What would Western history look like without this man? What moral values would we hold today?
What would Western history look like without this man? What moral values would we hold today?
who cares dude, we'd have colonised the galaxy by now
This is a great chart. I think it pretty clearly shows the problem with modern atheism. It evolved directly from Protestantism, which holds that there is a God and the earth is meaningless.
Atheists lost the "god" part but inherited the "earth is meaningless" part from Protestants.
It's time to come full circle. The earth is all we have. This should affirm the value of life, not destroy it.
I'm sure if Christianity never existed, modern belief systems (even atheism) would be far more life affirming and fulfilling.
Tribal, petty kingdoms without Christianity to bind them under a common belief. Would have been even more deeply affected by the Vikings, Mongols, and if Islam would still exist, Islam.
Further, women wouldn't be as humanized as they have been in the West relative to other cultures as there wouldn't been a veneration for the Most Holy Virgin Mary. The West likewise likely wouldn't have developed a sense of mercy, compassion for the suffering as it did without Christ as the central tenant of culture and worship for millenia. The West is unique, and blessed, that historically it has worshiped the sacrificed God, humble, good, kind, merciful, and crucified.
The West would be unrecignizable, probably looking like the mideast and that barbarity.
I'm sure Paul would have obsessed over some other religion and preached it to the masses, and you'd have a pretty similar set of beliefs wrapped up in a different cosmology.
Cuckoldry wouldn't be viewed as positive.
So true
It's impossible to know.
End thread.
similar but smarter
Islamic values. Sooner rather than later
>I think it pretty clearly shows the problem with modern atheism. It evolved directly from Protestantism
Possibly better.
Probably the same.
The only real improvement would be the non existence of things like sodomy laws in places outside of Israel, which is a big improvement I'll admit
Europe would have become Muslim. Also the Americas would have remained undiscovered for longer.
>Europe would have become Muslim
Islam was only a thing BECAUSE Christianity was a thing. That's like saying Return of the Jedi would be the best movie if they hadn't made Empire Strikes Back.
There's no way to know. Maybe there would have been some other apocalyptic preacher who became popular and it would be mostly the same with only minor differences. Maybe there wouldn't have been and things would be wildly different as we'd still have various competing polytheistic religions or something else entirely.
Preacher shows up in rome claiming to be the son of Sol Invictus. He's a good speaker and supports the empire so the Roman authorities show the budding church favor and the old gods lose popularity, although never die out completely.
Islam wouldn't even exist or it would have been crushed by the roman empire who would have slaughtered the entire arabia.
The last Western Emperor died 150+ years before Muhammad was even born.
The Eastern Roman Empire was still around at the time, and they and their rivals the Perisans got their shit slapped by the Arabs.
Being pagan wouldn't have changed that.
Is this Oswald Spengler?
I think, more than anything else, that's what I dislike about having Semetic religions being the majority in the world. They all share the similar trait of being god-awful boring.
Think about it. What do they have for mythology? Angels and demons, neither of which are described in much detail. Only one God, who has no real enemies. He's basically Superman, has no weaknesses, and is SCHEDULED to defeat his one "enemy" at some undisclosed point in the future. There are no sweet adventures, just "This is what happens when you cross me, this is what happens when you don't" stories. That's really about it.
Imagine a world where temples to Apollo and Aphrodite are littered on every street corner, and come Christmas there's no shitty mangers set up, just a boat with a bunch of dudes on it getting eaten by a giant sea hydra. Politicians would publicly acknowledge their fealty to Zeus, so that their daughters don't get fucked by a God-duck.
Instead we get these completely mundane, boring -ass religions.
>religion is about mortal entertainment
God help you
Plato and Aristotle's writings would spread with or without Jesus
No matter what, people (especially the poor) would've needed a religion to cling to. If Christ hadn't become a thing, there would just have been another religion taking control
You get me wrong, sir. All religion is bullshit, but it could at least be entertaining bullshit.
Earth is meaningful because it stores life - but that's possible mainly because of Sun.
Actually our whole solar system configuration is sacred the way it is, in most parts.
But then when life will be sustained in huge space ships or other planets - it'll all lose its sacred status.
>everything nice in the west happened because of christianity.
Do some actual analysis and research and you'll realize that it's pretty accurate. Christianity, until after WWII, was the central cultural tenant of the West.
Did he actually contribute anything of use to moral philosophy?
So then why didn't Ethiopia, a country that became Christian when Romans were still feeding them to lions become like the West?
Actually, Islam wouldn't have kicked off without Christianity, so the world would've been even more technologically regressed than you describe it.
Go away reddit
Because Africa is impartially a shit environment to create civilization in?
Mithraism will dominate Rome as its main religion instead.
>shilling this hard
>Because Africa is impartially a shit environment to create civilization in?
You're claiming Ethiopia, a place where pyramids were being built while Europeans were building huts is a shit place for civilization?
There would be no universe but for Jesus.
There is no "without Jesus".
No, the people native to Africa cannot create civilization. Have you forgotten Rhodesia and south Africa? Now ruined by kaffirs thanks to jew imposed sanctions for ending apartheid.
>You're claiming Ethiopia, a place where pyramids were being built while Europeans were building huts is a shit place for civilization?
Resources imported from remote locations played a large part in the construction of the Pyramids, I assume.
Meanwhile Europe managed to be subsist on its own territory when developing infrastructure until Colonialism.
>Resources imported from remote locations played a large part in the construction of the Pyramids, I assume.
>Meanwhile Europe managed to be subsist on its own territory when developing infrastructure until Colonialism.
So the Romans, for example, never invaded parts of Africa?
what's Jesus a metaphor?
Okay user I give up trying to justify this chain of reasoning because it's plainly wrong. Instead let me pursue another.
Maybe Christianity didn't help the Ethiopians because it was applied differently. Until the 1000s, European Christianity had a single Pope and a very well-defined hierarchy, and owned property across the continent - including but not limited to scholastic institutions and hospitals - , helping with with scientific advances and infrastructure. It also helped as a bonding element between nearby states that helped tighten relations *somewhat*.
Meanwhile in Ethiopia you have very few nations following their own version of Christianity that was more decentralized and was surrounded by opposing religions.
He's the Creator.
He's trying to get you to admit it's because they are black.
Still made for some decent discussion I guess.
Interesting tidbit: It's very possible the Christian church in Ethiopia has possession of the Ark of the Covenant.
Not at all.
Europe didn't really begin progressing until Christianity became more decentralised and there were challenges to the existing centralised power structure.
Would European Christianity have developed all that without a Greco-Roman heritage?
You know how I know you haven't read the histories in the bible? Seriously, read Judges through 2 Kings. Good stuff.
Except the "life is meaningfull" combined with "no god" makes the idea of death even harder to accept
The "life is meaningless" part of atheism is a self-defense mechanism against the fear of death knowing theres no after life
>Until the 1000s, European Christianity had a single Pope and a very well-defined hierarchy
I'm this user and that's just not true. The Bishop of Rome was one of five Christian Patriarchs, hence the original "Pentarchy". However, towards the turn of the last millennium the Bishop of Rome aka the Pope, was overcome by arrogance and worldly desire thanks to the influence of Satan ando broke off from the church via innovations and perversion of several Sacrements. Simply put: heresy.
If they really did I can't imagine why they would be so secretive about it. Think of the pilgrimage dosh.
>shitposting this hard
How about you post a better, thought out, and quality post next time.