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Blue is best.

>40th OP with the same picture

Why does the game keep pairing me with shitters if I'm so much better than them?

Fuck blu players
Nerf her bodyshots

A friendly reminder to fuck off with your gay Shimada bullshit.

posting agian because i'm too mad.

I'm fucking done.
Fuck comp. I can't stand this shit anymore.

>about to fucking go from plat elo hell
>worthless hanzo mains
>no healers (being solo healer because literally people refuse to play healers)
>solo tank because worthless shitters
>sombra mains
>keep falling
>butt-mercy and bastion in fucking attack that refuse to heal ANYONE beside his buttfrienbd and revive him each time he die
>fall down to 2100

I can't even take it anymore. Seriously, how the fuck i'm going to go back to 2900? what should i play for easy climbing?

Sombra online.

Blue bae.

Pick D.va and dive then lel.

Holy shit, just got my first fully charged Zarya nano-boost

I Vill Break You

And of course the Discord link is back.

Shit thread.

How do I record my own highlights after match?

I remember trying to recording whilst playing but overwatch sees everything as some fucking threat and makes me play with 1fps till i turn it off

Friendly reminder to love your siblings.

Okay guys. Post

1) Your rank (number or medal is fine)
2) Your main
3) Ask how to get better

what a slut



What the fuck do I do?



Just reached LV 100 is there likely to be any events within a week or two

give it your best

that doesn't work anymore


wow im gay

levels after rollover have the same xp requirements as all non-early-game levels.

Doesn't work, but yeah chinese new year is around the corner.

where's that picture of d.va ogling all the guys

Finally got diamond, but where does ppl start to get good?

Also, is it the same fucking shit as 2,5-2,6 until you get to at least 3,3?

You think blizzard will actually make an event for that> skins would be cool as fuck

How do I kill more people with alt fire

Seeing as it's next Saturday I think they would have announced something by now.

How do I keep myself alive as Phara while fcusing healers and carry like a russian as Zarya

dont usually

To all of you complaing about the d.VA nerf on ptr. Reinhard also has 200 armor but only 300 health. D.VA has a whole 100 more health and the same amount of armor. No one complains about reinhardt survivability. You can't just dive into the enemy team 6v1, kill a squishy, then boost out again. I'm sorry that you have to play smarter now.

Agreed. Snipers ruin every shooter.

Threadly reminder that high stats per minute with less popular heros matter more than having a high win ratio

Been using Winston a lot, getting the hang of his style, and he is a lot of fun, especially when you surprise squishies and break up a clustered team. My biggest gripes are

1. Shield needs either its old HP back or a much shorter cooldown. 18 seconds is ridiculous.
2. Primal Rage should be immune to all forms of crowd control. Nothing more infuriating than popping Rage then immediately having Junkrat toss a trap, Roadhog go Whole Hog, or Ana using her motherfucking sleep dart and completely wasting it.

People said that the 100 HP buff was unnecesary but now everyone is crying about the armor nerf when the HP she got compensates the fucking armor, i just don't get it

He should be immune to the sleep and root but nothing else really, now I think give his shields health back AND start the cool down right when you pop it would put it more in line with similar abilities

Rein has a shield that doesn't deteriorate by itself and doesn't have a giant critbox. He also has an attack that can oneshot squishies and an infinite range attack that penetrates. He also has an attack that interrupts firing animation so he can 1v1 almost every character in the game. It's not the same thing.

>tfw consistently cucking dva ults with a simple ice wall

Why don't people do this more often?

Great place to start is getting a solid grasp on spelling and grammar.

Yes to better barrier, no to immune to CC. It's very easy to control but there should be someway to counter Primal Rage.


I don't agree with this but I can possibly understand why someone gets mad and throws a game if the team comp is shit or someone is on a bad hero for the map and no one will switch to fix it. You should still at least try instead of throwing but hey whatever. What I don't get is the "I want to play that hero. Get off. No? Alright I'm throwing fuck you". I HATE that childish temper tantrum bullshit. Self entitled assholes. Get over yourself.

Because Mei isn't meta
Because people started using EASY MODE XD

100% agree with your first point. The shield cooldown is ridiculous. Way too long.

Agreed, especially since it only lasts 5 seconds anyway. Original health and cooldown starts when dropped/reduced to 12 seconds would work fine.

Shoot him. He may have 1000 HP when raging but that melts like all other HP, and the only way you're dying to Primal Rage is if there's a drop nearby or Winston pins you and juggles you against the wall for the entire duration.

converting that much armor to health makes a way bigger difference in effective health than 100 actual health

>have a great comp going
>one person not in our group goes reaper
>spends entire match dying
>ask them to please switch to something else politely
>they don't
>tell them they're not helping us win and we could really use someone to help us take out the Pharah
>everyone starts getting on his ass
>lol its just a game bro
>go to QP for that shit you're ruining other people's games
>spends the rest of the match jumping off the side of the map out of spite for being berated

The only patch I remember Blizzard actually reverting that made it live was the size of projectile hitboxes, what else did they revert?

no patch today? probably next tuesday then?

>playing ""competetive"" online games
Just play Hard AI and have fun.

>McCree can stop and move during his ult
>pharah can't

Really grinds my gears

Remember, there are actual literal LITERAL children playing this game.

of course

it's a game for teens

He was a 32 year-old nigger by the sound of his voice.

We need Zarya 76 !!!

I don't understand mystery heroes. I would think that anytime on defend you should automatically win due to the fact that you don't keep your ult when you die + the attacking team has a significant spawn disadvantage, but I've been playing for the past like hour and still haven't won a single match. Normally I'll get that loot crate within like 30 mins of playing, are there just actual down syndrome patients playing during the week at this time?

That's the gayest shit I've seen this whole week and i've seen a dick-chick fucking a pussy-dude

Feels bad

Yeah do you know what he doesnt have? Fucking INFINITE AMMO AUTOMATIC 24 DPS CAN CRIT GUNS LOL

Is it me or does Winston work best on KotH/2cp maps? I have the most victories on those. Hybrid is a crapshoot and Escort seems to be his weakest map type.

>She's really good, the community just don't know how to play her.

In what games has this actually been true?

Never bothered playing comp past season 1, was 57 then
How do people even learn how to play high movement playstyles and characters like tracer, just play shooters for like years straight?

loli blackbelt

No absolutley thats why they're hesitant to buff him

Overbuff him and he becomes an absolute wrecking ball on koth

>less than an hour on Tracer
>play terribly
>still get 4 golds

I've never been autistic enough to drop more than a few hundred SR how the fuck do you go down that much. You didnt play on tilt did u>?

Maybe that might be good? He doesn't see much play elsewhere. I don't know.

>tfw not intelligent enough to use Sombra

Pretty sure a hammer doesn't run out of amo

>hovering around 2380 constantly, gold icon
>Soldier 76

As for how to get better, how do you guys manage to keep focusing on the right target during team fights? Lucios jumping around, Anas hiding away, Reinhardts either swinging their hammer everywhere or waving their shield dicks around, etc etc. I just can't do it.
My aim is fine when we're defending or the enemy is down in numbers, so I can easily get a clear view of that Pharah and shoot her down, I can do that shit fine, but during big team fights I panic and I keep wildly firing at every target I can get damage on, not really focusing on finishing off anyone.


Gold hell
Wish it was Genji
How the fuck do I play Genji in comp everyone knows what to do

I want blue to be redeemed in death

Its literally bringing a hammer to a gunfight

how do u play her???

>playing against aimbots

Just find a target and kill.
You diagnosed your own problem, and you obviously know how to cure it, so just click on one person until they're gone before clicking on another person.

Instead of a rifle she gets glorious future AK machine gun and dispenses vodka instead of a biotic field.

Whered u live


Anyone else?

Returning his shield to 1000HP wouldn't break him, neither would reducing the cooldown. If all they did were those changes he'd be significantly better but not an absolute pick. Remember that the only reason his shield was weakened is now impossible to do except in one specific shits & giggles mode, there's no excuse for leaving it at 600HP.



how do I use high noon more effectively in higher tier games

anything that isn't some form of "don't play widowmaker" is welcome
>street signs captcha
>one of them says "paris baguette"

>not really focusing on finishing off anyone.
Uh, just try, like, doing that, instead of not doing it.

See: Hammer

I should know, rationally, but I just fucking panic and can't do it when a fight breaks out.

It's a personal and psychological problem, I know.

to kill the pesky lucio


Find healers
Kill healers

none (fuck comp)


How can I get my people to fucking move in and attack when I Graviton Surge the enemy team


I think she's cute.

US. My QP mmr is totally fucked or something because it takes me several minutes to find a match and then I'm stuck going against teams full of GM/Top 500 players when I'm 1000SR below them.

is this supposed to be indicative of your skill?

Because these stats mean nothing

I know how you feel. When I play Reinhardt and I'm pushing the payload and suddenly all my team's DPS have turned into skulls and the entire enemy team is on my ass I don't know whether to swing or to shield or to charge or to kill myself.

It's best used as a zoning tool, to grab space for your teammates, and put the enemy out of position. If you just want to kill people, clicking them is better than using your ult 95% of the time.

Playing comp

My friend gave me his account getting out of plat was easy as fuck you just suck ass.