what made you a commie?
I'm a mild liberal but I'm confused why so many Americans these days are pro communism and talking about Marx especially on Veeky Forums
what made you a commie?
I'm a mild liberal but I'm confused why so many Americans these days are pro communism and talking about Marx especially on Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying a state where equality rules all isn't the perfect state
kys, capitalist scum.
>implying because people fuck it up and cannot achieve it yet
>it therefore speaks against the goal
edgy kids who want to LARP as revolutionaries.
Most come from an upper middle class background. Most are also white.
Ironically most also have a hatred for lower class people and are most at home around their fellow rich white college students.
Christ this board is shit.
The reason Marx won't go away is because he was largely right. You can't keep ignoring the truth forever.
How are you getting this impression? Most of the far-left people I've encountered online didn't identify as communists, and what few self-identified commies I've met IRL were eccentric sperglords anyways.
>but I'm confused why so many Americans these days are pro communism and talking about Marx especially on Veeky Forums
Its a vocal minority
he's been popular forever senpai...that's cause he offers a simplistic but pretty concise social theory of everything.
He was right in his sociological observations on the state of contemporary capitalist society, and even modern capitalist society. However, his attempts at devising a political solution were dogshit and the Labor Theory of Value has been continuously blown out by serious political philosophers for decades. If anything, Marx was half right. He's still an absolutely groundbreaking and important figure on the scale of Martin Luther or Thomas Aquinas, though.
I literally made my first post here 30 minutes ago and I'm already completely disgusted
You do realise that tankies are about as autistic and retarded as stormfags right?
Communism is stateless you liberal shit
Because socialism has only recently become less taboo a subject than it once was. Blame Michael Moore and Sanders for that.
and people are still caught in an this circular quagmire because they can not find a way out of their own psyche
Right, Marx will be remembered for far longer than Lenin
Far-left socialists are pretty universally Marxian even if they don't want communism. Communism refers specifically to a stateless and classless society.
>why so many Americans these days are pro communism
I'm not a commie, I'm a centrist, bro.
Also my graph is very accurate.
>Far-left socialists are pretty universally Marxian
Lol fuck off Marxist loon. You've had your chance in the 20th century and you blew it. Now quickly bury yourself already.
He's probably referring to the trend of alot of American youth taking a likening to Scandinavian style democratic-socialism as well as the reletively recent opening of dialogues regarding inequality and class in the U.S.
>scandinavian style democratic-socialism
It's really just free market capitalism with welfare, which is what leftist retards don't understand.
>Scandinavian style
To be fair, for Murika it's already far-left enough. Like, big no-no!
It's honestly like people with autism are just a couple generations behind developmentally.
>red baiting
>scaremongering about the darkies
>treat communism and fascism as the only choices
I'm not a commie, but I think once automation goes off big time in 25 years, we may need all factories to be state owned and the people on some minimum income/robot allowance.
Thread belongs on /pol/.
Fuck off.
>treat communism and fascism as the only choices
It's tru tho. Being a moderate is pure ideology nowadays, everywhere in this world.
>Scandinavian style democratic-socialism
Reddit please leave
Kill yourself
>but I'm confused why so many Americans these days are pro communism
this has been a thing since the founding of the CPUSA and it's long outlive the CPUSA's irrelevance
why are you so surprised
& humanities was a mistake
what is with the fixation on LTV
is this the only aspect of marxian economic theory known to plebs
Americans today are more politically apathetic than any time in American history. It's just the politically active that are communists.
If everyone was forced to vote the status quo would win everytime.
Seconding, he should kill himself.
Kill yourself.
Seconding this as well.
The freedoms promised by liberalism can't exist in a meaningful sense under capitalism for more than a small minority. Maybe you have meaningful freedoms if you're rich, for the rest you have to stay in a tightly constrained range of acceptable opinions and actions, or you can look forward to firing and blacklists.
Besides, the whole economic system is inherently unjust. How are you "free" if you spend half your time working for someone else to make them richer? How can people be equal when some of them are rich enough to buy politicians and others can't afford a roof over their head?
Marxism offers a solution to these problems.
t. middle class college student
t. retard in special education class
>The freedoms promised by liberalism can't exist in a meaningful sense under capitalism for more than a small minority. Maybe you have meaningful freedoms if you're rich, for the rest you have to stay in a tightly constrained range of acceptable opinions and actions, or you can look forward to firing and blacklists.
>Besides, the whole economic system is inherently unjust. How are you "free" if you spend half your time working for someone else to make them richer? How can people be equal when some of them are rich enough to buy politicians and others can't afford a roof over their head?
>Marxism offers a solution to these problems.
Read books and grew up poor, bout it.
>y-you're just a c-classcuck s-spook
Not a real Marx quote
Go to any college even Christian ones
>Making up Marx quotes just to spout le epic meme
Right, this is essentially why I'm a Marxist
>literally an upvote
You can find tons of fellow marxists on
>upboating your marxist butt buddy
back to redshit
Veeky Forums definitely has a higher percentage of Marxists than reddit
It's like the Weimar Republic in this bitch
>le epic pig may may
>anyone against me is a nahtzee
>capitalism is fascism
This guy is too fit to be a Veeky Forums nazi
>capitalism is fascism may may
straight out of the USSR's propaganda
>le evil pig capitalist maymay
Such a shit meme.
forced memes are always shit
every meme leftypol ever made was a ripoff of another meme or extremely forced
They're true leftists then. They still others people shit instead of making their own.
>believing in any political ideology
>Tea Party
>Sarah Palin
I mean, according to your graph, I think you just shoved me to the left from all the brain cells I lost while reading your weapons-grade autism.
It's not so much that there are a lot of people, much less Americans (a historically religious, capitalistic and anti-communist country) who are in favor of communism-as-such, OP.
Rather, what's really going on is that there is an increased socialist tendency in American society; part and parcel of this is a general interest in the history and praxis of leftism, even if one doesn't agree with, much less abhors, oh I don't know, Stalinism-as-such (read: a time that communism was tried. Hey Stalin, whatcha doin'?), or the Great Leap Forward, etc.
Thus, just as Quran sales spiked shortly after 9/11, a certain subset of the population (some of whom actually use this website) are interested in reading the works of Karl Marx and his associates, for whatever reason. Just to understand history if nothing else, and what the hell is going on. Get some context.
Mind you that at present, I am only really considering a small portion of the population: intelligent, literate, usually fairly well-educated people, even if their educational attainment is not especially high. I do conceive that a large chunk of Veeky Forums's userbase which frequents the more civil, adult blue boards such as Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums fall into this category. Such persons on the political right (there's plenty of them) are therefore interested to go back to the Source (Marx) to get talking points, explain why it all went wrong, and hold up same as a proof of what not to do. Such persons who are on the political left, rather, would take roughly the opposite view. They might have the benefit of history with which to re-evaluate the Marxian project, and they (leftists) might have internal disagreements over how best to manage human affairs, but the basic idea of achieving a nice and fluffy equal society still lingers, in some way shape manner or form. And there's a historical tradition of certain Marxist ideas in leftist discourse by now, so it's hard to shake.
The good old "everything left of me is far left" viewpoint
you´re due for a helicopter ride
Even moderate leftists steal shit from people through unreasonable taxes.
The USA has a leftist tradition. I don´t get why americans find it un-american, as if it was islam or something.
You sound like a stormfag, libertarians and Tea Party people are bro-tier and are seemingly better, much smarter people than the folks who idolize Hitler. Not talking about /pol/, as they're a mixture of ideologies but the ones who idolize Hitler are the worst. Well... Not as bad as leftists but you know, almost equally as bad.
Therefore this graph is correct, my man.
>USA has a leftist tradition.
Yes they do, but it's a classical liberal tradition, not that regressive faggotry you and your /leftypol/ buddies spout out.
Directly related to this is that, for example, first Veeky Forums and now also Veeky Forums's userbases have a history of discussing philosophy. A big large huge chunk of post-Marxist, and particularly 20th centurycontinental philosophy, entails a certain competency with Marx. And since Veeky Forums types are actually fairly diligent about their projects (which translation to read, who else should I read first, etc) in thread-creation (whether they actually follow through on a given project or not), then it comes up time and again that it would be helpful to know some detailed Marx'n'friends, beyond the high-school talking points, to make sense of many modern philosophical texts, which are again of particular interest to Veeky Forums users. There is both a certain fashionability to reading such texts, and also a certain historical value. If a genuinely good/true idea tags along for the ride, then so much the better.
Veeky Forums also wrestles with some version of nihilism on a regular basis, which edgelordery is again closely related in historical terms with Marxism. What is at the root of all of this? I can think of no better descriptor, no better way to lump the bunch all together, regardless of their individual political and philosophical conceits, than this one uniting descriptor: the atheist philosophers. Literally just look at the wiki list.
Marx, Engels, Foucault, Zizek, Habermas, Sartre, Stirner, Beauvoir, Feuerbach(s), Nietzsche, Rand, Mill, Lenin. Whether they are an ancestor, a descendant, or an opponent, all of these personalities /stand in some notable relationship to Marx/. /They are with reference to Marx/. Best typified, again, by the very simple descriptor of an atheist philosopher. All fedora memes aside, that is why they are of such special interest to Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums is Veeky Forums's most left-wing board, but is also rather bright and actually reads books now and again. All of this suggests an atheism.
>the only existing traditions are the ones I like
I'm not sure the founding fathers would have approved of the german liberals the US got in 1848.
Because America is a big enough place that it has room for several and opposing traditions. It happens that the tradition of the majority, and also of the winners and of the great people within its society, has been a capitalistic, classical liberal, and somewhat religious tradition.
In America, until very recently, the leftist tradition has steadfastly been the tradition of the losers within American society. Just a year ago, a local RL communist died, and a paper had a warm article about this silly old irrelevant man who ran for congress multiple times and lost every single time. Maybe there was a picture or two of the history of the "party", such as it was in the state. A curiosity at best.
Of course, all of this has changed since eight years of Obama, and millenials actually think what they have been vaguely conditioned to think about the way that things ought to be.
>thinks he's pro-Communist
>still talks about states
Is the number one sign the person posting is under eighteen
>but is also rather bright
I've seen better discussions on /b/
Define "losers". German 48ers fared poorly in the old country, hence the exile bit, but the lot of them sided with lincoln during the civil war, and hey that wasn't the losers side.
Because it promises everything a young person could want, and it seems so simple...if we all just worked together, gave a little extra...etc.
Most college kids are still too young to understand how shitty the world truly is. They still have optimism, they might even still believe that people are inherently good.
No one is a fan of a statist authoritarianism but I as well as many others are tired of the scummy propaganda put out by rightists on a constant basis and the countering of any left wing ideals with allegations that they'll lead to gulags, starvation and mass murder coupled with the right's general refusal to hold themselves to the same scrutiny.
Haha this is hilarious Cheryl, I'll be sure share this with my coworkers tomorrow.
>I'm not sure the founding fathers would have approved of the german liberals the US got in 1848
They wouldn't care anyways, it's a 1st amendment right to express free speech, which includes expressing political beliefs or ideologies.
And even with all the communist/socialist thinkers who could influence the populace, none were so successful as to change the way USA worked.
And you know why? Because USA's economic and social system for a lack of a better word, triumphed, over other leftist ideologies.
Simply because maintaining capitalism and democracy was the better ideology over a transitioning socialist to communist society as people didn't want to revolutionize their society b/c it was already good as it was and will be.
college kids are plenty old to know what the world is like, but we lock them in boxes where a teacher reads 8th grade reading level material to themf or 6 hours a day every day, until they graduate high school without ever having read anything remotely at a 12th grade reading level
He thinks "soeshalizm" started with Obama. this is a real sign someone is under 18. People were ready to run out in lynch mobs during the Bush years. Obama's election was to calm their ire, Trumps election is to calm down the right's ire. This is how they keep you under control.
Nigga he just posted a pic of the goddamn IWWs
Given the heated political debates and political unrest that occurred during the early years of the republic, I'm inclined to think that's not that case. The founding fathers weren't deistic gods, they had earthly cares on the matter of earthly predicaments that expressed themselves in concrete political action, by word or bayonet.
As for the 48ers, they were pretty successful in changing the way the USA works, or at least influencing its policy to significant degree up to the turn of the nineteenth century.
Read up on the First Red Scare, boyo
>as for the 48ers, they were pretty successful in changing the way the USA works, or atleast influencing its policy to significant degree up to the turn of the 19th century
Like what? Please tell me how these German liberals had anything to do with the way America worked.
Because I don't see any connection between the Revolutions of 1848 and USA at the time.
Realizing of fucked we are if capitalism keeps raping our planet to make someone temporarily rich.
>waaaah rich people are baaaaad
>not realizing money builds money and thus helps other people out
There's providing up to 10% of union soldiers during the civil war. That's pretty big for a pretty ideologically homogenous group (relatively speaking, of course)
Or there's the ones who ended up in elected officials actually involved in the making and deliberation on matters of national policy
hell Carl Schurz was one such exile, and ended up a union general and then US secretary of the Interior.
Tell that to me again when your city has flooded and the oil tycoons have enough money to move to higher ground.
The cuck meme got me thinking. I realized I don't want to be a classcuck.
Dealing with Liberal idiocy in college made me a Commie.
Marx was right about a lot of things, but I don't see how communism can be implemented
>10% of the Union Army
Roflmao, yeah, okay buddy. Wouldn't that be like 19% of the whole population of the Union at the time?
I don't think they would really have that much of an influence tbqh.
jokes on you I live on high ground already
>10% of the union army is 19% of the union population
I uh
I don't follow your math
Could you clarify?
No wait, that would be 1.3% roughly out of the population that were 48'ers.
I suck at math.
Yes that was dumb on my part.
What?? You're saying you were one in college but not now?
It still proves my point more however!
There was about 4,000 aboriginals in the union army
does it therefore follow that the entire aboriginal population of the union was 4,000
No.. I'm saying 1.2-1.3% of the Union population were German liberal 48ers in the Union Army.
My point was that 1.2-1.3% of the Union population cannot have any political influence, or barely any over such a large country.
Even if alot of them were given government jobs.
Tell that to everyone who doesn't.
This is because the supposition you are making is that the entire population of German exiles was enlisted in the union army
You know, Khan academy is a great way to brush up on all the math we forget over the years.