/lite/ RogueLITE General

Thanks Edmund Edition

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>What is this?
A place to discuss all rogue-lites and related games and topics. Examples: The Binding of Isaac, Nuclear Throne, Enter the Gungeon, Faster than Light, Spelunky, and Rogue Legacy.

>List of Some Rogue-lites (W.I.P)

>Steam Rogue-lites

>Steam Group

>EtG character ideas

>/ntg/ Pastebins
Character Ideas pastebin.com/JnGYReQj
Crown Ideas pastebin.com/TjhD5NAk
Soundmods pastebin.com/bAtMbDCV

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If you want something done right...

>tfw cursed tears quad shot with fucking holy light

fucking ludicrous


One part of Isaac's decline that nobody seems to talk about but which really bothers me is in the descriptive text accompanying items.

>Old Isaac
>HP Up

>New Isaac
>[Any Item]

If you don't want people data mining the game, try actually telling us what shit does.

this shit is imbalanced

Is there any reason to visit Downpour, Mines or Mausoleum once you've unlocked The Corpse?

Like are there specific bonuses for going down into any of them (besides getting the knife)?

no not really. im assuming that the reality of it being a mod maybe kept them from adding the floors into the pool.

Double item rooms.

The item rooms in them always give you a choice between 2
Going through Mausoleum lets you skip Womb 1
The Knife's not a bad item regardless if you're going to Corpse

is it possible to buy afterbirth+ then refund it and it will still be active anyway

Doubled up Item Rooms and Angel Rooms have extra pedestals when items spawn.

Name the most underrated Rogue-lite.

>tarot cloth in devil room
>tarot cloth in greed shop

does taking both of them quadruple cards/rune effects?

Try it out and tell us.

IIRC yes.

Just tried it, one of them gave 2 of Diamonds so it turned out to be the correct play anyway.

Unfortunately they don't stack, 17 coins only went to 68 instead of doubling 3 times.


>all these damage ups
>5 red hearts
yolo that shit


A crazy combo:

>getting the Book Worm transformation combined with Ludo means that no matter what you do, you can always hear yourself firing

Do it or drop trinket, pick up trinket and walk past.

>Void the bottle of pills
>Void placebo for the meme dream and all the pills I've seen so far have been either neutral or Balls of Steel
>turns out theres a Speed Down in the rotation

You have nobody to blame but yourself.

>not wanting to figure it out yourself

you are like baby

God, that was crazy.

Some items are so subltle not even the wiki has their effects.


Cricket's Head - why wouldn't you want a solid damage boost?

Yeah, realized i already had scorpio and multiple poisons dont stack.

Well, Mucormycosis makes enemies create fart clouds when enemies die, but yeah, that was an easy choice.

There aren't many that recieve hate that do not deserve every bit of it. You clearly have some in mind, share.

>smelted store credit doesnt work anymore

Edmund "McShillen" McMillen
Edmund "seizures are fun, not a 1 run" McMillen
Fagmund "Don't blame me, it's your PC" McFatten
Edmund "Game gives you grin? Item reskin" McMillen.
Edmund "Character's perf? Time for a nerf" McMillen
Edmund "it's just a bug, now give me a hug" McMillen
Edmund "Lower the axe 'til all items are lax" McMillen
Eggmund "I'm such a hack, I'll nerf the Sack" McMuffin
Edmund "you knew the cost of spoiling the lost" McMillen
Edmund "enjoying lilith? too bad she's killith" McMillen
Edmund "Nothing is safe, I'll nerf a year late" McMillen
Edmund "There'll be no fun until the ARG's done" McMillen
Edmund "If it clears a room, the item is doomed" McMillen
Edmund "If you're having fun, I'm getting my gun" McMillen
Edmund "Eat that steak slow, let the juices flow" McMillen
Edmund "open the hatch when you download my patch" McMillen
Edmund "If you're feeling gay, a nerf's on the way" McMillen
Edmund "If the item's a hit, let's turn it to shit" McMillen
Edmund "If there's fun to be had, I'll make it bad" McMillen
Edmund "Pull the nerf trigger on every demon nigger" McMillen
Fatmund "You don't know how to click, now suck my dick" McDonalds
Edmund "Think My Game's Thrillin'? Not With This Villain" McMillen
Edmund "Fun is worthless excrement, nerfing is my element" McMillen
Edmund "I'd collect unemployment before I'd give you enjoyment" McMillen
Edmund "That item there was excellent, now it's barely relevant" McMillen
Edmund "Your tears to me are like a choir, it's a bug I'm not a liar" McMillen
Edmund "they said the the game was too easy so I just broke everything because I'm fat and lazy" McMillen.

>Blank Card 2 of Diamonds is still a thing
>But no Smelter Store Credit is too broken
Oh come on, nerfing a combination of items that is slightly more rare and exactly as effective as another set of items is just fucking stupid.

Are Monkey Paw and Missing Poster also nerfed?

Cricket's is solid, Mucor isn't great past Caves/Mines cause everything starts to have more HP so fart chains aren't as easy without Giant Bean.

>Store Credit
Weird, since Walnut, Tonsil, Wish Bone, and Bag Lunch keep on working.

def crickets

At one point Smelting Store Credit straight up crashed the game so they might have nerfed it cause that was still happening sometimes.

>This certain combo crashes the game
>Instead of fixing it, let's just not let you get this combo!

Has anyone absorbed Blank Card with Void and then used with a "?" card? I crashed the game last time I did that but I haven't found the combo again since.

This would hardly be the first time a gaming company has just straight up turned off something they couldn't fix.

Sounds like a "bug" from Borderlands 2 I remember fondly.
>Krieg, the last DLC character, has a series of really long lines he can start reciting when a special passive of his, Raving Retribution, goes off
>They're some of his best lines in the entire game by far
>There's a standing bug where if one of his goes off and an NPC starts speaking, it overrides the NPC voice for everyone in a MP match instead of only for the Krieg player who triggered his lines
>Instead of fixing it, they just removed his voice lines


21:28 for those interested.

>Going for boss rush
>A fucking red heart starts running away from me when I desperately need it

I chased that little shit into a corner, but what the fuck was up with that? Is this a fucking joke?

Scared Hearts, they were added in afterbirth+

Enjoy your steak :^)

They're called scared hearts. Wait until you straight up need one to avoid dying and it runs over spikes in the middle of a fight.

funny joke
it it a glitch?

I thought those had to do with the bad breath item but what is the point of this type of heart? It's just an annoyance and dumb. Mimics add something. These aren't fun at all.

It's content added in Afterbirth+. They are working as intended.

>what is the point of this type of heart?
What's the point of any type of heart?

Having rewards that run from you/fight you isn't exactly uncommon in games.

no es fake

remember to chew slowly

are sticky nickels a glitch

are mimic chests a glitch

>decent items
>half heart
>use an unknown pill
>teleports directly on top of an enemy
I'm loving it.

what the fuck edmund

>taking unknown pills at half a heart

curse rooms exist you know

It could have also been a full health pill.

So I beat the hush's first form, and it let me continue to the cathedral without fighting the second form. Is this a glitch, or just something that sometimes happens now?

It's a standing glitch that nobody can explain.

That wasn't hush, it was blue baby
Blue baby has a 25% chance to replace hush

>Blue baby has a 25% chance to replace hush
do you still get the unlock for hush?


thank the lord edmund gave us mercy

>try the lost on Antibirth
>See he doesn't have holy mantle on the character select screen, but does have the d4
>"fuck it, why not"
>start game
>small glowing aura around the lost
>"wait a second..."
>run into enemy to check

How did breadmund get so btfo'd, /lite/?

Hit F7.

So can he get the actual Holy Mantle and get 2 free hits per room?

D4 is now useful on him?

Oh. Nevermind. Sadness continues.

Hitting F7 reveals that he does in fact start holding the holy mantle despite it not being listed on his character info. It rerolls it, I was too hopeful.

maybe one day

What is your favorite gun In EtG, the one that make you say "this run gonna be a cakewalk"
Alternatively what is your least favorite gun

>Card Against Humanity
>Use in a 2X2 room
>Spend 5 minutes playing Janitor
>30 cents and 3 Soul Hearts

>Card Against Humanity
>Use in a 2X2 room
>run back to get that Hagalaz rune you left on the ground 7 rooms ago

>you will never get Void+Blank Card+Placebo+Deep Pockets+Card Against Humanity+Infested!

When is someone going to mix Antibirth and Afterbirth+? how hard could it be

+Lil Larva+Mom's Purse+Meconium+Hive Mind

It will be a while, but it will obviously happen

It's not a 1 to 1 transfer because Antibirth was coded in a different programming language.

Danny B >A_Rival>FamilyJules7X>Virt>Girlfriend Records

Does anyone disagree?

Not necessarily "this run is gonna be a cakewalk" because desu, when you go on bullet hell runs, there's no such thing as a cake walk without clone but a few guns I'm always glad to see -

Commando - Great boss slayer, deals a fuck load of damage and explosions get rid of bullets to help clutch perfects for master rounds

Eye of the beholster - Great boss slayer, once again. Decent for room clearing as well. Has some fun synergies with element bullet passives (beadies spawned from the gun will get the proc)

Charmed Bow/ Shotgun full of love - Weapons that charm enemies are seriously underrated (or at least they were by me, at first). Charmed bow is incredibly ammo efficient, and charming key enemies is an amazing way to clear a room out and not have to get your hands dirty. Shotgun full of love charms and also hits like a god damn truck.

The Scrambler - This gun. THIS fucking gun. This is THE boss gun, and the fact that this thing comes from fucking blue chests makes NO god damn sense to me. Absolute fucking insane DPS and if you add in something like backup gun, it becomes damn near broken. If there WERE a gun that makes runs a cakewalk, in my eyes it's this one.

The Glacier - Similar to The Scrambler, I have no clue why this is from a C tier chest. Not quite as damaging as the scrambler, but it provides amazing cover as a swap weapon while you fight the a boss. Explosion and Freeze slowing is an excellent combination. It even has some interesting synergies (like with irradiated lead or hot lead, for example).

I honestly love most of the guns in this game, and there are very few truly "bad" guns in my eyes. in general, I don't much care for most of the D tier guns (brown chests) once I'm past like floor 3. Not because they're bad, but because they're outclassed by my other guns by a lot at that point. Least favorite is peashooter without Brocoli, or The Letter R after floor 1.

There's another way to get to the Corpse?

Isn't that the normal selection order?

>dong eden Delirium run
>kill hush's first phase
>second fight doesn't even spawn it just ends the fight

I know my run is
good game but you could at least put up a fight

I never noticed that, I meant in terms of quality.

Though I guess it makes sense to list them by quality in game, too.

Isaac has always been meme central
>Shoop da whoop
>Lemon party
>Balls of Steel
It's like Edmund is a Redditor or something.

That being said, Edmund has a nasty habit of not explaining anything, and that leads to frustration of the players, which leads to his frustration when they datamine his precious steak.


Nothing tilts me more than getting to the womb without any damage items.

The Antibirth team is working with Edmund because the whole point of Afterbirth+ is that Edmund is out of ideas so he's going to add content from modders every once in a while.

>Not restarting until you get a damage item

>in terms of quality
Nothing beats the original. Speaking of which, I wish they would actually make completely new tracks instead recycling.

Was trying to get a regen item for ultra hard challenge. But at this point I'm probably just gonna try to get damage and hope for the best. Because I can't deal with it.

For whatever reason, Hush 1st phase has been replaced by fucking Blue "???" Baby.

Both my brother and I got a free Void run because Hush just decided to replace itself with ???.

>Nothing beats the original.
Which is why I have Danny B at the top, where his stuff belongs.

Also I'm the biggest sucker for leitmotifs in the world, I'm glad they all somewhat stick to the originals.

Really looking forward to the 20 new tracks too, even if it's only just like 4 new tracks and then all the variations on them

I would defend Steakmund McMuffin if Keeper wasn't unnecessarily broken
>Several items don't even work on him
>Abaddon will instant-kill him and make him hilariously burst into guppy + soy milk amount of flies
>Piggy Bank works differently on him just to make him even harder for no reason
>Can't take several devil deals without a strength card because Keeper can't get more than 2 coins

An easy solution? Just let him get 3 coins total, or let him take free devil deals. Jesus, why does Satan want 2 coins that much?

I have finally beaten the Ultra Hard challenge. No more quad cage rooms sped up by the broken stopwatch ending a perfect run anymore. Now it's time to finally unlock the keeper, only need 90 more coins. I've heard that he is bad, but he can't be that bad, right?

He's awful. He's not even fun. Just awful.

See my post above yours.

He's fun, minus having the whole Lost gimmick going on. It just so happens to be that he's also terrible
>-2 luck
>Maggie speed
>Terrible fire rate, meaning if you miss your shotgun, you're dead
>2-hit kill
iirc, you even have to unlock the Wooden Nickel for him, which is the only thing making him playable.

1. That's not what broken means
2. He's a challenge character
3. He does have actual advantages and in for example Greed Mode he's a higher tier character than Azazel
4. Greed's Gullet now allows him to get more health

The Piggy Bank thing is bullshit though

>Maggie speed
Starting with a speed up gives Maggie average speed, being able to recognize all speed up pills gives her above average speed.

>iirc, you even have to unlock the Wooden Nickel for him, which is the only thing making him playable.
Swallowed Penny is what actually makes him playable