/kfg/ - Killing Floor General

Nobody Cares Edition.

Latest Patch: forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forum/killing-floor-2/kf2-news-and-announcements/news-and-announcements-af/2284299-kf2-1050-update-tropical-bash

this general... alive?

map's pretty dank

thread so dead no one will notice im gay

Acceptable characters: Classic Briar and Masterson, Foster, Scully, Alberts, Tanaka

FUCK OFF: Ana, Rae, Donovan, Anton, Banner, Oisten, Modern Briar and Masterson,

I missed you lads

We can only flog this dead horse for so long

Team anime where you at?

I missed the general, but at the same time dreaded the day it would come back. On the plus side I've been playing Killing Floor more these days.

>Crates can now be broken down into craftable items
Well slap my ass and call me Shirley, I never thought I'd see the day. No wonder the rest of my shit sold out this morning. Thanks for making me five cents richer twi!
>Slightly sped up first 10 level experience gain
Pointless as I'm maxed out already, but that could potentially draw in new players.
>Players can now turn off the auto-upgrade system
Haven't had an issue with it recently, but good option to have nonetheless.
>Increased Hans’ vulnerability to blunt and slashing damage
>Increased Patriarch's vulnerability to blunt and slashing damage
>Hans’ resistance to microwave gun increased by 15%
Guess they didn't want zerkers to face fuck the bosses anymore and took note of the firebug melting Hans with the mwg.
>Fixed Siren difficulty setting issue.


Dual .500s/1858s still work with:
Rack 'em Up
Dead Eye
ZED TIME - Assassin

>Hell on Earth spawn rate reduced by 40%
What did TWI mean by this?

And all the normal Sharpshooter bonuses: 25% damage, reduced recoil, and 50% reduced switch speed.


Did Commando crossperking Medic assault rifle get changed at all from the beta?



>it takes 450 MWG ammo spamming the floor to kill a FP where it used to take 80 with burning ground + double mag capacity
>but only 170 if you spam the FP itself with the damage skill :^)
>meanwhile Firebug's best weapon is a Trench gun being used by a Support

What about the oneshotting Sirens?

They're fine again, Gorefiends can now be knocked down/stunned too

Taken care of, back to their original ways

Thank god. That was the one thing preventing me from playing the beta.

So Firebug is back to being shit again?

I'm wondering this too. No way to check as I'm stuck at work atm.


>they increased the Bonecrusher's block to .3x damage, but it's parry is still .4x
Uhhhhmmm, Killing Tards????

>expected clear blue sky while killing zeds
>it's foggy as shit

i'd like at least one map not being grim or silent hill pls

Ever since opting in to the Tropical Beach beta the game has been crashing my pc. This crashing also occured when I reverted back to the non-beta version. The crashing still continues now, when Tropical Beach launched. The crashing can occur at any moment: the first 10 seconds in the menu or 30 minutes in a game. I've tried:

-Deleting Killing floor 2 in my documents
-checking cache
-Removing and installing KF2 again
-Updating, removing and reinstalling graphic card drivers
-Checking other (online) games. No problems whatsoever
-Checking temperatures. All stable, no problems.

i5 4960k
ASUS nvidea gtx 970
16 gb ram

I tried making this post on the forums but my posts are not coming through. Maybe because I just made an account and need to get trough a review wall or something?

I started playing again two days before the update dropped.

But I like Modern and Classic Mastersons.

Is it time to reinstall this again? How's the population and the balance?

I stopped playing when they ruined Commando

Do we still say KEKMMANDO?

Yes we still say cuckmando, old habits will never die out

All Perks are good right now, except for maybe Firebug, depends on how hard it got nerfed this time

Commando is pretty good. Medic rifle makes him even better, and makes playing without a medic bearable.

Not sure if it'll be helpful but the last time I had persistent crashing issues it was because I had some stuff in the launch options for the game. Probably one of the first things you checked, but clear all those out if you haven't yet.

Could you tell me a little more about what you did? I added " -dx10" to the launch options for KF2 in Steam, nothing else.


Well, Veeky Forums is unusually fast at this time of day.

Yeah, that's exactly what I had to remove. Forcing dx10 started doing some wonky shit after uh, roughly the Survivalist update I think?

That was the only thing I had in my launch options when I had trouble, and after removing it (as someone on the forums suggested) it largely fixed the problem. Currently have nothing in my KF2 launch options.


Thanks for your replies but as of yet: no luck. I made a post on the subreddit and the Yoshiro forum announcement post, for now I'll stay tuned

When did commando get "ruined"?

Is it worth the $20?

yeah man

like 95% of all the criticisms about the game were about shit that happened during early access that aren't problems any more

it's a good goddamn game

I've been playing since the start of EA, and he's right. The game is in a damn good spot right now and a vast majority of the issues during EA have been fixed.

Will this game be fun for me if I plan to play alone with randoms? I don't have friends.

Holy shit the general is back

Are there pirate private servers for this game?

Yeah. I've been playing with randoms and it's fine, but good luck finding an HoE game. With randos I stick with Suicidal.

Knob off you tosspot!


What's that?
I'm obviously new and don't have the game, how the fuck do you expect me to know what it means.

Hell On Earth, difficulty setting

A long-handled gardening tool with a thin metal blade, used mainly for weeding and breaking up soil.

I see, that's okay, I'm not that good so I don't mind.
Hmm, it does look fun.

Do I buy it from g2a for 10 euros, I never had a problem but I know it's risky or steam for 18 euros.

This update actually sounds not terrible. Shame it took two months.

Having to deal with instakill sirens in the beta for that long was pretty shit. Won't miss that garbage.

>they actually did fix the Berserker Parry damage always being active

On another note, what loadout are you going to use for Sharpshooter? I'm going to keep using Markman, Ballistic Shock, Always Prepared with the M14 and dual .500s.

With the still working headshot damage for .500s it can still decap FPs under freeze without any other bonuses.
Marksman + Ballistic Shock for insta stunning SCs with the M14, and always prepared for the extra FP grenade, and the extra 30 M14 ammo wasted on not taking damage skills.

I bought it from g2a l, along with a handful of other games, and haven't had any issues. It's always a gamble though.

>mfw gorefiend

I've never had problems with G2A or Kinguin or any of them. I've bought a pretty fair amount of games through them, too. I got my copy of KF2 from a streamer on release day because he was doing a giveaway

Yeah, I have bought stuff from them before and most likely nothing will happen but I still worry. It's only like 8 euros difference but if you think they sell it for 18 and you can get it for 10, that's almost double. I'm not gonna pay 3 euros for the shield for this one, what's even the point, might as well buy it legit.

Fuck, I'll have to think about it some more, if I want to risk it or not. I may sound cheap as fuck but I could use those 8 euros on dlc for another game.

I feel you. I'm poor as shit so I'm always deal hunting. Here's a good site for that sort of thing. Just for Steam games. isthereanydeal.com

>Passive: Armor now has decreased drain rate. On top of the 100% absorption rate it firstly decreases all incoming damage towards it by 35% (x0.65 multiplier).
>Heavy Armor Training: Armor now has decreased drain rate. On top of the 100% absorption rate it firstly decreases all incoming damage towards it by 35% (x0.65 multiplier).

What do you think about that armor skill now? Without it it's 150 armor that lasts until you take about 225 damage splitting it between health and armor, and with it it takes 230 damage by itself leaving you with 100% health.

Even if it was all chip damage and you had constant heals it'd be better than not having it as it'd last for 5 more damage, and obviously in a burst damage situation it's much better and gets rid of health runspeed issues.

So it's no longer in the detrimental category, the only question is is it better than zoot scooting while crouched/ADS.

I bought it from g2a in the end.
Got the code, it worked.
>inb4 stolen key and they take my copy away

Anyway, anything I should know/any tips?

Shoot them in the head.

>People are finally buying crates to recycle.

The Zedconomy lives!

Thank goodness I have about two dozen sitting in my inventory because I almost always get fucking crates.

>tfw got 2 Mint skins from all the USBs I had
And I still have a bunch of leftover crates

Adding a decrease is definitely the way to go, but 35% might need some adjustment one way or the other.

Head shots are different in this game.

Instead of being a massive damage modifier, it's a small one, +10%. The catch is that there's two health values: a smaller head health value, and a much larger body health value. Damage to the head also damages the body.

This means if you shoot the head a little, then spam the body with shots it's about the same as shooting the body the whole time. However if you shoot the head just a little bit more then you would have decapitated it.

The game basically flows around this, and exact damage thresholds to decap things, or kill them with body shots.

Commando can decap many trash zeds with one shot. Sharpshooter has various combos to decap big zeds. SWAT can flashbang a Scrake and kill him with Kriss headshots.

Eventually you learn how to deal with everything, and if your perk is good at dealing with something or not.

Hahaha I really like this image

Had 10 messages about shit being sold just this morning and wondered what the fuck was up. I'm still fucking surprised they added the option to scrap crates. Stupid question, but does it apply to usbs as well?

Don't die again

Yes. You can craft weapon skins with USBs and cosmetics with crates.

I missed all of you fags

Me too. It wasn't the same without being able to post about bad teammates and having fun.

>keep dying as support
Why is this so hard?

stop dying

literally this

>Play KF-Outpost as Demo in usual camping spot.
>Half of the team is looking near or through the door and preventing enemies from spawning there.
>No consistent steam of large zed groups for me to blow up, which is the most fun part of KF-Outpost.

Shoot the zeds until they die.

just played sharpshooter in kf2 for the first time
wtf did they do to my xbow?
i shot a scrake in the head 4 times on normal and didnt even kill him lol

It sucks early on, but once you get some levels in, it's gud.

i like shooting zem

what do you recommend i buy to make it fun playing sharpshooter at lvl1?

Not him, but if you haven't gotten used to dual wielding the .500's, you can always go winchester and M14 for trash and a single .500 for big guys. Then again I'm 25 and have the perks unlocked so it might not be viable at a lower level.

So now what is the support loadout ? Boomstick/AA12/Trenchgun ?

Both the Trench and Med Shotty work pretty well, I like the Med shotty because I can do some light healing and it uses magazines instead of having to load each shell. It's up to you really, as long as you keep the DBS and AA-12.

>The game basically flows around this
Which is to say it strongly discourages teamwork between certain perks. So if you play firebug who pretty much doesn't headshot, you should know that you're not helping sharp or gunslinger at all if you attack a zed they're attacking.

Thought this game's player count was like 20k, why is it 4?

>Fixed a bug where the player's arm could be positioned strangely when grabbed by Hans

They killed my favourite glitch.

ded game

>try to find a game for any map on any difficulty for any length



>Using matchmaking.

Server Brower?
Or Mememaker?


it worked just fine half an hour ago ;-;


Don't use matchmaking you plonker.
Also, praise based TW for allowing me to melt down crates and shit now.

And remember, stay tuned !