Fess up, who is the Veeky Forumstist that drew this abomination?

Fess up, who is the Veeky Forumstist that drew this abomination?

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=Shed 17

I think it's /m/.

This is pretty much exactly how Psycho Zaku works.

Inb4 someone brings up Shed 17

what shed u on about m8?

duckduckgo.com/?q=Shed 17

holy shit what the fuck

>literally can't have watched the whole thing in the time between these two posts

You haven't seen anything yet asshole

what is it?

I don't wanna watch it myself

More than a simple video. It's an experience

>look it up on Google
>quickly close tab
I'm not watching it you nigger


Dont waste your time on it its complete crap

nice creapypasta

it's on fucking youtube, it's nothing

Wrong one

nigga i ain't slicking that shit

you should, this is p fun

the ending made me lose it


Thanks for ruining my evening. What the fuck did i just watch?

I just had lunch, i dont wanna puke, what the fuck is shed 17?

[spoiler]I had a read through the wikia and apparently it's a thing about how Sodor was one big concentration camp in WW2 for German people living in the UK, and something about a German scientist allowed to do experiments there in return for aiding the allies with intel. He basically merged people with machines and that's why the trains are the way they are[/spoiler]

Thanks user. I just ended reading up. Not that disgusting and in sometimes it was rather fascinating

i hate you for showing me this. what the fuck...

what's wrong with it ?






Typical Hyundai owner

I want to kill myself now ive seen this.

Take me with you.

ITT: people who have never heard of dire machines.

>dire machines.
man i dont like this shit but i'm going to end up reading the whole thing anyway


There's more where that came from

Oh sweet jesus
My collection is complete now

Requesting more lewd cringy car pics

not quite :^)


This is a fucking blue board.

user is a god among men

user is the Devil Himself and you know it...


>twingos in a toyota

This shit is always gold


Nobody, it was Jalopnik.
Not everyone visits your cool car club

>still using jewgle

wow that was really fucking weak

why.... why did I watch that

What the fuck have I just seen? How fucking sick do you have to be to draw a sexually antropomorphized Hyundai?


but what does he eat?

Best kids book horror story I've heard in a while

>having sex with a hyundai

He could have at least gotten a BMW

You don't understand, his Hyundai is sentient and alive and wants to fuck him because his open door light flicks on and off sometimes.

those v8 vibrations must be bad for teeth.

They're tiny Prii

>it's obviously a straight six

>straight six
>five plugs


I want that 40 minutes of my life back

That is not how a Psychoframe works. Source: Just watch "Chars Counterattack".

Next time hiroshimoot brings up deleting boards, I'm going to suggest this one first


what the fuck did I just watch

Hush child