to the bus
Do they really expect both lanes to stop if those the little fuck trophies weren't crossing the highway?
fuck kids.
>If the sign was a red light
>45 MPH -- 5.0 Seconds
op should be given a 5 second warning
Consider the big yellow bus your yellow light, if you see a school bus stopping ahead of you wow that's a yellow light, then the sign takes about 2 seconds to fold out and deploy. You had plenty of warning you irresponsible shit, own up to your fuck up. Fucking beta millenials.
Why would anyone expect a schoolbus to stop for a drop off on a major industrial highway on the side of the road
Now imagine you are going uphill low to the ground, all the traffic in front you went by, and you didn't see anything
That bus had no additional warning lights, just the folding stop sign. Fully deployed there should be a 5 second window of warning.
Either way I'm still gonna pay it, but I thought I'd share since this could be you one day
Listen dipshit, you saw a school bus stopping ahead of you, it is big and yellow and has FLASHING LIGHTS. You saw it. When you saw it, you should have been mentally prepared for it to deploy the signs for you to stop. Those signs ALSO have flashing lights. YOU are at fault here. Just because a bus stopped where you didn't expect it to does NOT absolve you of blame. You fucked up, OWN UP TO IT.
>Fucking beta millenials
>Why would anyone expect a schoolbus to stop for a drop off on a major industrial highway on the side of the road
Because there are bus stops in places you wouldn't expect, people live all over the place genius. If you see a school bus, be ready to stop.
The vast majority of the time, they will not use the sign, so no, it is not the same as a yellow; unless yellows where you live usually turn to green instead of red. There is no definite warning that the sign will deploy. Under normal braking, a car travelling at 45mph will take at least 6 seconds to stop. OP didn't have enough time.
The lights only begin to flash when the sign deploys. They are all controlled by the same switch/handle. There is no warning prior to the sign deploying.
Seeing a school bus stop IS YOUR WARNING
>he doesn't take caution when he sees a school bus slowing down
top kek dummy
gb2 /driversed/
holy fuck americans are bad drivers lol
The school bus has two states. Red light, and no light. There is no equivalent to yellow. Presence alone is NOT a warning that it WILL use the sign. There is not absolute warning like there are for traffic lights. By your logic, any pedestrian on the sidewalk is a warning that they may cross in front of you at any point, and any parked car is a warning that they may open their door, so you should never pass one above 20km/h.
>There is no equivalent to yellow.
School bus slowing to a stop = yellow
blown the fuck out
>school bus stops at a stop sign
>doesn't deploy sign because it's leaving immediately
>the act of slowing to a stop was not a warning, just a normal part of driving
You are wrong.
Do the school buses in your state not have the yellow/orange flashing lights? In Ohio, a school bus stop goes like this:
1. Bus begins to pull over
2. Driver activates orange and yellow warning lights
3. Bus stops.
4. Driver opens door which activates stop sign and flashing red lights.
5. Kids get off
6. Bus driver closes door and shuts off red lights
7. bus departs.
There is plenty of warning here. Pay your fine and watch more carefully next time. There is no judge that will reduce or get rid of a school bus fine when there is video evidence like you displayed.
European here, why the hell would you even have to stop for a school bus if you're in the passing lane? Why are school buses even authorized to use stop signs?
Over here, when a school bus turns on their blinker, you must stop or change lanes so that the bus can enter traffic, but why would you have to stop if you're not even in the lane that the bus is trying to get on?
fight that shit.
Tell them to do their math.
At highways speeds, from the moment the stop sign went out, to when you passed (like 2/3 seconds) it would be seriously impossible to stop.
even if you slammed on the brakes.
Man you American are cucks
> Raj spins the wheel, nearly mounts the kerb
> turns on signal so you know he's pulled over
> once last person is halfway though the door he starts pulling out
> floors the fuck out of the bus, black smoke out of a late model Scania
> indicates one flash as he pulls out into the side of a car
Public transport yo, at least we don't have flashing lights
i did this when i moved away from oregon. mistake was, i went back to oregon and got pulled over. they had suspended my license.
In most cases it goes like this:
>Bus pulls over at either city-bus bus stop
>Unloads passenger(s)
>Bus pulls over on residential street
>Unloads passenger(s)
In rural areas where there is no crosswalk, then it goes like this:
>Bus pulls over
>deploys sign if passenger(s) need to cross road - this activates flashing red lights automatically
>Unloads passenger(s)
>Close door
>Once passengers clear of road, retract sign and drive off
There are no yellow warning lights. Yellow lights are turn signals. The door and sign/lights are two separate systems used independently of each other because the sign is rarely used or required in-town, where buses see the most use, but are standard equipment for when they are needed.
Also I am , and , not OP. Just confused why Veeky Forums is being so weird about school buses in this thread.
So you are guilty. You had enough time to stop. It is a civil fine not criminal.. so as long as you don't have your license or any other dealings with that state you don't need to pay it. If you don't pay it and try to get a license you will need to pay it and a shit load of other fines
I have a few speeding cam fnes from MD I need to pay.
I had a bad experience once.
Where I live when a bus slows to stop they have flashing yellows. Once sign goes out they have flashing reds so you do get some warning
Did they send your tickets to collections? Your credit score must be fucked.
Kek 100 bucks in tickets is going to ruin my credit when I have a mortgage, paid off car loans, and charge and payoff about 1500 a month.
I really should pay those fines though.
>school buses can stop traffic pretty much wherever they want, under penalty of a $300 fine
School bus laws are bullshit in the US. If the road isn't divided by a curb or barrier, the opposing lane has to stop as well.
Its great when there's a crosswalk where the crossing guard is usually talking to someone so you don't know if someone is actually about to cross, and that same crossing guard likes to just run into the road and then throw up the sign and blow the whistle without any warning.
>Bus drivers don't just fucking floor it and drive onto lane
>They will not use the sign
I can't say about where you live, but in my state a bus driver is not allowed to have the door open unless the stop sign is out.
There was no goddamn stop sign there. The bus pulled over to the side of the road; clearly a stop to pick up/drop off students. It's like you're not even trying.
The sign is only used here if the passengers need to cross the road, and there is no crosswalk with pedestrian controlled lights. Doesn't make any sense to stop traffic if nobody is crossing the street.
See pic. The point is that simply slowing to a stop is not a warning that the bus is about to deploy the sign because there are other reasons for a bus to stop. Also - apparently depending on where you are - the sign is not always used when (un)loading, so arguing that a slow or stopped bus is a warning is incorrect; thus is wrong.
Get a traffic layer for $100 it's probably cheaper than the ticket. Most will at least tell you if you got a chance
It means you should pay the fuck attention and be prepared to stop.
Should've bought a dashcam.
>peachtree industrial
Ayy whaddup Georgia senpai
Pretty much every other road is peachtree industrial
Nevermind you dirty bitch
>Am I guilty o?
>But there must be some leeway.
There is, you should have saw the yellow lights.
what did he mean by this
>the yellow lights
The yellow lights don't mean 'stop'. They turn those on all the time. For railroad tracks. When the driver pulls over to take a leak.
that wouldn't have helped
It could have helped prove he couldn't see the bus until it was too late.
that bus drivers being stupid
when busses around here have a highway house stop they find a way to get way off the road and they don't flap out the stop sign
you can't expect people to go from 70 to 0 because who knows if the person behind them is paying attention
aye buford hwy here wussup
holy shit first time i see my workplace on the chan.
Ayy whaddup senpai Buford highway reporting
>just moved to Georgia a few months ago
Where are all the hoes at?
No, just like any yellow light they mean slow the fuck down regardless of what the bus is doing.
>Where are all the hoes at?
IRIS Rush Lounge
If you see a school bus anywhere be prepared to stop.
That was your first mistake.
Yellow lights means "i'm about to hit the red lights and open the stop sign"
So slow tf down.
some clowns in my town ran over a kid because they passed a bus with the stop sign out, the kids dad flew into his truck and blocked off the road.
Fucking stancefag golf
you work at the hotel
In my State buses always have the right of way no matter what. OP is a tard.
This has been my exact experience
>tfw getting air going directly over roundabouts at 70 k's in a school zone while Solomone the Samoan bus driver plays Mai FM on the world's tinniest speakers
Why would the lane farthest have to stop? I mean, the one right where the bus is going to merge, I understand, but why does EVERYONE have to stop?
Because kids might be crossing the road when the bus has the stop sign out.
>kids might be crossing a 4 lane highway
Stupid law and stupid place to stop, but you're 100% at fault.
Kids are retards.
m-my foot slipped! AM I BEING DETAINED!!!
Your silly laws don't apply to me because I am not driving, I am TRAVELING.
Holy shit didnt even know this was a thing i do it all the time fuck kids
parents ruin lives of people without children in any way they possibly can
I didn't even know school buses has cameras like that. but wow that is some bullshit, how is anyone suppose to stop in time in that situation. Also it looks like a highway.
The lights on the back of the bus flash for 5-8 seconds before the stop sign deploys
OP is a retard
Not OP but read the thread nigger
You could argue the bus should have pulled into the complex instead of needlessly creating unsafe conditions
>inadequate time to spot at that speed
>there was a vehicle obstructing your view
it's ez to bullshit your way outta anything
Try again
no u
Bus is stopped for a minute cars go by cus there's no lights... Bus had a camera on it and is baiting cars to get tickets. Fully corrupted
>Is it like an orange light? Only if its save to do so and you can decelerate safely in time?
In washington state, traffic must stop if the schoolbus stops and extends that stop sign "arm". It has a light on it too. Traffic cannot pass the schoolbus. The schoolbus has a cam to record those who pass the bus and those cars will get extra-expensive tickets.
If the road is NOT a divided road, then traffic in the opposing direction MUST also stop. Yes, that sounds absurd, but they are required to stop and cannot pass the bus even though it is the opposite direction traffic. My grandfather got a ticket for passing the bus on the opposite side of the FIVE lane road (2 lanes of traffic in either direction with white stripes with a center lane marked demarcated with yellow lines for turning).
My grandpa's ticket came from a police officer that happened to be following the school bus doing traffic enforcement. Having police follow a bus is like taking candy from a baby. It's guaranteed that drivers will pass the bus on either side of the road because they don't care or are in a rush. Or they don't remember the law.
>It says they'll send it to a collection agency, plus won't I get a warrant?
My state can but usually does NOT. How it works here is 4 tickets or less, no warrant. They wait for you to show up at a government office needing something. At that time, the computer will flag you.
Some government functions are exempt from flagging due to anti-discrimination lawsuits clearing the way. That's why illegal aliens and blacks with tickets can actually use some government functions despite their status.
Now, here, once FIVE tickets are amassed, and if any one (or more) are older than 6 months, a scofflaw status occurs. Scofflaw status means that the next time there is a ticket, the car is booted if in a parking spot and a tow truck is summoned. If it is a speeding ticket, the car is impounded and will be taken to the impound yard while you go to wherever to clear your record. The car is not driveable and remains in impound racking up fees until you clear your record.
During scofflaw status, the office of the city prosecutor/attorney has the option to take it to a judge and request a bench warrant. THIS is really rare in my city. Just because he can doesn't mean he will. This type of warrant is issued without a court appearance (since you are not there). A bench warrant is still a warrant. Now, as you know, governments in all usa states will act on warrants. So you can be in another state, and you get pulled over for a speeding ticket, the officer routinely runs your name to see if there are any warrants for your detention.