/wtg/ - War Thunder General

XM1 Edition

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>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

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Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

>Sound Mods:

Other urls found in this thread:


m8 thunderbolt when

pl-01 when

BR 9 and 10 when

Fun warthunder when

>Chinese tanks

What is the cleanest sounding engine in the game

>Gaijin adds T-64
>then Stillbrew Chieftain
>then MBT-70
>then T-72
>then M1
>then T-90
>then Chally I
>then Leopard II
>then M1A2
>then T-80
>then Chally II
>then T-14

you can not win against the Russian bias, it's almost a historical fact.


R-2600 on the mitchells

The only fulfilling and most fun portion of the game is tier 5

That's were only the best players reside

>stopping aliens from invading it


Those are Ta-183s in a mock flight with a Haunebu.



They're Tunnans you dip.

Tunnan is a Ta-183 copy.


>There are ChiCom shills in the thread
>Right now



The truth hurts.

Your idiocy hurts.

Nice arguments, swedecuck.

Thanks for conceding.

Don't you have a sister or wife to prep for Ahmed?

You can stop digging.

T-80 and M1A2 just so I can hear how ingame gas turbine engine would sound like if it was made by a small family company.

Nobody can dig out the semen from your women's vaginas, swedecuck.

Someone tell this guy I'm not Swedish, I'm not qualified to handle his kind of special.

Has anyone here actually spaded the Ferdinand?

>its a team of German and US WW2 tanks are fed to a full team of T-54s on a clusterfuck map episode

Is balanced, you capitalist pig

Just like ww2
t. KGB

inb4 it's the turboprop sound from the wyvern

This sounds projection from the shallow genepool of the german male

>posted from my T92, M41, and M56

It's clearly a copy of the P.1101. After all why would anyone base a plane off an inferior focke-wulf design?

>After all why would anyone base a plane off an inferior focke-wulf design
because the slavshits did

Why did burgers put huge cupolas on their M60s?
You can just shoot them and kill half the crew and damage the gun

because burgers are no less retarded than slavshits



>because the slavshits did

Tank was captured by the allies, the slavs didn't even know of its existence.

Not like burgers didn't copy Germans and claim it as their own

Also stealth leaf ban when

>when you're in the same team as 4 other finns and all get 3k+ score and carry the match

>winter map
>have winter camo on
>get sniped through 2 forests by a tigernigger
>he snipes everyone else before they even get to the cap
no hax)))))))))))))))))))))

yeah should have used a far superior Blohm & Voss design

But shouldn't rounds just go straight through it?
The armor is thin as fuck, and I'm pretty sure a slav MAC gun would just fly through

>bush shitters still snipe everyone from 1500km without being spotted


is no p2w ))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Delet this no hack in game))))

>bush shitters
>having bad eyesight
and before you say that I abuse them, I don't have any

every finn i ever met was an autistic cock craving faggot
are you a faggot?

Is-3 was fielded in 45 though...

I don't think the US claimed that as their own, the wiki makes it pretty apparent that it was based of the p1101

It also makes it pretty apparent that it was a garbage design

>and I'm pretty sure a slav MAC gun would just fly through
Nope, it's just thick enough that the round either detonates when hitting the back or bounces )))) straight down into the tank. And here I thought I'd escaped this shit in WOT.

I don't really care about it being bad, it can be expected from one of the first swing wing aircraft.

>It's "your teammate blocks you, leaving you on the open the take the fire he drew" -day again.

I usually consider teammates to be an unreliable nuisance. But right now I feel nothing but murderous rage and wish to TK every moonrunes spamming slav son-of-a-bitch. First I miss two targets because of a friendly T-44 constantly bumping into me and then I get nailed by them when trying to get out of position. After this three of the enemies pass my burning corpse. So what does my buddy buddy do? HE REVERSES AWAY, IGNORING THE OPEN FLANKS AND ASSES OF THE PASSING KRAUT TANKS. These fucking slavs.

To clarify, you could adjust the wings of the p1101 on the ground

It wasn't until the bell that an aircraft could actually change in flight

>in ilyushin
>start shallow dive at 2k
>start pull out at 1k
>still plunge into the water
no elevators tovarisch))))))))))))))))))

t. 16 years old edgelord

>I am Satan

I almost forgot that. The only major disadvantage I remembered was the wing moving the CoL so far backward they wanted to make the wings themselves move along a rail to compensate.

So you were there in the frozen wasteland too eh? That was a damn good match. The one after that in the same map... not so much.

t. torille!

T-80 came out before the T-90... also T-80 had shitty fuel hungry engine which needed constant maintenance and it was a total failure in Chechnya

i love finnish faggots though

Yes I was.
This game is small as fuck.

Everything was a total failure in Chechnya. Somehow tanks without ERA dont fare well when they're driven into a city consisting mainly of 10-story Soviet concrete hab blocks. That whole "RPG's to the roof" -thing tends to fuck things up fast.

>T-80 had shitty fuel hungry engine which needed constant maintenance and it was a total failure in Chechnya
Luckily things like that aren't represented in this game otherwise German 6.7 would be a huge joke rather than the powerhouse that it is.

>it was a total failure in Chechnya
>Tanks don't fare especially well in urban environments where their weak top and rear are exposed to RPGs with multiple time the penetration needed to hit there


Tell me how well your Abrams fared in kebab cities without your TUSK

Who wouldnt? We're all burly and manly. No faggy twinks here. They're all exiled to Sweden.

I gotta check first when the last time was when Finland sent any of its Abrams to 3rd world shitholes.


modern tanks are all but impervious to rpg-7s

at most you can hope for a mobility kill which means a big angry fucking bunker

ATGMs are different though, they'll fuck anything up

>tfw finally level 90 after 2 and a half years

>shoot tiger II track with CHEAT-FS


>GAZ 4M.webm

alright lads I've been looking at /simg/ and this general is unironically better than it
my mind is fucking blown
even though bore blunder is a shit game this general has way more on topic discussion and actual game related posting.
I'm convinced that the reason for this is that wtg doesn't have the teamspeak in the OP anymore and the ts aspies fucked off. If you look at simg it's nonstop ts aspie shitposting. A different set of aspies but the same shit nonetheless.
I'm really glad I forced OP wars until the ts address was removed

git gud


No password :^)

TS is literally dead you nimrod

>hit storage bin
>no damage

hmm I wonder why

It's also an M1A1 without composite armor

it's just the most relevant webm I have

The more advanced AT weapons can penetrate tanks, like the RPG 29 that penetrated the front of a challenger 2 and took some guy's foot off.

but an RPG-7 isn't going to penetrate the interior of a modern tank

Has anyone tried the Panzerblitzes after today's patch? How do they compare to other rockets in ground forces?

I was more thinking about setting fire to the engine or penetrating the top, but a front shot is obviously not going through.


1:05 is a good example of what a RPG can do to an Abrams

I couldn't even kill m18s with them during the event

The lower hull that the rpg29 was able to penetrate now has a composite block there to stop it.

Apparently, with the mini update, they actually give them a warhead instead of making them R4M clones.

Should I post the Discord as well :^)

>AB shitter calls Kursk a shit map
>The only ones refuting him can only use the T menu since they are chatbanned


Yeah that's an RPG-29 like I said, and that video is presumably one of the two Abrams that had their interiors penetrated by it.

the reality is there isn't much a tank can do against actual AT equipment

a combination of ERA and APDS is your best bet, but even ERA is defeated by tandem warheads (like the one in your vid) and soft kill APDS is defeated by wire guiding.

gotta get that hardkill

>allied teams in a 6.3-7.0 game

attack helos when?

will hangar map be ever playable?


>tfw no battle for the bulge

>a battle that didn't involve russia winning by throwing men into it to die until the enemy runs out of bullets
leave tred right now gamburger idiot pig ((((

>The finnish swastika is banned aswell despite being longer in use than the nazi party in germany even existed.

No it isn't, it's still used as the insignia in the traditional parade flag of the Finnish Air Force.

It's banned from War Thunder is what I meant, though I suspect it being a Russian thing considering IL-2 didn't have them either.

seriously when

>panther i + 1 shoots me in my T-V
>He doesn't even kill my gunner
>he died to me and whine in chat

Are Germans that bad?

>checked who designed this eyesore
>Jack Northrop

That explains everything.

>panther i + 1








Panther II

I'd think they would have learned to use such a good gun if they were that far in the tree.

that 37mm is great and i love it


Pick one. I hunt Leopards in the RBT-5 sometimes for fun.