>tfw you turn the ignition to start the car and nothing happens
Tfw you turn the ignition to start the car and nothing happens
Time to break out the multimeter
>Tfw you push the power button and nothing happens
>Shift into drive and go anyway
i bet that dolby digital setting makes that car hella fast
I wouldn't know. Mine doesn't have it. ;-;
But just wait until I engage the Technicolor.
>tfw this happens on bike
>no idiot lights on, battery can't be dead
>start sweating
>look around for leaks or something
>try to get off
>kickstand was down
>tfw this happens on cat
>no idiot lights on, battery can't be dead
>start sweating
>look around for leaks or something
>try to stop petting
>cat was asleep
Has anyone ever had their car be kill in the middle of nowhere? It's a genuine fear of mine.
That's not bad, battery is the easiest fix. Now if you got juice and the starter is cranking and it still wont start, this is where the fun begins.
>turn key
>nothing happens
>get out of car, grab biggest wrench I have in the trunk (toolset came with the car)
>open hood, look for starter
>give it 2-3 whacks
>close hood, put wrench back in trunk, start car, drive off into the sunset
>order new starter motor when back home
Other incident
>grandfather calls
>stuck in the grocery store parking lot
>starter runs, but his car won't start
>no fuel then
>get there, grab bggest wrench in his car's toolset
>give the fuel tank 2-3 whacks to free stuck fuel pump
All problems you can't fix with 2-3 whacks™ are electrical problems
forgot to add fuel tank was under the right rear seat in that case (BMW E46), you can easily whack it from below
my fucking cat does this to me all the time, sleeps with his eyes and mouth slightly open, out like a stone, doesn't move even if I shake him slightly
>engine dies in the middle of nowhere on the highway
>poorfag so can't call towing company
>bro in law gives me ride home, going to organize someone to tow it back home tomorrow
>he drives trucks for a living and tells me how all the time he sees cars abandoned next to the road only to come back past the next day and see all the windows smashed, cars stripped of anything valuable etc
>mfw cops show up to my house the next day
>turns out my car was slightly blocking a farmers gate and he couldn't get his harvester through
>this happens on Volvo
>Battery is fine, engine won't turn over
>It's the starter
>Whack it with a hammer and drive home
>Bolts are placed in ridiculous locations
>Only way to get to it is to piece together 4 extensions and a u-joint to reach around transmission brace and undo the bolts
>crossthread final bolt when putting the new one back on
My aunt's Infinity QX4 died on a highway last year and I ended up fucking FLAT-TOWING it behind my Expedition. (Far right lane, hazards on, 55mph the whole way) That wasn't terrifying.
>tfw you're just a humble beta farmer and some Ford driver blocks your gate so you don't talk to him because you're scared
>having push to start
expose that boipucci, im going in RWAR
why didnt it restart at that speed on its own
what was wrong
that's why I drive a manual now
I just roll it down a little hill, and clutch start it
Or when you forget you hit the kill.switch and you crank it and nothing happens. You sit there for a bit wondering wtf it just started fine a hour sgo
>tfw you give it some gas and the smoke screen kicks on
>2-3 whacks™
we need a sticker
Fuel line going up!
>Turn key, nothing happens
>No lights, no beeping, no nothing
>Leave key in the on position and start jiggling wires in the hood
>Hear beeping
>Mfw just a loose ground wire
>Supposed to meet up with a friend I keep blowing off for a hike
>Get in car and flip the electric fan on to hear it and make sure it works before taking off
>No noise
>Tfw relay is all melted because it was touching radiator.
>Car splutters and struggles to start
>Still manages to start every time
>go out to car to go to work
>car mysteriously doesn't start
>panic and hop on motorcycle and commute to work for the next 2 weeks before trying to start the car again
>starts right up perfectly no problems whatsoever
>mechanics couldnt find anything wrong with it
>still ride motorcycle to work cause afraid of getting stranded at work if my car doesnt start
>start car to go to work
>start reversing out of space
>car dies
>profuse sweating begins
>horrible grinding sound when trying to start the car
>call tow truck
>have it towed to shop
>timing belt snapped and bent my valves
>2k down the drain for a valve job
the first time i ever dropped my bike it was running and it turned off while i was picking it up.
when i tried starting it would crank but not start. scariest moment of ever owning my bike
turns out i just needed to turn the ignition off and back on and it started right up
More like
>Ride motorcycle to work because it's more fun
Mine is the push thingy that every euro bike has nowadays so i check it every time just by sliding the thumb near it
This is normal, most bikes ahave a "tip" sensor to prevent stuff like runaways and ignition of fuel/fumes
>very cold day
>start car to go to uni
>starter sounds very slow
>doesn't start after 5 seconds
>key all the way back and forth
>starter still sounds slow
>give the accelerator a little dab
>fires up
>car sounds like a shitty diesel
>thinking "oh fuck it's fucked"
>noise goes away after 5 seconds
>one or the other happens from time to time till this day, usually on very cold days
>tfw car won't start
>tfw it's just the clutch getting caught on the floormat and not going down all the way
Bypass that stupid safety switch
isn't a manual car annoying as fuck? i get annoyed on my bike having to switch gears in the city
>turn key and it clicks and the oil light comes on but nothing happens
>try it again and it works
>tfw your car lurches and stalls while you're stopped in gear with the clutch in
Welp lads, I think it's time for a new clutch.
>own an MG Midget
>this happens every time I start my car
>>having push to start
>expose that boipucci, im going in RWAR
You, uh, okay over there mate?
This happens more than I'm okay with admitting.