Also, which religion do you dislike/like the most besides yours?
Religion poll
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This thread again?
Fuck off with your biased poll, poopbrain.
t. New Age
Your reply doesn't even make sense.
Kill yourself
no u
You absolutely suck ass.
Nobody runs around defining their own religion as "Protestantism".
wtf would that be? BLM?
I don't think there's enough space to list 33000 denominations.
>herp derp i dunno what "Christianity" is.
Protestantism =/= "Christianity"
Of course it is.
Eastern/Western Orthodox
Roman Catholic
Three distinct religions. And "protestants" have been dead for 500 years. (And they were catholics.)
Not believing in an apathetic creator god whose interest is only gathered by exceptional feats.
Please go back to hell papist
>mfw retards try to talk about religions without a working definition
Baptard pls go back to
So we have 502 Atheists, 229 Catholics, and 134 Christians.
Out of all of these religions, protestantism is by far the most
Protestants can only convert dumb people.
>Can only choose one
Buddhism > Other aryan religions(Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, etc) > All > Non self-centered religion
>it doesn't actually smell like shit! it just smells like vomit!
I agree
>502 Atheists, 229 Catholics
And people ask why the board is shit.
I'm agnostic but I think Judaism is rad
Maybe in the US.
Half of Germanys christian population is protestant.
Pic related it's Catholic Jesus
Didn't expect that many pantheists. Glad there's at least some of us here.
Germany is an apostate nation like Sweden. They pushed Christianity underground.
Gay marriage is still illegal here unlike in the US
>look lucifer, I posted it again!
Like all countries that have been the victim of protestantism and/or communism.
Useless religions
Non mainline Protestantism
Plebby Hindu and Asian rituals
Shoddy new age practices
Useful religions
Mainline Protestantism (mostly where it pertains to the development of modern society)
Hindu philosophy and ascetic schools.
Gnosticism and anywhere this may be found in Sufism.
Core Daosist precepts.
The metaphysical understandings in things like Shinto and other polytheistic faiths.
Hellenic philosophy
Quit trolling everyone knows you krauts won't be the ones to stay behind on the social progress train.
>The Mediterranean, Latin America, and Africa
>all not having stints with communism
dry hardur
>Mainline Protestantism
>67 votes
my niggas
33 people
>that 1 jain
youre doing great work man keep it up.
>Plebby Hindu and Asian rituals
>Shinto is 'useful'
You got meme'd, m8. You only consider Shinto a "world religion" because Japan was becoming a world power when the phrase was coined. Notice how this "world religion" is confined to one nation. Shinto now is much different from what State Shinto was, and wasn't even a separate tradition from Buddhism until the Meiji period. Even now, people practice both. Shinto is better understood as an invented tradition of folk beliefs that utilizes Taoist technologies to alleviate immediate anxieties and culturally validate the individual.
>Jehovah's Witnesses post here
At least there's more Deist bros.
>atheists are a minority
feels good
this is what holds me back from christianity. the fact that there's so many of you and there's no clarity on which one is the true religion
>more Muslims than Jews
Jesus fucking Christ
the non bombing muslims can be pretty decent senpai
There's the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the eastern schismatic churches and the thousands of protestant denominations who exist because of this gentleman: It doesn't seem like a hard choice to make to me to be honest.
As a deist, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I have a great appreciation for Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.
What doesn't make a whole lot of sense?
god forgot us
I think he used shinto as only an example. He said other polytheistic faiths as well.
Very high-church, organized religions, Deism doesn't really mesh with that too well, historically.
No paganism option? I mean i get why you would not have individual options for each type, but surely a generic paganism option would be reasonable?
Also I don't like Islam because reasons I don't need to tell you.
Guess i'm also not a huge fan of new age because the give pagans a bad name.
fuck off with your shitty rigged poll
How is it rigged?
New Age
Oh if you only knew how much new age people and pagans dislike each other lel.
Just like israelis and palestinians, they're both semites though, lel.
True, us neo-pagans and new age people have the same origin. Still, try to say that Palestinians are merely a subgroup of Israelites and check the reactions.
As a non bombing muslim, thanks.
Islam is based in Judaism and Christianity. Christianity is based in Judaism. Judaism only became monotheistic after Jews were freed from Babylonian captivity by Zoroastrians.
The backbone of Abrahamic religions is therefore a complete lie and absolutely heresy tier.
>complete lie
Literally your post.
You might learn a thing or two