Why did men basically have whatever hairstyle they wanted during the 19th century but as soon as the 20th century began men started cutting their hair very short and shaving their faces or having a moustache at most?
Why did men basically have whatever hairstyle they wanted during the 19th century but as soon as the 20th century began...
WW1. the trenches were super shitty and if you had long hair you were fucked
But if you look at photos of men from 1900-1914 they still wear their hair short and most of them are shaven
It was literally because of the war, not him but it was a military requirement that you cut your hair and almost everyone in the, at the time, 'modern world' was conscripted at some point and had their hair shaved. Trenches were a hell of a thing.
But in the years I listed, which are before WW1, men seemed to already have short hair
Kek. Are you trying to imply pre-WWI 100% of peoples had short hair? Short hair has been around for ever, dunno what you are trying to say?
The main style has always, up until WWI, long. In almost all cultures. The fact you can find some people wearing short hair is literally pointless.
>had short hair
Had long hair*
No, I'm saying that if you look at pictures of men from the 1870s and then the 1900s before WW1, a lot more men from the early 1900s will have short hair and be clean shaven even before WW1
>a lot more men from the early 1900s will have short hair and be clean shaven even before WW1
You understand you cannot prove that? And it's literally wrong.
>why in the 1800's and 1900's are those who have the money to have their pictures taken clean shaven
>these few stand-outs are the majority
See your problem?
I'm just talking about looking at street photography of the time, go to Shorpy and search early in 1900s years before ww1 and youll see what im talking about
They are still not the majority, holy shit you're dense.
Neither side can be proven, but it's a literal historical acceptance that before WWI men had long hair, in almost all cultures.
You can deny it all you want, you're literally wrong and I am done here. Can't say I didn't fucking try.
>holy shit you're dense.
Not him, but stop being such a smug, self-assured cunt about it.
>but it's a literal historical acceptance that before WWI men had long hair, in almost all cultures.
[citation needed]
I've observed the same thing as him, there's plenty of group photos of lower class men and people in the street. 90% of them wear hats, and their hair is visibly trimmed beneath.
You're acting like a complete jackass considering your only citation is a one sentence remark on a wikipedia article which doesn't even specify how long "longer hair" is.
Clean shaven is another matter though.
Hehehehe, that statement is directly sourced, as a study, you can b uy the book and read it yourself if you want.
;^), of course that wouldn't register, it goes against what you think.
There is how ever, no actual evidence for your part. Yeah people had short hair, are you trying to imply it was everywhere? It's the complete opposite, I actually provided a sourced argument, your turn now.
Anyone would become smug asshole like I did when you encounter someone has dense as you and OP.
>there are a couple of photos of people with short hair
>well that's not respective of the actual happenings
>but there are photos of people with short hair
Fuck off.
they didn't. styles and trends changed quite a bit even during the 19th century. early part of the century saw a lot of short hair with bad-ass sideburns.
prior to that short hair was a thing from the early 1500s through the mid-1600s.
>that statement is directly sourced, as a study
In a 2007 cosmetology magazine published in Delhi, all the links to which article are dead, by famed scholar Anthony "literally who" Gonzalez. You're acting awfully self assured by your wiki-scholar research.
This. You didn't want your long hair get caught in the barbed wire or get wet and catch trench hair.
yeah no, the Brits were rocking short-back and sides by the 1880s.
Still a better source than posting a few photo's xD.
No one is saying short hair didn't exist, what the fuck are you doing? Long hair was the prevalent and always was the prevalent form of hair before WWI.
>he's not a famed scholar so therefore his opinion and study is not worthwhile
>but these photos are!
>and totally prove you wrong!
Kek, literally the only photos you could post with short hair are of white men.
>inb4 you start fervently searching the internet of non-whites with short hair.
It's not the point, and you're a dense mother ucker if you cannot see how posting a few photos of men with short hair prove you correct, when you are factually wrong.
You can't even attack the argument anymore so you attack the way it's presented. Good job.
Meanwhile, the billions in Asia, the millions upon millions in the middle east have long hair.
But these few brits and whites have short hair.
Short hair was everywhere!
You guys are literal retards.
American cowboys, 1880s....short back and sides.
Dr. Sun Yet San, the father of the Republic of China....1911.
He isn't a scholar period, he's a hair stylist who published a hair stylist instructional magazine and his fashion magazine doesn't make any citations in the whole book.
Literally all I'm saying is you're presenting your argument in an intolerable way having cited wikipedia, which cited pic fucking related, known for its academic rigor. Don't be such a cunt about it next time.
Ghandi in 1888.
These figures were westernized. Sun Yat Sen was born in America, if I remember correctly.
Go back 2 reddit
>Primary sources in the form of photographs don't count you dense fucks, why don't you listen to my hair stylist boyfriend's "study" from 2007!
The First World war was no doubt influential in propagating a short hairstyle, but seriously nigga chill the fuck out.
mandated Qing hair-style. round the time of the 1911 revolution the style went short and "westernized".
so...? just supports that short hair was the style pre-ww1.
>These figures were westernized
Short hair was the symbol of the ROC, if you didn't wear a short hair style you were branded as backwards and a Qing loyalist
And what are you doing? Citing your argument with a few photos of white men.
Kek. Even if you don't value my source, my argument is much more solid than yours, and his.
Did you even read anything?
>Short hair has been around for ever, dunno what you are trying to say?
The point is the main hair style up until WWI was long, are you shifting the goalposts on purpose?
You are quite possibly the most dense person I have ever met, I don't know if you willingly misread half the posts in this thread on purpose or what.
Just FYI, I've been here for almost 10 years, you literally take the cake.
>a few photos prove that a population of billions preferred short hair over long, even though that's historically not the case
>a few photos prove that a population of billions preferred short hair over long, even though that's historically not the case
yeah...it refutes your argument pretty well.
also the world population was less than 2 billion in 1900. meaning their weren't "billions" of men wearing long hair then.
>yeah...it refutes your argument pretty well.
If you say so.
Care to explain how posting a few photos of men with short hair prove it was the prevalent form of style?
DOn't run away now, it says men wore short hair before WWI, which was never up for dispute, now, tell me how that evidence proves it was the main style?
>there wasn't billions in the world!
xD, that's the point that needed to be refuted, yes.
Who shit in your cheerios man? You seem really upset over such a small thing
>Care to explain how posting a few photos of men with short hair prove it was the prevalent form of style?
sure...photos show different groups in different locations of different classes....soldiers, miners, cowboys, a king...nice sampling that shows just how prevalent short hair was in the late 19th century.
also Russian brewers in the 1890s...short hair.
>prevalent short hair was in the late 19th century.
mhm, now prove it was the main style. Are you trying to imply I cannot find samples of the same people wearing long hair? really? It's such an idiotic form of reasoning and evidence I do not need to.
Teddy "moutherfuckin" Roosevelt, 1880s....short-hair.
oops...here's photo.
You are so mad it's not even funny. Like literally what are you doing past posting men with short hair?
Kek, this thread is pure Veeky Forums.
>mhm, now prove it was the main style. Are you trying to imply I cannot find samples of the same people wearing long hair? really?
by all means....find me some group photos of western men (the criteria of the op) with long hair in the late 1800s.
ps....not Oscar Wilde....we're talking men.
Oh, so you DID shift the goal post. THe mentioning of western men didn't appear anywhere in the OP.
Kek, nice one, retard. Hell you didn't use the word western until that exact post, you were actually trying to use Gandhi as evidence meaning it was NEVER the actual criteria.
hehe, just stop posting.
post up or shut up.
Hahaha why would I argue with a retard who is shifting the goalposts at every opportunity.
You're a literal retard. I will shut up, you can have your insanity.
Cya, thread hidden.
young Czar Nicholas....a fine looking man.
OP here, I meant to indicate that I was talking about Western men but my Eurocentric thinking kind of led me to assume most other people here would also assume Western men
huh....I won a Veeky Forums thread...never done that before. Now what do I do OP?
the photo of a western guy was kinda a give away.
Industrialization drove it among the proletariat. You can't work around machines with exposed gears and have long hair. It will get caught on something and your head will be drawn into the machine.