Who in your view was the most moral and good person to have ever walked the earth?
I'm going to say Nelson Mandela.
Who in your view was the most moral and good person to have ever walked the earth?
I'm going to say Nelson Mandela.
The guy who put tires around men's necks, filled them with gasoline, and lit them on fire.
His wife ran a death squad.
nah fuck that terrorist.
Christ was the most morally good man to walk this earth.
But its all subjective, the most 'moral' one is probably someone we don't know
Some peasant that no one knows
When he put on his toga, the senatorial delegation hailed him as dictator, and told him to come to the city. He then crossed the Tiber river in a boat provided by the senate, as his farm was on the far side of the river. When he reached the other side of the Tiber, he was greeted by his three sons and most of the senators. Several lictors were given to him for protection.
The next morning, Cincinnatus went to the Roman forum and nominated as his Master of the Horse (his second in command) Lucius Tarquitius, who was considered one of the finest soldiers in Rome. Cincinnatus then went to the Roman popular assembly and issued an order to the effect that every man of military age should report to the Campus Martius—the Field of Mars, god of war—by the end of the day.
Once the army assembled, Cincinnatus took them to fight the Aequi at the Battle of Mons Algidus. Cincinnatus led the infantry in person, while Tarquitius led the cavalry. The Aequi were surprised by the double attack and were soon cut to pieces. The commanders of the Aequi begged Cincinnatus not to slaughter them all.
Cincinnatus did not want to cause any unnecessary bloodshed, and told the Aequi that he would let them live if they killed three major people for him and brought their leader, Gracchus Cloelius, and his officers to him in chains. A yoke was set up, made up of three spears, and the Aequi had to pass under it in an act of submission, bowing down while confessing that they had been conquered. After this, the war ended and Cincinnatus disbanded his army. He then resigned his dictatorship and returned to his farm, a mere fifteen days after he had been nominated dictator.
He came out of retirement again for a second term as dictator (439 BC) to put down a conspiracy of Spurius Maelius, who supposedly was planning to become king. He was nominated by his old friend and relative, Titus Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus, one of the two consuls that year. Maelius was killed immediately when the Master of the Horse was sent to bring him to trial and the incipient coup perished with him. With the crisis resolved, Cincinnatus again resigned his commission.
Within his lifetime Cincinnatus became a legend to the Romans. Twice granted supreme power, he held onto it for not a day longer than absolutely necessary. The high esteem in which he was held by his compatriots is illustrated with an anecdote from the end of his life: one of his sons was tried for military incompetence. The great Capitolinus defended him by asking the jury who would go to tell the aged Cincinnatus the news in the event of a conviction. The son was acquitted because the jury could not bring itself to break the old man's heart.
And when you google dictator you get a fucking picture of Hitler.
Morals of which society?
Good at what?
I'm going to assume you mean USA-west moral base, while being heavily influenced by a particularly homogeneous tribe of a human subspecies.
In that case I'd say it should be some rapper telling kids not to become gangsters.
>Gandhi was adamant that “respectable Indians” should not be obliged to use the same facilities as “raw Kaffirs”. He petitioned the authorities in the port city of Durban, where he practiced law, to end the indignity of making Indians use the same entrance to the post office as blacks, and counted it a victory when three doors were introduced: one for Europeans, one for Asiatics and one for Natives.
You proved your own analysis.
It's a shame kids in school get all the bd dictator guys thrown at them without getting proper explanation what a good dictator should be:
Guy/lass that takes power for a necessary amopunt of time to sort shit out.
>expecting nations to provide revolutionary thoughts against their own regime in their own schools
Not going to happen in a democracy, just as they are not going to praise democracy in china.
Socrates of course.
So he obligated Kaffirs shit in separate streets?
>grows up in a world that divides races where blacks are the lowest, indians are somewhat higher and whites are at the top.
>acts accordingly and peacefully gets his demands.
>inspires several civil rights movements throughout the world
>"He said that obembe was worse than pajeet, he is literally hitler"
Siddartha Guatama
>I'm going to say Nelson Mandela.
Not sure if you're aware, but he's a literal terrorist.
Also, if you're looking for "positive impact in the long run" he might not be your best pick, because South Africa is still a shitry place (over 40% of men admit to having raped someone).
You must be joking
>moral relativity
Whoah there, son.
>gandhi who stopped a nationwide movement because a few of his supporters burned down a police station
>he was not peaceful.
I bet you also have secret documents that prove that gandhi wanted all white people dead.
I'd say me
>I'm going to say Nelson Mandela.
>nelson mandela goes to a prison and is kept in a tiny cell for 20+ years
>when he comes out and get power instead of killing whitey and destroying his country mugabe style he reconciles them successfully and creates a stable nation in africa that is tolerant and treats it's citizens both black and white equally.
>he is bad.
nelson mandela was shit
south africa was better under apartheid
everyone knows im right
I thought you were talking about Mandella, never mind.
This, assuming Christ existed ofc.
Stirner-he OWNED goodness.
I'm calling Bulls hit
>Nelson Mandela, leader of the terrorist wing of the communist party in South Africa.
> encourages neck-lacing, one of the most horrifying ways to die
>Is imprisoned by the South African government and held because he refuses to promise nonviolence afterwards.
>later becomes president with an extremely corrupt regime that does nothing to prevent white farmers from being murdered by foreign blacks.
He's not good, just not as bad as Pol Pot.
No it wasn't.
Mass human rights violations, segregation, and resentment arose.
Arguably it's better now than it was, as there has been an increase in HDI.
It was better for afrikaaners and that's all that matters. Most of the blacks in South African were foreigners.
>Veeky Forums is fine with racism when a brown person does it
this board is pathetic
100% sure Ghandi raped at least once when young
He's an Indian after all
Martin Luther King was alright
wasn't he racist though?
More importantly, wasn't he communist?
youre right that is more important
im not American so i dont know but how was he a communist?
Not really, as I understand tho I might be wrong he had the idea that there is only one race and that is mankind.
Well he was a priest and commies hate religion .
this is a false flag of some sort
mandella is the only non-manlet posted itt
any Roman dictator that stepped off after 5 years
>Roman dictator that stepped off after 5 years
That would imply he kept his authority for 4,5 years too long user. Roman dictatorship was expected to be only 6 months.
Augusto Pinochet
>reats it's citizens both black and white equally.
>creates a stable nation in africa
it's full of crime, a quarter of the labor force is unemployed, there's massive infighting in the ANC, education is worse than on the bantu education act, and the country is going bankrupt because of incompetence and corruption
Fred Rogers and Robert G. Ingersoll.
Paul Kruger
>europeans cannot be judged by modern standards because they were a product of their times.
>"Gandhi was raycis"
pick one.
>affirmative action means white genocide
>its full of crime
thats a given in africa
>massive infighting in the ANC
because every nog can't be mandela.
>education is worse.
All those colored and black peopel getting access to higher education must be bad.
Yeah, putting people in tires and burning them is moral, right?
For my money the most moral person is Stalin. Can you get and better than 20 million dead Ukrainians?
/thread. Arguably, history has seen few men with such respect for civil institutions and care for stability before one's own interests (in such position of virtually absolute power).