Is the banning of sodomy and taboo-izing of sex as a whole worldwide the most pointless stupid things ever done through Christianity?
Is the banning of sodomy and taboo-izing of sex as a whole worldwide the most pointless stupid things ever done through...
Yes, who wouldn't want to molest handsome little boys or have sex with your own family?
It doesn't really hurt them so why ban it?
Are you somehow implying those are more taboo in Christian countries than non-Christian ones?
Yes, modern "liberated" females and """free love""" is way better and healthier for our society, certainly not degenerate at all.
> girls doesn't want to have sex with me
> must be a degeneracy
Sexual taboos occured everywhere, but Abrahamics approach it in a childish manner.
According to God sex is more procreation not pleasure too bad women are too animalistic to ever agree with this.
>It doesn't really hurt them so why ban it?
As long as they are both consenting adults that's literally ok
It actually is though
>Yes, modern "liberated" females and """free love""" is way better and healthier for our society
... Yes?
God doesnt give a shit about a human point of view so its not allowed under Christianity end of discussion.
>too bad women are too animalistic to ever agree with this.
Are you saying that men don't have just as many sexual deviants, if not more than women?
You realize there are more men in stripclubs than women right?
If God wanted to stop the insect, he could just made it physically impossible. He doesn't, that means he is into it.
But what I'm saying is that that's one of the most abratrary rules god came up with. I can even understand sabbath better than "don't breed or else"
Men are the ones who invented the concept of romance dear, all you women care about is primal animalistic pleasure(OH BAD BOYS OMG OHHH) romantic love is an alien concept to you.
Just obey God's rules user dont question them.
Name the inventor of romantic love.
Human males invented romance, in the stone age there was no romance just rape and brutality which you women love to a truely uncivilized degree.
First of all I'm a guy
Second, you sound like you are either a kissless virgin or won't get another anytime soon
Since sexual liberation divorce rates and single parents rates have skyrocketed, in contrast Islamic countries have very stable rates of both of these it really shows us that women really should be oppressed because when they are free they fuck up everything men built in society just to appease their stupid hedonist animal sexual instincts.
You know there is middle ground between "puritanical sexual repression" and "fuck everyone and everything all the time, that certainly won't cause any psychological issues in the long run"
>implying I haven't learned this the hard way
Any proof that is wasn't women who invented the so called romance to manipulate men?
>just obey big brother, dont quesion him
Good speak comrade!
>Your a virgin
Of course pointing out the truth about women is something a virgin would do am I right?
Look mate my point is here chicks cannot love a man all they care about his cock or how much he makes them wet, the biggest lie in history is that women can feel romantic love.
Women have poor abstract reasoning skills compared to men, so obviously males conceptualized it.
Nah. The only can't live beta virgins like you, that is why your perspective is shifted into the retarded generalizatoins.
Then so is the feeling men do too.
You realize women aren't some lizard people of another species right?
You realize men are exactly the same or worse right?
So called romantic love isn't abstract idea but the concrete set of practices i.e. give anything to your beloved women and serve her at any coast.
Look dude if you think a chick sucking your cock is loving you then you dont even what I mean by love retard.
Women are biologically different from the rest of a people, so they feeling what mens can't and can't feel what men can. It is a simple truth.
If we couldnt feel romantic love then marriage wouldnt even exist you stupid bitch.
Romantic love is abstract because it doesnt really exist user.
> what I mean by love retard
Based on you virginity, probably a meme feelings that you got from the anime or something.
Sorry if you've been hurt, but as long as it's between consenting adults literally what's the problem?
> men can experience what doesn't really exist
Are you legitimately autistic or what?
> marriage wouldnt even exist
Marriage exist for economic reasons user.
The problem is that you would burn in hell for this.
In a way the feeling those weirdos on /a/ feel towards fictional characters is romantic love, its deep emotional devotion to a single person, a completely alien idea to a human woman that sees men in the same way you see a nice purse it has limited use better find a new one when its no longer usable. Men see women are bonding partners(once they get over their LOL I GETS SO LAID phase in their early 20s) but women never stop seeing men as disposable tools.
>If we couldnt feel romantic love then marriage wouldnt even exist you stupid bitch.
You realize that marriage in Israel was property rights right? Just to make sure no one would take your property.
If you've ever read the Bible you'd know that
[citation needed]
If hell is real that is
>inb4 it is
Marriage exist because human males can feel romantic love so the idea of an unending monogamous bond with one woman sounded like a great idea but women hate this they would rather be fucked by a group of brutal men then ever be monogamous. Like all women they see the male they are marrying as a tool for social validation and money but proceed to whore around while his back if turned, this is also the reason why women try their hardest to get polygamous sexual activity legalized(sexual liberation) because all of them are pragmatic whores.
I'm not saying it shouldn't be allowed, but it should be taboo, for the betterment of society.
That's what religion is for, keeping society happy and healthy. Hedonism is not conducive to those things.
>th-thanks for the feels
God doesnt agree with it.
Hedonism literally concerned about health and the happiness. Religion was always create degenerate practices by denying simple happiness on basis of unachievable promises and baseless fear.
>he takes waifus seriously
>Hedonism literally concerned about health and the happines
Whore reasoning, a woman will say anything to get the right to act like a wild animal in the heat in society. It says how subhuman you gender is if Islam is needed to force civility into you..
The way these men act towards fictional characters is similar to a man in love then a man horny off his ass.
Islam is known source of degeneracy. No need to project your virgin fantasies on women.
And women feel in love with Justin Beaver so what is your point here?
Not the same thing user thats just lust not love. Women cannot love a man romantically but they can lust for him a materialistic manner.
Islam is pretty civilized desu no drugs, no alcohol, no fucking for pleasure, the only uncivilized stuff is all the torture it tells muslims to do.
>against pedophilia and incest
> just lust not love
How waifus aren't lust? It is pretty known that they are sexy as fuck and there is reason for that.
> he doesn't know of muslims zoo or homo
>Men are the ones who invented the concept of romance dear, all you women care about is primal animalistic pleasure
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>Whore reasoning
Fucking how and why
Yes but the men still are monogamous with them.
Most changing waifus with every new anime.
Men cheat about as much if noy way more than women
why don't you move there? say hi to isis for me.
Sexual liberation is Darwinian suicide. Since the sexual revolution divorce rates and single parent families have skyrocketed while birth rates have plummeted.
In order to keep our economy in a healthy state of growth we've been force to import millions of Islamic Arabs and Catholic Hispanics to compensate for our lack of healthy reproduction. These groups are notoriously chauvinistic and breed at a much more rapid pace than the native Europeans/Americans. Most people hold the political/religious values of their parents, especially when those values are as 'culturally supremic' as Islam for example When they displace our populations their chauvinistic, patriarchal cultures will rise to predominance and we'll slide backwards into patriarchy anyway.
I'm not even much of a /pol/ster, I like sexual liberation and what it's done for individual happiness but the facts are the facts.
tl;dr: Full sexual liberation can only ever be a temporary phenomenon as it is ultimately a self sabotaging, anti-Darwinian ideology
>Women are biologically different from the rest of a people, so they feeling what mens can't and can't feel what men can.
Just stop posting, or get your ass to /r9k/
> birth rates have plummeted
Blame pensions system. No money for children as you need to spent your for that pyramid scheme to elder generations be able to live in luxury. Children aren't needed anyway because you can live by the state moneys in that system.
Divorce rates are skyrocrying because love isn't as simple as people think it is and most marries before were unhappy but couldn't do a Damn thing about it.
Births rates aren't plumetting, they are leveling out.
It's better to have fewer, better cared for children than many in bulk out of fear of most of them dying off
Sexual liberty will only make the birth rate rise as more people will want to have sex.
>individual happiness
You can't be this uneducated
Yes but we can feel romantic love so it doesnt matter you cant thats why you will always cheat on men you never feel guilt from cheating either unlike us men.
Marriages fail because of women as I said before the human female cannot feel romantic love so she is incapable of understanding why a long term monogamous bond would benefit her in a non narcissistic manner.
Funny because women stay with abusive men more than boring stable nice guys its nothing but animalistic domination they crave not love.
Sexual liberation and the use of state funds to intermediate in society (ie pensions, welfare for single mothers etc) are related phenomena I think. They stem from a similar mindset, at least as far as the goals of their proponents go.
Birth rates for natives have dropped significantly. The 'leveling out' you're seeing in the statistics is due to the aforementioned migrants and their propensity towards large households.
Quality meme argument friend.
Men do nothing to benefit women anyway, as the egocentric autistic romantic interests validation is just wish full filling at best and hardly real impact, that can help anyone else.
Yes show us your true nature cunt stop lying ot us about how much you wuv us and want to be with us always. I blame the beta males they convinced us you subhumans actually cared about us in a human manner not just an animal manner(OHH HES SO HOT I WANNA SWALLOW HIS COCK).
As for we do nothing to benefit women, everything you see around you was built and made by us men EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING so we benefited you greatly but what do I expect a woman to say THANK YOU plz you dont even have gratitude unless its for your animal behavior(THANKS KATY FOR SETTING ME UP WITH THAT HOT GUY).
>Thinking any form of hedonism provides real happiness
Only faith, a tight knit community (nuclear family or otherwise,) and strong protective factors provide real, long term happiness.
Men creating items, but women created men. Job of the mothers is the most important one. Without modern shit, humanity can survive, without women not so much.
>Only faith, a tight knit community (nuclear family or otherwise,) and strong protective factors provide real, long term happiness.
Nice opinion
>>>>>>>>this is wrong because its not darwinism
Sexual liberation is not synonymous with hedonism. It merely allows hedonists to practice their arts more openly. Fucking before marriage doesn't make you a hedonist.
>Only faith, a tight knit community (nuclear family or otherwise,) and strong protective factors provide real, long term happiness.
Okay well that's just like, your opinion man. Protection for one can feel like a cage for another.
> faith provides happiness
Like all other delusions, faith provides suffering as it leads into mental illness.
Never said it was wrong, only that it's ultimately pointless because chauvinism and patriarchy have inherent Darwinian advantages for the human species.
Men created men, stupid cunt without our sperm you cant do shit at all. Yes your ability to create humans makes you objective more valuable than us men the only reason our species isnt extinct right now SURVIVE UNDER YOUR CONTROL? Dont make me laugh you cunts are engineered to be submissive stupid fucks that need authority constantly to moderate your wild behavior(DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO DAD!!!!!!!) so primitive you women are that men must beat the shit out of you to get you to behave.
> for the human species.
For the human species, it doesn't fucking matter who survive in the end. Muslims, niggers or even europeans are all humans anyway.
In modern days, you can just freeze the sperm of 100 best mens and kill other ones because they aren't necessary anyway.
I'd prefer to see my society (the one that charted the globe, split the atom, landed on the moon) survive and proliferate.
I doubt very much that Muslims will ever colonize Mars or decode the mysteries of the human genome.
social darwinism is not universally agreed on
Islam isn't opposed to science. Remember Islamic Golden Age? If fucking Russians were the first in a space, I guess anything possible.
“Frequent prayer, whether public or private, is associated with better health and emotional well being and lower levels of psychological distress.”(Levin, 2001) The psychological data supports this claim, happiness is greater and psychological stress is lower for those who attend religious services regularly. (Argyle, 1975) Religiosity has been related to several positive outcomes including better self-reported health, decreased anger, and hostility along with increased self-esteem. (Andrew &Withey, 1976) Those who have Religious beliefs are found to have greater acceptance, endurance and resilience. (Argyle, 1975) There is a strong correlation between religiosity and peace and self-confidence, purpose, forgiveness to the individual’s own failures, self-giving and positive self-image. (Tepper & Coleman, 2001)
>itt: retards argue that protective factors don't lead to real happiness and instead fall for the hedonistic meme
"History &" was a mistake
The Islamic Golden Age happened in spite of Islam, not because of it. Most of the discoveries of that period were made the Muʿtazila sect which was the most secular group of Muslims in history. Unsurprisingly the ideology was stamped out as Islam grew more conservative and Muʿtazilite is actually used as an insult between contemporary Jihadist groups. Most of the great thinkers of the enlightenment were practicing Christians but we don't refer to it as the Christian Enlightenment, do we?
It's possible Islam could secularize and reach out to the stars one day but they have a lot of ground to cover the the Earth is running low on resources.
Certain cultures have high birth rates and certain cultures have low birth rates even when they exist side by side in the same economy. This is social Darwinism, undeniably. Now, whether we're able to accurately predict which cultures will increase or decrease a population and whether such phenomena can be engineered by human hands is another question entirely.
> I cite only the studies that support *my* position
I agree, "History &" was a mistake.
Like you women are necessary either.
How would you reproduce without women? Theoretically speaking, as virgins doesn't reproduce either way.
How would you reproduce without men?
With help of sperm banks, pretty easy to do.
But sperrm banks require sperm which requires men.
After you got enough sperm, you can just kill men.
Not even, the main focus is what the man can generally give (money, etc) Women are hardly ever truly sexual, which is why you'll always see them doing the "my head hurts tonight honey"
Sex is also mainly emotional for women, whereas it's strictly physical for men. Women will enjoy the dominance play whereas men will just like the physical sensation.
>you can just kill men
You really think you can do this though? We men are the masters of warfare and murder yet you think you can kill all of us what a joke this subhuman needs to learn its place all of you women need to learn your place, thinking you could thrive without us HURR BUT WE WILL JUST MAKE NEW MEN yes you cant thrive without us stupid cunts.
However we can thrive without you.
> masters of warfare and murder
Men are mostly good at killing other men, so you just can put them against each other anyway.
>Women are hardly ever truly sexual
How virgin are you? Women are so sex obsessed their whole life is about getting penis.
Its physical for both genders cut the emotional bullshit the only emotions women show during sex is lust and pleasure same as men HURRR WE BOND IF WE FUCK LIKE ANIMALS DURRR.
>Then proceeds to site things that only support his view.
Source me ya slut
>inb4 untraceable because you saw it on r/atheism and decided to save it
>"Social relations may be a source of stress"
>Religion has been used to justify hatred
Holy fuck are you reaching, literally only the second paragraph is relevant
Nice unsorted image macro my dude