Orianna Edition
Orianna Edition
>ywn ever hit lvl 30 again without getting banned
I wonder if I get this 10th account banned will I finally quit I never will ;--;
j4 rework or quality of life changes when
Anyone know anything about this situation?
Have you tried not being an autistic toxic retard who flames his team for everything because you are in elo hell?
>every single, literally every single korean pro player use "westernized" names as their tags
what did they mean by this
No. Riot shouldn't buff her.
Udyr Buffs when?
hehe xd
hot monkey deeck'd
why do you have crystal maiden in OP, lolbabs?
/mute all
You don't get to hear faggots and you can flame the fuck out of them and they won't see it.
Why does Lux keep hitting on Garen? She needs to chill the fuck out.
>go 18/3/12 with vayne
>go 7/4/6 with ekko
and they say niggers are oppressed
what elo hell, its just pre30 shitters that enrage me by talking so much shit for no reason. people with egos about shit they know nothing about is the biggest fucking deal to me
didnt realize they cant see your messages either, thats pretty nice
Xth for Katarina
best girl
it's already happening :3!
>DOTA 2 "champs" don't even have real names
Nice game.
Unicorns are for _______
Goodnight fags.
She ain't pure.
They need to delay it.
They are westaboos and like the hollywood version of America a lot. Pretty much any blonde haired Californian surfer looking man would tear the korean asian barbie looking bitches and their pussies up with ease
Someone post the Vlad vibrator game plz
How can you honestly get triggered by pre30 idiot smurfs?
Just stop typing you nigga like turn off the screen lmao
Can someone explain what the fuck the c is suppose to be in :3c
Is there some site I can see the effective health of a build
Or the damage I do based on enemy armor/mr
Selling their body for money.
Fake tits like Sona.
I wish I could just swap to a different server or something without having shit ping, cause its near impossible to flame some huehuehue or a german if I cant understand them
Why do all these Korean players have the same fucking haircut?
they do, some of them are retarded so they don't use them. Would you rather use "Faceless Void" or "Darkterror"?
that being said theres nothing wrong with Rylai the Crystal Maiden
whats not cute about a little impurity :^3
Why not just turn off chat / mute all
Because its a difficult thing for me to remember for some reason, and the ChatScale=-100 workaround isnt working for me anymore
>theres nothing wrong with Rylai the Crystal Maiden
she's a slut
calculating ehp is pretty simple
health gets multiplied by 1% per resistance versus the specific damage type, sans true damage and calculated after penetration
shields and heals are extra health to multiply so short cd ones with capped cdr (example, turtle stance) can have dramatic ehp increases
>Would you rather use "Faceless Void" or "Darkterror"?
Neither of those are names user. Those are super edgy nicknames. You do understand that they make the names for their "champs" right? They could have come up with anything and Darkterror was their choice. The lack of creativity is astounding.
I'm trying to slim down my hero pool for ranked grind. Here's what I'm thinking.
Ryze - Top/mid/bot
Elise - Jungle
Ezreal - Bot
Xin - Top/mid/jungle
Basically I want one ad one ap for each role so I can balance damage on my team.
I'll be duoing with my girlfriend who's a support main so I'll never have to play that. Traditionally I've been a Kha'Zix main in the jungle but I think Xin might be a better all-round pick to carry retards with, and I can lane other solos with him. WuKong is another option for those 3 spots as well. Not sure.
What do ya'll think? Do you 1-trick? Or just slim hero pool?
She's a slut just like the rest.
How would you convince her of such an arrangement
>singed in pro play in 2017
what a time to be alive
why are they all wearing suits
xth for Camille
Brainwash her or have the furry fox charm her.
why aren't you
xxl grey sweatpants and an old stained shirt is more comfortable
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Boy is it annoying when everyone blames the adc for laning phase because you know, the support can do no wrong. Now the Yasuo convinced me into trying to lock in for him and didn't trade. I know I can play a good Jinx but Yasuo, ha yeah...no.
Best part of waking up...
>the sissy boy got cucked out of his jinx
Yasuo is perfectly fine and everyone who complains about him is just straight up bad at this game.
He's so ridiculously easy to counter and deal with, yet baddies keep losing games to him because they do stupid shit, it would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
Sorry but your opinion doesn't really matter here she's the cutest and shes the one for me :^3
getting their dicks milked
half the bans come from people who dont want retards on their team
Nice haircut!
depends, you can't really say for sure, but probably yes
>this bullshitting from the casters while they fix a keyboard
Awww that mother taking her little girl to watch esports.
still getting nerfed because low elo has to be pleased :^)
>tfw hashinshin ranting about yasuo rn
this is fun
Why are you planning to play 4 different roles? I play 4 top and 3 mid. I have 5 supports I'm comfortable with when I get autofilled.
If I get autofilled to adc I swap with someone or play ziggs/xerath.
D5 shitter
>facility managers vs team managers.jpg
Don't love the slut. She only wants the dick and pickpocketing money.
pappasmithy looks exactly like one of my professors, how old is he?
Riot nerfs your waifu into a 43% win rate and makes them basically useless. Do you still play her?
if there's one thing I've learned from watching hashinshit, it's that every single thing he says is wrong. so basically when he says one thing, the opposite of that is correct.
I wish I wasn't dirtpoort, so I could fucking unleash my agression on my keyboard instead of my team-mates, but I dont have money to buy a new one. These last 2 days the retard-ratio on my team has been close to 90%.
>that feel when you already have a sg udyr skin shard and then open dj sona
feels good
Bad parenting.
Sweeping Blade (E)
Base damage lowered to 60/70/80/90/100 from 70/90/110/130/150]
20% Bonus AD ratio added.
[NOTE: Bonus AD ratio is not increased by multiple casts]
What the fuck you were right, they ARE nerfing him.
And it's a pretty huge nerf too!
Go to bed garen.
heh :3!
Katarina is a very very cute girl with dedicated intentions that i admire every single day an enhanced libido is no detriment to me as long as we can still enjoy the rest of our days together to ourselves and take over noxus putting the ducouteau house where it belongs (at the top) :^3
garen isnt real kiddo
yeah it's a pretty big gutting to his early game, which is pretty important for him because he either feeds or gets fed
so yeah, expecting overall win rate to drop like 2 % maybe or something
oh and this kills any chance he had of appearing in competitive, which is unfortunate because he's a really cool champion when things goes his way
nope, darkterror is their actual name, the literal writing on the birth certificate, for faceless void
The dedication of finding different men to fuck like the slut she is.
dota uses another approach, almost every hero has some simple and sharp theme to them, like sand king being the sand man and treant protector being tree man and their names just reflect it, you don't need to know much about dota to tell that hero hamed sniper will kill you from a far and beast master controls animals
now tell me how would you know what the fuck is orianna supposed to do if you didn't play league and what can you tell about xin other than him probably being a chink
>The lack of creativity is astounding.
doesn't league has like twelve or something classes of champions and champions in one class are straight better or worse version of each other and everyone in one class builds the same items
If the AD Ratio was Total AD instead of Bonus AD it would have been just a nerf to his early. But this way it's just a nerf to both early and lategame.
>aoe nuke with 36 second cooldown at max CDR
>two gap closers
>no mana
>can absolutely shred turrets with high physical damage
for what purpose
Ah I see it was a misunderstanding, you mistook katarina for your waifu
dont do it again kiddo
>so new he doesn't remember the legend that is kiwikid
I swear this pic gets posted every other thread and it always gets me.
Yeah, you need 250 bonus AD to get back to old E damage, and most of the time you cap at 150 and start building defense items thereafter.
forgot the knockup
Can all the
>mage support
>yasuo players
please hang themselves?
t. ADcuck main
Like nailing a piece of wood in with a screw driver. Thank god the rest of my team was decent.
Jinx has an S tier mid riff my man
And S tier tiny breasts
>tfw plump female champ with pudgy midriff
Hell yeah my friend of similar tastes
Implying I want sloppy seconds from her.
>casters literally talking about showers and dicks because the game is so fucking boring
LCK everyone
>tfw no*
>implying you wouldn't fuck your waifu after another man just came inside her
implying shed ever need anything more than me
listen user, i know you think you're a know it all
but thats my reality
you have already lost, give up.
>riot is going to nerf jungle exp AGAIN
jungler in 2k17 LUL
Also going to buff support exp and gold, double duo lane incoming
theres such a huge divide in junglers now
if u cant full clear without getting schuttle you are fucked
if you're the only tank in your team, is there any reason at all to buy deadman's instead of randuins? you can tank alot longer with randuins, right?